camp ONE TRACK MIND ࿏ reflections

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- She was a slightly stirred reflection of her mother, the resemblance something Pinekit took pride in. Still, it did not change the fact that she was different in several ways, and not just from her mother. Her plushed kitten fur had begun to shed into something coarser and sleek, revealing a sturdy build and large bigger-than-kitten paws. Pinekit had never been one to be much of an observer, but as she and the other had gathered around a swollen rain puddle less than a quarter moon ago, it had been hard to miss. While the difference did not make Pinekit self-conscious, as her brothers shared the same frame as she, it was becoming increasingly difficult not to begin the heedless game of comparison.
This morning, she sits hunched over a recently filled puddle, fiery optics stretched wide as though she was realizing her very existence for the first time. An alabaster muzzle dips closer, and the girl begins to flatten her ears back and to the sides of her head. She wasn’t atrocious, in fact, she quite liked the sharp L of her jaw, the way her eyes had begun to angle from kitten-round. “Do you think all the different clans have different ways of lookin’ ? ” The muse comes out slower than her usual pace as Pinekit would raise her head to gaze at the nearest cat. It wasn’t a pressing inquiry, but perhaps it would soothe Pinekit’s self-critical perception to know that there was no technical way she was supposed to be, that her stocky body that sank instead of floated and the paws that grew much too heavy under the churning current was nothing to think about at all.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her kits are beginning to fill out, and each carries a difference in their builds. Shoulders are thicker, rounder, jaws squarer, chests just the barest bit broader than their denmates'. Iciclefang, from her vantage point, can see where Pinekit sits, angling her face to the left and then the right, admiring herself in the water's surface. White fur sprouts from triangular ebony ears; the white blaze on her face tapers from an angled jaw into the honeyed amber of her narrow eyes. She's beautiful—Iciclefang thinks so, at least, conceitedly—and she has discovered it at last.

"Do you think all the different Clans have different ways of lookin'?" Golden eyes peer up at her over the puddle. Iciclefang freezes. And what can I say? She can see it for herself. Her Clanmates are sleeker. I am sleeker. She tightens her mouth into a thin line before answering. "I think so, but look at you! You're all RiverClan. Look how glossy your fur is. Look at all the fish feeding this little belly." She smiles and lifts a white-dipped forepaw to poke her daughter in the side. You're RiverClan, through and through.

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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

When it comes to the Clan youth, and those with power, Shoalpaw holds her tongue. They deserve respect or kindness, but she still tries to keep them at a length.

Today, she spots Pinekit and Iciclefang, the former looking at her reflection and the latter assuring her daughter that she looks like a RiverClanner. The tortoiseshell's feathery tail brushes against the ground as she approaches, taking a look at her own reflection, and then at Pinekit's. "Everyone is beautiful in their own way," she murmurs softly - though she doesn't think that about herself. Her eyes, two different colors, are something she doesn't like about herself. It'd look better on any other cat, but not herself "I think you're very pretty, Pinekit. You both are." 'Because you look like your mother.' It's probably the nicest thing she's said in days and... it does feel good to be honest. Despite those differences in the kit's shape, she just... looks like Iciclefang's daughter to her.

Shoalpaw herself looks like a mix of her parents, but not close to either of them to confidently compare herself to either of them. Her mismatched gaze looks to her own reflection, and she quietly adds. "Don't let anyone let you think otherwise." She wants the youth to feel better about her self image than Shoalpaw does. To feel happy with her own sense of being. Her own self-worth problems are a fate she wishes upon nobody else.​


”They do.” Troutsnout would plainly state from a few distance away, her gaze watching the distance almost as if watching for something. A dulled chambray gaze eventually shifts back towards Pinekit after hearing the other two statements and simply nods along in response, ”You're Riverclan blood. Be proud of it.” The scarred warrior would state as her jaw tenses faintly at a sudden pain in her shoulders, sighs internally after. If anyone paid attention to other clans during gatherings, they would notice the differences among the clans. Typically, most were overstimulated and stuck to simple conversation of 'hi', 'where are you from', 'what's your name' with the other clans or their own clan.

