sensitive topics one tries to fly; death


➥ apprentice
Feb 13, 2023
Her heart was still racing. The dog that broke into camp had been driven away. Cats were injured and an unsettling silence fell over camp. Bouncepaw was taking deep breaths, not feeling her injuries yet. She hadn’t been hurt in any major way. Just some cuts and probably bruises. Her brown eyes trained on the entrance of camp. Auburnheart and Zerocry were still out there. Her ma and pa. Tingling in her paws made the ground feel like it was vibrating.

A relieved gasp left the apprentice as the battle patrol finally returned. Bouncepaw looked for her parents. Expecting them to return as a pair. But when she only saw her father, leaning against another cat with his head down, she knew. She did her best to hold back the cry that inevitably escaped. Rushing forward, she pressed her face into Zerocry’s chest. The pair slip into soft sobs as cats fill the camp once more.

At some point, someone had retrieved Auburnheart’s body. She would be mistaken for sleeping if her neck wasn’t twisted in such an awkward angle. Bouncepaw hovered over the body as her father received care in the medicine cat den. Her face was very solemn and her head hangs low. With her tail tightly wrapped around her paws as she blinked away the remaining tears. ""
// auburnheart was bouncepaw's npc mom, died when fighting the dogs on the rocks
nothing super descriptive besides a dead body :3
thunderclan reigns victorious over its slobbering canid foe who promptly fled into the woodlands through the shattered bramble wall, it must've realized its mistake thinking it could waltz into their camp for a quick pick only to be met with a furied storm of felines lunging for all the vulnerable spots. celebrations are short-lived though as they now have to deal with the aftermath, pawfuls of clanmates are scattered about baring a varying degree of wounds ranging from mere scratches to gnarly bites and gashes. fawncloud only had minor cuts that he goes on to ignore in favor of helping out any others who look more worse for wear.

a collective of pawsteps coming from the entrance reaches umber tipped ears which causes sage hues to flicker to the source where those in camp are greeted by the sight of the returning patrol, they look just as beaten and it causes concern to flicker inside his gut. poor bouncepaw releases an anguished cry when zerocry is seen being shouldered by another warrior with her mother nowhere in sight, how many other casualties are there? it's not too long until auburnheart's body is retrieved and carried into the clearing only which caused fawncloud to look away for just a moment, witnessing the death of a clanmate will never be easy.

may she rest peacefully among the stars.

The dogs might have been dealt with, but it had still come at a cost. Silverlightning had been lost to the river, and then there was poor Auburnheart. The losses weighed heavily upon his shoulders as he wandered back into the camp on shaky paws, and still he continued to blame himself for not being able to do more. He had broken rank from the charge on the rocks and abandoned his fellow clanmates, then he had failed to rescue Silverlightning from the wild waters.

He had only come to learn of Auburnheart's death during the journey home and his thoughts went out to that of Bouncepaw back at camp. The older tom held back as he watched the anguish come from the youth and he found his chest tightening with a sense of guilt. It wasn't until the body of the deceased she-cat was brought to camp that he finally decided to approach her with his ears lowered. The leggy tom sat himself down beside the apprentice and he aimed to curl his bushy tail around her in an act of sympathy and comfort as he joined the mourning of a lost clanmate. "Your mother fought bravely. May she run with StarClan and watch over you, Bouncepaw."
Mousepaw's tail droops as she trails behind Fawncloud and Sunnyday. The sight of her mentor disappearing over the edge of Sunningrocks, tumbling into a tempestuous river that held him beneath its waves and buried him alive -- she will never forget it. It remains burned into her brain, clouding any present thoughts of their victory over the dog.

It didn't feel like a victory to her.

Mousepaw looks up, seeing the reddish-pelted warrior lying dead in camp. The mostly-white apprentice blinks, focusing in on Bouncepaw, mourning her mother and struggling to remain brave-faced.

If either of her fathers had been lost -- if her brother or her sister had died -- she knows she would not be able to sit there as stoically as Bouncepaw is now. Mousepaw pads close to her denmate, sitting beside her with a bowed head. Sunnyday offers his condolences, telling Bouncepaw she'd fought bravely.

Mossypaw fought bravely, and Emberstar, she thinks dully. But they're still dead, aren't they?

She blinks leaf-colored eyes at Bouncepaw. "I'm sorry," is all she can say, subdued by the tragedies ThunderClan has been forced to face.