Restfulness hesitated to find Berryheart, an odd sensation. He still had not been able to find new stocks of lungwort, and as more delirium took hold he knew he would need more. No star-blessed prophecy necessary to know that; sleepy blinks, heavy and long, disguised the disquietude that writhed in dull green eyes. Though his den's nestling infection had been cleansed, threats still encroached, and healthy cats were still banned- they could not rejoice, yet. Berryheart was not certain, the most uncomfortable thought.

Some part of him hesitated to sleep, oddly. Not a common thought. Uncharacteristic was this illness and this uncertainty- and though he strode with the same conviction and spoke as sparingly as ever, Berryheart could not truthfully deny that he was afraid.

Still, with the flower-lined comfort of his nest, the plush specially-selected and specifically-collected moss bowing beneath his curled-up weight, the tortoiseshell could for at least a moment find peace. Crooked, a snaggle-toothed smile settled onto his snowsplashed maw. Beneath the stoniness of his muscles, it was hardly noticeable... but it was there, certainly and absolutely. Optimism would serve him well, he had decided... though it was rather difficult to commit to it, as he let his dream take him.
The fog of dream sleep is subtle. Unnoticeable, until you see it part before you. When he lived – when he’d had his sight, he’d always felt the ground shudder beneath his paws. The waves he made, though real to him, were a thing unseeable to the cats before him.

Now, a starry wraith, the air stills when he is there. The ground sparks when he walks. Through the crack in the den’s boulder, moonlight would glint behind him, grasping at his form with its bleary tendrils. It does not quite bend, nor quite pierce. The moon does not know what to do with the shape of him, real yet not. Moons ago, Blinding Star had felt just the same.

A sweeping quiet. Night’s idle chirping lulls to a strange drone. Within this dream, time seemed to stand still. He wishes that the source of the Medicine Cat’s worry could be similarly unreal, but life was not always so kind. For this reason, he is here. If only the clans, in all their stubbornness – as stubborn as he had once been, he may admit with a sniff – open their ears, than tragedy may be avoided yet. Old wounds are healed, and his sight is new. He may properly glimpse Berryheart, for perhaps the first time.

" Berryheart, " With this, the Medicine Cat should stir. Blinding Star’s eyes hold patience that his living self had never had as he waits. Before verdent eyes, the StarClan warrior dips his head. If there was one good thing ThunderClan’s first Medicine Cat had ever done, it would be the successor she chose. " StarClan comes with a message. "

An elegant sweep of the tail, stardust in it’s it wake – for the near - four seasons away from his mortal form, he has never quite lost his liking for flair. The star’s vitality has perhaps encouraged it even more, with the slightest of smiles he would think. " If you reach back – " Back to when I had lived. " – The truth, perhaps, will be all the more clear to you. "

A step backward, for their time together was already closing. There is a hint of regret in his heart, that he may not take on this threat alongside his clan; that he may not say more, but a thing like this was needed, in away the living may never understand. He supposes he should feel lucky that he may help like this, at least.

" The vine will not grow without all of its leaves. " A golden gaze lingers, for a moment, perhaps hoping to catch any semblance of spark within those eyes. " Keep your wits about you. " ThunderClan will survive, so help him. Perhaps it was a selfish thing to think, but he was a selfish creature, in truth.

Pale paws, hot with starfire, leave through the maw of the medicine den. The final hint of his starry visage is a blindingly white tail lingering against the crack in the wall, until that too is only stardust.