pafp ONLY WAY IS UP // chatting/hunting

The mark of a good leader was telling when a clanmate needed help, even if they weren't calling for it. It was the smallest details, the small changes in behaviours, and how their approach to life shifted. Tough times and events could leave deep scars both physically and emotionally. It was something that Wildheart knew well given the lasting effects that had been left by the dogs who had once terrorised ThunderClan. He had lost his tail, and he had watched his clanmates die and be injured by the beasts. His actions had nearly gotten a group of apprentices killed. It was something he had to live with, but he had learned not to let it keep him down.

Wildheart prowled through the camp until he came across Badgerstripe. The calico made a point of dipping his head in greeting to her before he drew closer. "Hey Badgerstripe, we should out on a hunt together. And I thought we could chat a little." The edge in his tone suggested that he wasn't going to give the other feline an out, though his voice didn't hold the same harsh edge that it normally did. It was almost friendly in nature, which was unusual for the likes of Wildheart.

//please wait for @badgerstripe

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The road to recovery was long and winding, with bumps and holes and unwanted crossings. The smooth days were blissful and invigorating - the taste of freedom from her sorrows and the promise of a new life gave her hope like nothing before. But the bad days - the ones that slowed her down and tested her temper - had quite the opposite effect. There were times she reverted to her 'old' self, and days she wanted to give up entirely, for it was easier to sulk than it was to try. There was an end goal in sight, however - even if others didn't see it yet - and she could feel it just out of grasp..

It seems that her better attitude has gotten around. She had been approached by Hopekit already, seeking knowledge about warrior life - and now Wildheart, a warrior she never quite interacted with personally, but was familiar enough with their fiery (unpredictable, in her opinion) personality. The smile Badgerstripe wears when greeted is skeptical, a little forced, but after only a second's hesitation, she nods her agreement. "Okay. Lead the way," she mews in return, briefly stretching her legs to prepare for a hunt. She had to push aside the skepticism, but she couldn't help but worry about what the tom could possibly want to talk about with her.

Wildheart was pleased to see that there was no resistance against his invitation to hunt, so with a curt nod of his head he led the way out of the camp with a flick of his tail stump as he beckoned Badgerstripe to remain close. The tom was silent at first, but as the bustle of camp life disappeared behind them he finally spoke up again. "Badgerstripe, I've been wanting to ask you something..." For a moment his voice trailed off as if he was lost on how to word what he wanted to say. Turning his head, he then attempted to make eye contact with the other. "I wanted to ask how you were. I've been watching you from a distance and it seems as though you've changed."