sensitive topics only love can hurt like this — finding yukio's body


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
/ takes place right after this thread ! mentions of gore and fighting, nothing horribly extreme, but will have a proper summary below !

The sickening snap of Yukio’s neck breaking spurred him into action. His claws dug into the hard ground, propelling himself to slam into Kyungmin who grinned, rearing up on hind legs in preparation, but no, Duskpool wasn’t stupid. His heart screamed for losing a kit who had been so happy but now lay in a growing pool of ichor that made his stomach churn.

With a rippling snarl, Duskpool skidded, barreling into the male. Molten copper burned, not from tears, because the older warrior didn’t think he could cry anymore, but from the poorly hidden rage that coursed through his veins. He lost someone, again. A second too late, but to witness the light leave their eyes. The obsidian-furred warrior racked rigid claws down Kyungmin’s side, drawing a loud yowl from the male, spewing words that the older warrior paid no attention to. His fangs ripped into supple flesh with a rumbling hiss, using his larger weight to his advantage.

It brought him back to times when he’d fight against his own. To times when he’d face monsters far bigger than him, but now wasn’t the time to think about such star-awful times, willing his claws to sink deeper. Ignoring the splatter of ichor that saturated his dark fur, Duskpool shoved Kyungmin onto the ground, staring into pained eyes, expression indifferent. Never come back, do ya hear?” He hissed, muzzle crinkling to reveal blood-stained teeth gazing at Kyungmin’s ear. “If you think for a damn second, I’ll let you step paw anywhere near SkyClan, I hope ya know ya won’t be returnin’.” He rumbled, snapping his paws back, flank rising and falling rapidly, nostrils flaring.

Some dark part of him knew Kyungmin wouldn’t be surviving those wounds as much as it pained him to realize he was no better, but to peer into the lifeless optics of a child he swore to protect, Duskpool didn’t feel guilty for long. With a thunderous snarl, the older warrior stumbled away from Kyungmin’s limp form, scrambling to unsteady paws, leaving a blood trail further toward the upwalkers.

Duskpool itched to follow the dying brute, but pivoting his helm to stare at his son’s crumbled body halted that action, expression molding into that of grief. He stared at bubbling wounds that scattered Yukio’s frame, growing cold like his dual-toned optics that had been so full of life, but now remained monochrome.

He collapsed beside the cream-ticked tabby, pressing his helm against blood-soaked fur, muffling the grief-stricken laugh that tore up his throat. His paws reached to tug Yukio closer to his frame, whispering soft apologies as the tears finally spilled down blood-stained cheeks to saturate Yukio’s fur.

He sobbed, and for the first time, Duskpool didn’t give a damn if anyone else saw. He was tired. He was tired of losing the cats he cared for. His heart hurt. Breathing became unbearable, and he struggled to pull pine-scented air into his lungs, instead feeling clogged with ichor and shoulders that curled into himself because what else did they want from him? It should be him that suffers, not them. Stars, not them. He’d beg if he had to. Not them. He deserved everything that came his way, but to make others suffer for his own misgivings was damn near cruel, but life was ugly.

His heart thrummed as claws burrowed themselves into the ground, teeth gritting. I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry.

/ yukio catches his first mouse, but kyungmin shows up with the mentality of " if i can't have you, then no one else will " until duskpool shows up, resulting in kyungmin snapping yukio's neck. duskpool attacks kyungmin, coming out mostly unharmed as kyungmin is badly wounded and runs off ( dying not long after this ), leaving duskpool to grieve.

thought speech

Something was happening. Blood-scent was thick and nauseating as it hung in the air, suspended like fog. Wariness had sparked in Twitchbolt's spirit, and then- then, urgency. Panic. Something was happening, and if he didn't hurry- he'd be too late again. Would stumble upon someone else ripped to bits before he could get to them, someone else collapsed from the sprawling illness, spewing scarlet onto the grass. What was there- well, was it worse? Or was it just the same amount of terrible as any death was?

