camp ONE WAY TRIGGER | exploring


Jul 20, 2024
SkyClan. That's what that wool-pelted molly had called this place, when Oleander and her family had been sat on its ureal border. It had smelled bad there, but once beyond the offending line her tiny nose flooded with pine trees and sweet balsam where it was not already dammed by dried snot. SkyClan had food, and medicine, and a nursery to rest her paws in. SkyClan also yoked her with a new name: Oleanderkit, not just Oleander. She prefers it the old way, and so rejects the newest suffix, but SkyClan's natives insist on it regardless.

Oleander is not all that interested in learning more about SkyClan's history or politics or hobbies. But, if this is to be her new home as Lovage insists (and she finds this new arrangement agreeable as long as Nightshade is not near it), then she is very curious indeed about its territory. Her confines are deep, fern-lined walls of bramble, a near-perfect ring, plenty of area for a kitten as small as she is to explore. Within it there are even more depths to delve into: several dens, a trickling stream, a pile of dead prey. Had there been this much food in her old colony? She'd never noticed, still hardly out of her milk teeth now. Great dead trunks, greater thriving trees. There's just so much, and that does not even begin to list the sheer number of cats, shiny-pelted and healthy and smiling, that mill about the homely arena.

She stares at this all through the mouth of the nursery, tucked into the soft security of Lovage's new nest. Ignoring the sickly heat of her own body, Oleander thrusts an elbow into Birch's shoulder, pink-rimmed eyes wide with excitement. "Birch!" she cheeps, oversized ears flopping lightly around her animated face, "we need to explore. There's, um, one bajillion things out there." She sneezes. "So we have to learn about all of it." At this, she hauls herself up and over the lip of the entrance, toddling into the bright daylight. The sun is so strong she must squint to relieve herself of its brightness. She looks back, allowing her sister the chance to pick their first order of business.

  • ooc. please wait for @birchkit !
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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SkyClan is huge, no thanks to its flourishing numbers. Birchkit had never seen so many cats before, not even back home! But, it does well for him - he enjoys every visitor that comes by the nursery, offering him the chance to answer all the questions his heart desires. Though, after some time, it seems their answers don't quite suffice anymore..

The nursery is big and roomy, but the kitten is intrigued by what lies beyond. Through the hole that filters sunlight into the den beneath the bush, she is vaguely aware of the backbone of camp: the pile of food, the place where the sick and injured reside. But there has to be more, and Birchkit longs to see it! Thankfully, her sibling feels the same way.

She is on her paws in an instant upon feeling the excited prod to her shoulder. But, it is a perplexed face that meets Oleanderkit. " Birchkit. K - k - kit, " the tortoiseshell insists, carefully enunciating each syllable so that Oleanderkit would not forget again. Unlike her sister, she was quite tolerant of the suffix added to her name, and didn't quite understand the opposition. This was their home now, after all!

A smile grows on Birchkit's face as her sister proposes exactly what she had been longing for: exploration. " A bajillion? That's sure a lot. . . " he muses with a dramatic tilt of his head. Following closely behind Oleanderkit outside, baby teeth glisten beneath the stream of sunlight as his lips part for an excitable smile. Golden eyes scan the hollow - cats go about their business, some give them small smiles as they notice the kittens' presence.

An adult slithers out from underneath a bramble bush, and Birchkit's ears perk towards them. " "Look! Is that where the warriors sleep? " Before awaiting his sister's reply, Birchkit's paws begin to move forward towards the warrior's den. " I wanna see the warriors work! Come on, let's go say hi! " They all seemed so big, strong and noble - like at home, but obviously better since they were nice enough to let them stay.

BIRCHKIT ( she/he )​

( ooc ) text

Other kits were always a mystery to the small orange and cream tabby kit. He’d been sitting in his mothers nest alone while his siblings where else where as the Lovages’ children spoke amongst themselves. He was curious as to what they were doing and wanted to know if he could join in, but he found himself rooted to the ground in response to it. Surely they wouldn’t wanna be his friend? No one wanted to be his friend. He was too angry all the time.

Still, he watched the kits as they leave for the nursery entrance. Then Cloverkit decided to get up from the nest to follow after them and his ears flicked back against his head, someone needed to watch them after all right? Someone had to be the big responsible one.

The kitten opened his mouth to say something to not startle them or anything, but Birchkit speaks on the warriors’ den and wanting to say hi to them. The warriors’. He wonders if his mother was over there with the rest of them, but from what he understood she didnt stay in the warriors’ den. She was a daylight warrior or something? He didnt know, he wasnt well versed on it yet but it seemed common.