”You'll notice if you pay attention when you attend gatherings once you're older.” She would state after as she allows her gaze to drift, wondering if Pinekit would question further on what they looked like. Her question had caused a strange reaction from Iciclefang— she'd never seen the lead warrior freeze up before. What would make her freeze up? It's not my business. Troutsnout would eventually state to herself after pondering what made the typically confident she-cat seemingly hesitate, but in the end of the day: it was better to stay out of it.

Keep to yourself and don't allow herself to get emotionally attached more than she wanted. A loose bond was all she needed now if it meant keeping everyone self from the inevitable damage for being close to her.

Knowledge stirred in the depths of Ferngill and Iciclefang's eyes both whenever they looked at Pinekit. Unspoken between them, of course- on Ferngill's request, most of all, but for the betterment of everything. It'd help everyone move on, get used to the status quo... and it would protect Crabkit, Cragkit, Pinekit and Iciclefang. He- he didn't know what he'd do if something happened to them, to any of them.

But it was true, no matter what, that Pinekit was starting to resemble Stormywing's stockiness. It made him nervous, probably fruitlessly... Mudpelt had a strong, muscular build. He was sleek, but... but surely they could blame it on him, if anyone bothered to ask at all. Desperately, Ferngill hoped they wouldn't.

A purring laugh stuttered from him as he wove over, nodding along with both Shoalpaw and Troutsnout's words. "Yeah, you should see Windclanners especially- they're small as water voles." Their thin, lithe forms, wind-whittled for running, was the most obvious thing different about them. Maybe that was why they whirled so wildly- because they didn't want their small size to doom their image. A sickness sprung in his belly yet again at the memory of a silver form tumbling into the yawning gorge, and the gigner tom tensed... she'd fought till the last, a personality bigger than her fragile-looking frame.
penned by pin
Angst over one's physique is not an unfamiliar devil for Cicadaflight, certainly. One who had spent the better part of his life thus far, and the whole of his formative moons, with the build of . . . for lack of a better descriptor, a furry egret, was bound to be intimately familiar with the accompanying anguish. For some moons he had spent time being stared at because nobody had ever seen a kit with quite such skinny, long legs; or quite such bulging bug eyes; or quite such drooping, batlike ears . . . and though he lives totally unaware of it, he now pulls stares for different ( although similarly inherited ) reasons.

It would be a lie to say he isn't grateful to have inherited Smokestar's build rather than Cicadastar's—as elegant and ghostly as his patchwork father had been, he prefers to remain as enchained to this earth as possible . . . and the mingling of the black tom's hefty muscle with Cicadastar's sleek limbs have him practically tailor - made for the water. It's a privilege earned through moons of awkward fawn - limbs and a mind equally knobby and stretched thin, and still he struggles to feel quasi - normal.

All that to say that it goes without saying that he can sympathize with Pinekit's seeming plight. Wide, blazing eyes peer into a puddle, as though the little tortie hopes to burn a hole in the broad chest and squared shoulders present there. They're a touch jarring on a kit, especially one in a Clan this overwhelmingly sleek, but far be it from him to critique another's looks . . . perhaps Pinekit would make a skillful land hunter or a tank in battle, ready to take hits and deal them out, putting those stocky limbs to use.

Her question is well - answered by the likes of Shoalpaw, Troutsnout, and Ferngill; when Cicadaflight wanders up, he instead commences with offering his observations to Iciclefang. " Sturdy one, isn't she? " he rasps blithely, totally oblivious to the freezing concern that's poured over his mentor's body like the gorge's icy waters over countless, admittedly less animated, others. " I'd be glad, if I were you . . . remember what I looked like when you first started mentoring me? " he rumbles with no small amusement.