It never grew easier. Maybe that was a good thing- meant he hadn't lost his compassion. It hardly felt like a good thing, though- and Duskpool, Duskpool was crying. Duskpool was crying, and Yukio was dead. Twitchbolt hiccuped in shock, almost bit his tongue off, and tremors toward the large tom. "Duskpool..." he said stupidly, tone raked with regret and condolence already. Too late- but he couldn't imagine how Duskpool was feeling. He drew up beside the warrior, wide-set eyes lingering upon the blood-haloed form of Yukio on the ground. He sat still, but the ground felt as if it was falling away from him.

Hearing paw steps behind him, no doubt the remainder of the patrol he had split from, Twitchbolt turned around. "It's Yukio," he said, tone thick and tremulous. He shook more violently than ever, not content to just sit here, but equally unable to get to his feet. "What happened?" he asked, voice soft , looking toward the crumbling warrior with ears pinned low to his skull. It felt wrong to interrogate him, but... if danger lurked nearby, they needed to know so they could safely bring Yukio home.
penned by pin ✧



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather peers out from a clump of ferns. The sight of the gorey scene causes her face to melt with horror, ”What happened?!” She shrieks in shock, echoing Twitchbolt’s own question.

Without waiting for an answer she slowly pads forward to get a better look at Yukio’s body. His neck was twisted in an odd manner and blood soaks the forest floor, perhaps the sight would’ve sickened the huntress several moons ago… but the blood no longer is what horrifies her. It’s the way that anyone- anyday- at any time, can drop as suddenly as a fly in SkyClan. You never knew who would be next- or if it would be you.

Her mouth opens to scent the air subconciously, in the heavy musk of blood there lingers the scent of a stranger. Looking to Twitchbolt she murmurs, ”…Someone was here.”

✿—— the sick scent of blood is becoming far, far too familiar in her nose—a rare consistency in her life from kithood until now, becoming ever more frequent as the moons passed by. it felt like only sunrises ago she and blazestar had come across the gory display of shadowfire and smokefang, and now it creeps into her nostrils again. rich iron, hanging like a cloud in the air, making green eyes narrow as her head turns towards the sound, immediately giving up on practicing her hunting crouch. a glance about her confirms the danger isn't immediate and so she's moving towards the source of the smell, faster and faster, refusing to sprint—it's as though running would be a confirmation that the worst had happened, that another of her clanmates laid dead on the pine-coated ground instead of some unfortunate accident or another. someone's just scratched themselves, she thinks, and tries to believe it despite the shriek that splits the air.

she is not so lucky—she would never be so lucky. the scene she finds between the pines is horrible, so much that she wants to turn and run away. yukio is crumpled on the ground in a pool of blood without the beating heart to make it spread, his neck twisted limp, duskpool bent over his cooling form. twitchbolt and figfeather stand nearby, but all she can see is the pale form lying on the forest floor, wounds torn through soft cream fur—he could almost be sleeping if not for the horrible way his neck bends, the blood matting his delicate fur. the tabby lurches forward on numb paws to duskpool's side, staring down at yukio's limp body, sobs rising in her throat like bile. she chokes them down, only rasping, "y-yukio?"

she swallows, hard, willing the tears to retreat from her eyes—she cannot stop to think on this, cannot stop to feel, or she might never move again. for a moment she's silent, willing herself to hold together, and then she's backing away from the body, from yukio and duskpool, looking towards twitchbolt and figfeather. she can - can think about this later, feel about this later. for now there were things to be done, cats to be told of this, a body, his body, to be buried and held vigil for. heeding figfeather's words she scents the air and even her rudimentary attempt finds a strange smell thick in the air, nodding and looking towards the red tabby to confirm. a pained gaze flicks back to duskpool, a memory of yukio's scabbed cheek, and she mews, "duskpool, was - was it his ex-mate?"

barely waiting for an answer, she's looking around, muttering, "blazestar must be near h-here. we have to get him back to camp, and see if we can find w-whoever did this."

she finds the hurt ebbs a little when she focuses on these practical things.


