pafp ONE, TWO, THREE - new name

Feb 28, 2024

There's a brand new girl in town, and her name is Gigglepaw! Ever since she's received her new 'paw suffix, she'd been walking around with a bounce in her step - more than usual. She was undoubtedly proud of having moved up a rank, and she wasn't going to let anyone forget it - she and her brothers were that much closer to being proper ShadowClan warriors, even if it was just a pawstep forward.

She knows that everyone knows she's an apprentice now, so long as they were at the meeting, but she can't help but go around and remind those she knows. Needledrift and Ferndance were the first to relearn Gigglepaw's new name, and now she was making short work of reminding a few of the other warriors, with a certain, nervous lead warrior being one of her first victims.

"Sharpshadow! Did y'see? I'm an apprentice now!" She declared, grinning.
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, six moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.