private ONLY GOD KNOWS ] candorpaw


this tenderness, a feeling i cannot express
Nov 7, 2023
Fluffypaw's steps are soft and subtle under the canopy of pine trees. Long shadows drape across her brindled back as she crunches through pine needles and fallen tree debris. Her mentor — and Twitchbolt — aren't far, she thinks, tasting the air. Spice lands on the base of her tongue, as well as the fiery scent of her closest friend. Jade eyes twist to settle onto Candorpaw's maned figure. "We shouldn't go too far," she mews, her voice warbling like birdsong. She still remembers the ill-fated excursion she'd taken as a kit with her siblings, when her mother had bared her fangs in the face of an adder... the forest is full of danger, she knows this now. She knows this well. And Dandelionwish...

Tears prickle at the corners of either jade-green eye. Fluffypaw sniffles, but stuffs her face into the fluff storming at her chest. "Have you caught anything yet?" She asks, choosing to ignore the blatant grief that's settled on her face. "I still haven't... Greeneyes must be frustrated with me." She pads further forward, ears flicking nervously.

And that's when the crunch of something under a heavy paw causes her to stiffen.

"Candorpaw?" She turns into the opposite direction, eyes blown wide across her face. He's not there. He's somewhere behind her, in the other direction, and instead she's met the beady eyes of a fox — long-bodied, russet-toned, its muscles still and contemplative.

It is waiting for me to run.

Fluffypaw is its prey. It advances on one soot-dusted paw, its long muzzle wrinkling into an ugly dissolution. Teeth glint on either side. Its tail bushes out behind it like wildfire.

It wants to chase me.

Fluffypaw tenses, but her paws are anchored to the earth in fear.

"C-Candorpaw," she chokes, and the words hurt, claw-sharp in her throat. "Candorpaw, please. Save me." She coughs, and the beast turns its pointed face in her direction. The sun glints off the surface of its dark eyes like they're smooth, flat stones.

Run, run, run, run...

She can't.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Wow
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An excursion of this sort has been one long awaited, a time where he and Fluffypaw both could leave camp as a pair... mentors in tow, of course. The flow of time was not so un...stoppable that they were at the heels of Warriorhood just yet. Fluffypaw was perhaps, a decent bit closer than him... but this concerned him none! He would make swift time, be even in no time... " Right! " he agrees, not keen to get into trouble with his mentor so soon after his apprentice...ment (Was that a word?) It is a bit of a struggle... Despite his age, he had warriors paws. And a warriors paws wanted to search, wanted to explore! He is taken in by the wonders of the forest, not looking too closely at Fluffypaw herself...

" Not yet... " he admits. Sure, it has been about a moon or so, but he would've liked to have his first prey three moons ago... He would not mope, however. He would not let Fluffypaw do so, either. " Your time is coming, friend! " he reassures. Verdant eyes gaze out into the forest... He ponders, if his eyes had been blue, would the forest be, too?

A ruddy ear flickers at the sound of something, and the apprentice pauses; contemplates if their very first catch was merely around the corner. Ears swiveling in an attempt to pinpoint the sound, he lowers himself to a crouch. Fluffypaw calls for him, then. The apprentice blinks, turns. He sees Fluffypaw, brown and white and red. He sees something else, too — a beast the queens would paint stories about, slim, dog - like snout and beady eyes. Teeth that he knows would be unforgiving, he swears, peek just below the lip... He is at a standstill, shocked. Foolishly, for just a moment, he is excited to see something he has only ever heard about.

But it becomes all the more real, as it turns. As it fixes beady eyes on Fluffypaw, and all the tales come rushing back — snapping fangs, ruthless, curling claws. And Fluffypaw... Fluffypaw's... Not moving.

" Fluffypaw, " he nearly shouts. It catches in his throat, something instinctive commanding his silence. The apprentice sucks in a breath. Without a further thought, he places himself between the fox and her. He recalls what he has practiced — broad stance, tall tail, a chin tilted just so. And he bristles, makes himself someone worthy of being a warrior. Someone worthy of being the son of a Leader. A flared coat makes him larger than he is, and he hopes... prays to StarClan that he looks of someone this beast would not want to trade blows with.

And if he had to... He'd do it for SkyClan. For Fluffypaw. " Go " beneath his breath, he hisses to Fluffypaw. And if she did not, he would jostle her with his tail. " Run, hide, go! " he breathes. And he... he would stand his ground, would keep in place and be brave so Fluffypaw could get away. Claws slid from their sheathes, he takes one step forward.