  • ooc: pseudo-mentor / aaaah help tag: @BLAZESTAR
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

  • Sad
Reactions: blueblossomtea
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
A torn each flickered, turning his helm to stare at the approaching warriors, expression blank save for the tears that greedily slid down soaked cheeks. His lips twitched, barely noticeable against his dark fur to peer down at Yukio’s shredded frame, hugging him closer to his frame with a deadpan laugh, shoulders quivering for an entirely different reason.

He didn’t offer any words of confirmation, molten copper flickering to stare at the blood saturating his smokey fur, not his own, but Kyungmin’s. His nose crinkled, teeth flashing beneath dark lips as a deep rumble rattled his entire frame, a borderline growl if it wasn’t for the hoarseness. His gaze flickered, staring at the blood trail with a haunted expression, because he knew he sent that damn bastard to his deathbed. A part of him was glad for it. Rigid claws dug deeper into the ichor-stained ground, ripping up the earth with a jerk of his claws, letting out a choked sigh. He pulled away from Yukio’s frame, clambering onto heavy paws. His helm swerved to stare ahead, bitterness displayed for the rest to see, unlike the usual indifference he carried because he was tired. He was tired of losing the cats he cared for, as few as it was, but damnit, he wouldn’t know how to react if someone else slipped through his paws. Again.

He had been so close, that hearing Yukio’s pained shrieks sent him ripping through the undergrowth to watch as Kyungmin twisted his neck, flinching at the earth-shattering sound that would haunt him till the end of time.

Barely catching Bobbie’s muttering, Duskpool turned, leveling her a red-rimmed stare. “Bobbie.” He rumbled, soothing despite the sorrow that weighed heavily on his mind. His muscles rippled to peer at Figfeather and Twitchbolt, shoulders caving into themselves with a weary sigh, pressing a paw against his optic, grinning bitterly. “Don’t bother.” He dropped his paw to stare at Yukio’s crumbled form. “The foxheart won’t be breathin’ for long.” Rigid claws threaded through blood-stained tendrils, detangling the knots from Yukio’s fur, ignoring the caked blood around his claws and muzzle, expression returning to an eerie indifference. “Made sure of that.” He ignored the twinge of pain that statement brought. It should have never come to that.

Duskpool’s flank rose with a deep, shaky sigh, jerking his helm towards the blood trail. “Follow it.” He lowered his gaze to press his nose against his son’s helm in a quiet goodbye. Yet again, forced to say goodbye to someone he loved. “He shouldn’t be far. Headin’ towards the upwalkers like the coward he was.” His expression shifted, anger flashing deep within a molten hue. Yukio had been too naïve. Too kind for a world as cruel as this. He didn’t deserve this. No.

Chuckling darkly, Duskpool peeled away from his son’s crumbled frame. He wasn’t the only one that lost someone today. His gaze flickered to Bobbie with a grief-stricken expression before his thoughts flickered to Lostmoon. He flinched. I’m sorry, kid.
thought speech
The commotion reached Blazestar before anyone could be dispatched to find him. The rank scent of blood, of death, of fear, brought his presence like flies to a corpse. His throat thickened with grief and subdued horror. No cat deserved to die the way Yukio had—and his dark gaze snapped with blue fire as he turned to Duskpool. “What did he look like? The Clan must know.” His fur prickled along his spine. “Rogues have harmed my Clan for the last time. I have half a mind to send someone to make sure the job is finished.

He turned, his breath ragged, but some of the anger burned away when he set eyes on Bobbie. His friend trembled, frightened, and the sorrow in her eyes caused his heart to ache. Blazestar remembered they had been close, had spent their pregnancies together in the nursery. Bobbie had nursed her kits while Yukio lost his, but they’d remained friendly even after the clueless young tom had crossed ThunderClan’s border. He padded closer to Bobbie, pressing his nose to one ear.I’m sorry.” When he spoke, it was to both her and to Duskpool, but he straightened his shoulders after a moment. “Twitchbolt, Figfeather, help us get him back to camp.” He’d still died a SkyClan cat, after all—and he’d receive a proper burial.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun