periwinklebreeze 29 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
Periwinklebreeze has always been a giver - gifts secreted away in other cats nests to find when they wake, tucked into fur, passed shyly with murmured words of love, of apology, of respect. He has always treasured each little git given, each little item received - an he has no intention of stopping his habit, even if he no longer does so in secret, but in person. Of course, he has far more cats to gift then before - a bigger family, even in spite of all they have lost. And with more cats, each gift has just a little more thought put into it - the urge for perfection leaving paws twitching.

" V-vulturepaw, " comes quiet voice - he's been released for duties again, allowed to train his apprentice once more. His child. Blue eyes blink slowly, tail moving to swish nervously - a half-aborted gesture, when he is reminded the appendage is to short to follow his whims properly, and he stills. " Y-you're n-nearly a warrior now. You've d-done so well in y-your training... I'm v-very proud of y-you. And I - I have a g-g-gift for you, " he says slowly.

Paw uncurls from where it's placed upon the ground, carefully cradling the delicate offering. It'd taken him far longer then he'd like to admit to find it - just the right shade and shape and- well. It'd been perfect, once he'd found it. The grouse feather isn't the largest thing ever - dark in color. Except when he carefully holds it out, it isn't black, or brown, but red - a deep maroon, chining as it reflects the winter sun. " I th-thought... it would s-suit you, " he murmurs.

He would not be upset if vulturepaw chose to simply tuck it away in her nest... but there is some part of him that hopes, even absently, that he will keep it with him. Like Peri himself. What is never far from you cannot be lost.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W H A T -D O E S - M Y -L I F E -E V E N -M E A N ?
// @Vulturepaw

˖⁺‧₊ ☽◯☾ ₊‧⁺˖ Periwinklebreeze lands himself in the medicine den again and again, and it only makes Vulturepaw cling tighter. The scars that riddle his dad's body make far too much sense, and as he grows older he begins to see the warrior for what he is: reckless, self-sacrificing. Cursed by StarClan, careening towards self-destruction - yet continuing on nonetheless. The scar tissue on his chin crinkles with his smile.

He is gentle. It seems wonderous, that he could remain so despite everything. His stuttering voice, so alike their own, is as gentle as the whispering wind. When he says their name, their attention is rapt as always.

A gift. She's nearly a warrior, and the thought is strange. She still feels like an overgrown kit. Even more so when presented with the russet red feather, a mirror of moons ago. Their breath catches. I thought it would suit you. It is an earthen color, not of blood but clay. He takes it gingerly, eyes wide. "I'll k-k-keep it safe. I promise." Just as he did with his other gift, so long ago. After a moment, he perks up and goes to snatch the sun-faded feather of ruddy brown from his nest. He's taken care of it as best he can. Placing them next to one another, he offers his dad a wobbly smile. "Oh, um! Look! They - they match, yeah?"

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  • VULTUREPAW he / any, apprentice of windclan, eleven moons.
    a spiky-furred dark tabby with amber eyes.
    skittish and dour, with a superstitious sort of pessimism.
    micheal x npc, adopted by periwinklebreeze.
    sibling to dustpaw, bilberrypaw, mourningpaw and weepingpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNIDsaturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.