" Make a good fighter of her yet, " he concludes his painfully unaware speech, glancing over Troutsnout and Shoalpaw ( nice, but unfamiliar and thus to be avoided ) to nod at Ferngill. In a rare show of relative relaxedness, this whole conversation making him significantly more verbose than usual—an effect easily attributed to the presence of two relatively familiar faces—he adds with a throaty chuckle, " Yeah. Every time I'm at that border, I'm worried I'll squash one. "

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-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Her mothers hum prompts the girl to look up from her rippled reflection, brow bones compulsively flicking upwards, a statement of curiosity as the tortoiseshell continues. You’re all RiverClan, the statement has Pinekit tilting her head in fleeting thought- of course she was all RiverClan, her blood ran golden in her veins, Pinekit was sure of it. As her mother pokes at her side, the thoughts are quick to fade into mere whispers, and with a giggle Pinekit would curl in at the poke, aiming to give Iciclefang’s forelimb a light prod of her own. “I know that!” The proclamation sneaks its way in between the thrum of waning snickers. Shoalpaw’s words of encouragement are not lost on the tortoiseshell kitten, but her maw does twist as the compliments churn, the advice to never let someone tell her otherwise. “I’d shred their ears!” The girl promises with a grin and faux-swipe in the benevolent apprentices direction, any potential chips in the child’s self-assurance had been quick to die once they were spoken- Pinekit finds a small relief in that. Troutsnout and Ferngills words prompt a look of awe in her mothers direction, “your makin’ that up,” Pinekit’s incredulous scoff betrays the suspicious squint in her eye, thrown in her uncle’s direction.
Cicadaflight calls her sturdy, and the observation is quick to place the willowy tom high on the kittens radar, her head swiveling to give him a proper stare. She doesn’t understand what the warrior references when he speaks to her mother, “wha’does sturdy mean?”

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 5 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her ears twitch as she listens to everyone converse between themselves and eventually wide yellow eyes of the child glance in her mother's direction, and she ponders on Ferngill's statement. Slateheart was tall with a lean build that made for a good moor runner with muscles capable to be a good fighter and protector. Why was he the first thought to come to her mind when they mentioned Windclan? Troutsnout feels her jaw tense and the skip of a heart beat, missing the comfort of her friend she sought of when they were captured by twolegs. How long had it been since she's seen him? The nerves in her forelegs tingle momentarily as she inhales followed by a quick exhale, chambray gaze closing.

”Mm, he's not lying.” The scarred warrior would state after finally calming her nerves down, her chambray open once more and lingering on Pinekit. ”Riverclan looks the best, realistically. We're always fed and strong from swimming.” The rivers were always prosperous and never a threatening amount of influx of kittens that would ruin the fish population. The oils and proteins of fish kept their fur sleek and their bodies always well-fed, their coats always bright from being healthy. A long plumed tail sways to the side as she inquires on what being sturdy means.

”It means your body is thicker than most of us, the same how Redkit is bigger than Rivuletkit and Algaekit.” Riverclanners didn't look sturdy (typically) as they were meant to be sleek and graceful through the waters, and most of the forest dwelling cats had sturdy builds. Genetics worked in mysterious ways and she just assumes that Iciclefang or her mate had someone who was more on the sturdy side down the bloodline. Sometimes kittens looked like their parents but also reflected the appearance of their grandparents, uncles or aunts. It was a strange thing to experience.
( ) "it means you're strong, pinekit," the velvet voice comes fondly from a lithe form as she sidles over, dipping her head to those gathered. "you know, your grandfather, mudpelt, was also quite sturdy. he had big powerful paws, and he was a strong cat too," looking closely, she can see the developing muscles of a similar vein to mudpelt. the tom would've loved to meet his grandkits, this she knows, but perhaps he looks down fondly from above, blessing them with his strength and wisdom. blinking kindly at the little one, willowroot seats herself beside ferngill, curling her feathery tail around her paws. "you've got his build, but look at your fur! that's your mother's, for certain." pinekit is a flowing beauty of deep coal and flickering flames, dusted with snow that perfectly accents her strong features.

the clan has never known the identity of iciclefang's litter's sire, but willowroot personally doesn't think it matters. the woman is a strong and loving mother, and has clearly set her children out on the right path. there are several single mothers in the nursery at the moment, whether by choice or other circumstances. it's not something she thinks any of the clan mind, and the nursery queens tend to look after one another. it's a sweet little family dynamic.

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.