private One teeny tiny request || Howling


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit liked Thundergleam, she enjoyed her time following the strange molly about in camp, or hearing her silly little words but, she worried slightly, some of the kits would soon become apprentices, and by that time there would be a chance one could end up with one of her favorite cats and she didn't like the thought of one of the other kits being underneath her paw, who would she get when she became an apprentice herself? Saffronpounce? No... Lightflower? Well, she liked her too but Lightflower might be a better fit for one of her own kin.

Thundergleam at least, leaned into Fadingkit's strange antics at times even if they believed she was just being a kit. So, Fadingkit had made her way to Howlingstar, who had been lounging on her own, their leader and in someways she seemed quite intimidating but, the she-cat was kind, she had noticed how the leader was around kits so, she figured why not ask, couldn't harm a thing. "Miss Howlingstar? I have a request... Uhm... I wish for Miss Thundergleam to be my mentor, I like her, shes strange but shes nice..." the kit spoke shuffling her paws a bit. Her ma nor pa would care who she got as her mentor which was fine, but Fadingkit cared who she got, and she was always wary when it came to warriors, especially when her parents showed little to no interest in her or her siblings.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar's afternoon nap is interrupted by a polite voice. Her ears twitch and her eyes peel open to see Fadingkit standing in front of her. Miss Howlingstar is something she's been hearing a lot lately, and so again she softly corrects, "It's just Howlingstar - what is it, Fadingkit?" Curiosity lights up her gaze as she sits herself up, tail wrapping around her paws as attention focuses solely on the she-kit.

She has a request, she says, and her next words cause the tabby's eyes to widen slightly in surprise. It takes her a moment to process after the initial shock; after all, no kit has ever requested a specific mentor. At times, a warrior has come to her asking for a certain kit in the nursery to be their apprentice - her grandson being the most recent - but this is practically unheard of. Not only that, but the she-kit's choice is far from Howlingstar's top choice to mentor!

Her mouth twitches, as if the request is so amusing she must smile. But she must nip this in the bud now, because it is not something she will allow to be normalized in her clan. "No," She mews simply, ears angling backwards a moment. She fixes the kit with a lightly scolding look and a small shake of her head. "A mentor is not something you choose for yourself. When your sixth moon comes, you will be given a mentor whom I deem fit for you specifically. Do you understand?"

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit's blue gaze blinked at the soft correction of calling her 'miss' and made sure to drop it completely, something she'll keep in mind next time when she addresses the leader, afterall she wanted to be respectful, and a good kit. Her stubby tail wiggling slightly, she had Howlingstar's full attention now, even if her request had come off as silly, Fadingkit truly had meant it, she had truly wanted to have Thundergleam as her mentor, and she thought maybe...hopefully, Howlingstar would accept her silly little request.

Yet, the no was swift, and the light scolding in her gaze made Fadingkit pause a bit, a slight frown peering on her lips, yet she expressed a mentor isn't something she could willingly choose herself but, something that Howlingstar picked for her, which made her wonder, who would Howlingstar deem fit to mentor her? Blinking once more she shuffled her paws before nodding a bit.

She had tried at least so there was that but Howlingstar's words were clear and Fadingkit wouldn't dare protest against what the older molly said but... "How will you know?" she piped curiously, after all she still had time until it was her turn. Did she ask her parents who they think would deem fit for her or does she watch from afar and see who she'd mesh with the best?

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar can see the crestfallen expression on the kit's face. She clearly had been hoping for a very different answer, and a part of the tabby wants to feel bad, but she knows it is her duty as leader to ensure the young know the hierarchy of the clan. A kit like her simply does not get a say. If kits could pick their own mentors, things would be going very differently, she thinks. No one would pick Raccoonstripe, She thinks in amusement, knowing her son is known to be a strict and demanding mentor. But he has produced some fantastic warriors, so she continues to believe he is doing something right.

"Well," She begins thoughtfully, tipping her head to the side as she glances towards the sky. "I give kits to warriors who earn the privilege to mentor an apprentice. It is a great honor, after all. Your personalities must be a match; your skills and size sometimes, too. A lot goes into trying to find the best fit to mentor every individual kit. Does that make sense?" She blinks down at the kitten with a patient look.

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Silently she would listen to their leader words, while her own thoughts came to her mind. Her personality must match with her mentor? And she had to have the same skills and size...sometimes? All of this seemed quite confusing, and Fadingkit was considered strange as is but, Howlingstar was clear in what she had said so there was no point in trying to express that Thundergleam could be a good mentor for her.

"I don't...understand it fully, no...what if there isn't a mentor who has a similar personality to me? Or if I'm too small? How do you know what skills a kit would have?" several questions flood from her lips while she squinted her eyes slightly. Leadership seems super hard when one had to actually look and observe their clanmates and try to match a mentor to a perfect apprentice for them. Of course, she wondered, was there anyone with a strange personality like hers? What skills did she even possess? "Do you tell by the games we play?" she wondered innocently looking up at the other noting the glancing towards the sky before Fadingkit too made a glance to the sky, looking up at the pure blue vastness while splotches of clouds drifted by. She was learning so much...

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar chuckles and shakes her head. She shouldn't exactly expect a kitten to understand the intricacies in the decisions she makes, should she? "Not similar personalities, no," She corrects gently. "Games can help, sure. But you shouldn't worry too much about this anyway. You will get a fine mentor, I assure you. But that is moons away, and certainly nothing you should concern yourself with." She refuses to tell too much on how she does things. The last thing she wants is to make the kit think she can pick a specific mentor for her based on how she plays games! She will never be able to explain all that goes into it to a child; it would be a conversation for warriors, perhaps, but not Fadingkit.