Can-Can I join you guys? I’d like to see the warriors too-,” Cloverkit finally finds his voice and swallowed thickly in response, his tail wildly lashing behind him in his show of nervousness. Surely theyre gonna say no and tell him to away right? They seemed to be doing this own thing anyway.

Birchkit, her brother corrects, clicking his teeth together as he enunciates each phoneme. Oleander's muzzle wrinkles with displeasure. Sure, SkyClan is their new home, but Lovage had named her Oleander. Just Oleander, not Oleanderkit, or Oleanderpaw, or Oleander... tuft. She doesn't understand the warriors' naming conventions, nor is she ready to affix their suffixes to her own perfect name.

But her grievance is forgotten quickly as the pair tumble out of the nursery, enthused by possibility. There is so much to see; so much that Oleander doesn't really know where to start. Thankfully Birchkit is quick with an answer. He beelines for the bramble-frosted den before she can reply. She follows him soundlessly, glacial eyes white in the sun, bicolor ears flopping around her too-small head. "They work in there?" she asks, mostly because she's pretty sure they don't. She follows anyway.

The top half of Oleanderkit's head peeks into the hollow. There's, like, a bunch of cats in there — or at least a bunch of spaces where cats ought to be. Nests like her mother's litter the floor, each one unique in its size and shape, lined with trinkets or not. The warriors that do lie there are mostly sleeping. She feels like she is interrupting them, but does not feel bad for it. She didn't know they even slept in the daytime, really. Regardless, this does not seem like working in any respect.

She is happily observing them when a voice squeaks timidly behind her. Oleander draws away from the mouth of the warrior's den, away from Birchkit's shoulder, and whips her gaze to this new stranger just as young as herself. He wants to join them?

Oleander assesses the boy's timid posture with scintillating, red-rimmed eyes. He stutters over his inquiry like there's something to be scared of, but Oleander disagrees that such a threat exists. She'd abandoned all of that fear when she'd abandoned Nightshade's colony with her mother; she finds his stuttering disdainful, almost. If he wanted to join them, then he should just join them. There is nothing particularly private about this affair — even if she would concede that she'd prefer her sibling's company alone.

"Okay," comes the sum of her judgment. Cloverkit can stand and participate in their watching like bystanders watch an accident: not necessarily together as friends or kin, but drawn to a singular, oh-so-interesting point. Then she turns back to the den.

"Why are you sleeping?" Oleander asks one of the warriors within. "It's daytime."

  • ooc.
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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New faces were a common sight in SkyClan, with its (for the most part) tolerant cats and it’s welcoming borders Owlheart didn't really know a quiet time. She wondered what it was like for clans with a more restrictive stance, surely it must get a little boring to see the same cats you’ve known your whole life and no one else. These thoughts were fleeting and oftentimes came in bouts when there was buzz over a new face. The latest excitement came in the form of a queen and her kits, the names escaped her. She was usually quite attentive with things such as names but embarrassingly she had been a little slack with it as of late, something she was going to have to work on. Those things could be worried about when she wasn’t enjoying her break between patrols and duties, resting in the solitary confinement of her nest in the warriors den. Sometimes it was overwhelming to be within the hustle and bustle of the camp clearing, not that this was any more private but at least it was an area that she could call her own.

The intention was to groom her fur and well she had begun to do that but her eyes became quite heavy as she worked on the task. The young warrior hadn’t even realised that she fell asleep until the buzz of several voices stirred her awake. Blearily blinking sleep from her eyes with a soft yawn she shuffled so that she was sitting back up, how much time did she lose? Hopefully not much, how embarrassing. A young torbie face was what she was first greeted with, as eyes pin pricked on whoever was speaking first. Oh, one of the new kits? It made sense to see her here she guessed, trying to get a lay of the land. “Sometimes warriors need to sleep during the day” her reply cuts the chase yet remains soft in tone. Stretching tired orange limbs she strides over to Oleanderkit, noting Birchkit and Cloverkits presence as well. The latter she knew well, so the former of the two must also be one of the new kits as she hadn’t seen this face around yet when she’d stop by to see Cloverkit.

“Can you three keep a secret?” She asked in a low whisper, taking time for a dramatic pause. As dramatic as the demure warrior could be anyways. “I wasn’t meant to fall asleep, guess I was extra tired” she meows with a smile, it wasn’t anything grand but she’d rather not be found out to be sleeping due to personal preference. “You’re both new right?” Her attention pivots to the siblings “Hello, I’m Owlheart, what’re your names?” There’s a pause before her attention shifts to her cousin “and good morning Cloverkit, making friends?” There was hope that he was being more social, though she would be hypocritical to think there was anything wrong with not being social. Given her reasoning for even being in the warriors den right now in the first place.