ONLY YOU - joining

In the hushed realm of Windclan territory, a poignant tale of sadness unfolded under the moon's watchful gaze. There, amidst the sweeping expanse of heather and grass, cowered a tiny figure by the marked border - a fragile kitten named Red. His fur, a canvas of red and brown patterns, shimmered in the moonlight, accentuating the sorrowful glimmer of his big green eyes.

Red's origin was a secret his parents intended to keep. Born to young adult kittypets, his father, Major, a proud Somali, concealed their bond for reasons he couldn't fully explain. Meanwhile, his mother, Bee, a determined Moggy, harbored resentment towards the tom who had left her feeling abandoned and burdened by the struggles of motherhood. A heated argument shared between the two prior to their ventures had culminated in this very moment.

As the night winds rustled through their coats, Bee and Major stood hesitantly at the border, their hearts heavy with emotions they couldn't bring themselves to articulate. A tearful gaze and trembling paws revealed Major's turmoil as he gently placed the fragile bundle, Red, on the ground. But Bee, consumed by her bitterness and defiance, refused to utter a single word, her cold gaze averted from her own child.

"Be strong, my son," Major whispered, his voice choked with emotion, as Bee struggled to find her resolve. "You will have a chance, a new life among the clans."

The pain and confusion in Red's innocent eyes was undeniable, a silent plea for the love and warmth that had been so suddenly withdrawn. Yet, as the minutes ticked by, his parents turned away, melting into the starlit horizon, leaving him alone and gutted emotionally.

Red's anguished wails resounded through the night, reverberating with a heartbreaking urgency. He clung to the hope that his parents would return, that this was just a temporary parting. But the truth remained - he had been abandoned, left to fend for himself in a world unknown.

ooc: please dont post until after @VENOMSTRIKE has responded​
( 🐍 ) The dark furred moor runner had been crouched down with eyes focused on a rabbit that had decided to have a late night graze, he was prepared to pounce but the sudden sound of wailing startled it away into its den. Venomstrike could've followed had said noise not distracted him, a flick of his tufted ear would he rise and stand upright unable to help but feel a frown form on his scarred maw. The cry itself definitely tugging at the gentle giant's heart strings, he didn't seem to hesitate in going to investigate and see what was making all that noise. As he drew near did his large pawsteps become more cautious, eyes searching until they fell upon a small trembling body and the moor runner thought it was a mouse at first... A very russet mouse of sorts. Maybe a rat.

He'd squint taking another cautious step and his pupils widened realizing that it wasn't a rodent but rather a small kitten, paws shuffling quietly yet awkwardly on the cool ground, and he'd turn his head to glance in every direction he could to see if there was anyone around. His throat tightened with saddened emotions unable to imagine someone being cruel enough to dump their kitten within Windclan territory, Venomstrike hesitated further unsure of what he would do. Maybe the parents would come back for their kitten so it would be best to leave it there for them, right? "But why would they cry if it is only for a moment?" His ears would lay flat against his head, the gears in his mind churning (and potentially burning) from the thoughts that bubbled within his mind.

He felt several emotions wash over him, stronger ones gripping onto his heart and twisting it. The moor runner hadn't realized that one of his hind paws began to thump quietly against the ground with how upset he was, the overthinking tomcat chewing on the inside of his cheek. Where had this kitten even come from? His nose twitched and his snout wrinkled having gained an answer though one that was unpleasant for a lot of the clan cats except Skyclan, of course. Kittypet. Venomstrike probably shouldn't touch the kitten given that they had quite a few problems with kittypets and Windclan definitely did not like that kind of cats... Thanks to Skyclan.

But this was just a kitten... Would he really turn a cold shoulder on a mere kitten that had no idea nor fault in being Windclan's territory. Venomstrike realized his paw had been thumping against the ground, well, he couldn't walk away now having unknowingly announced his presence and would stop. Glancing up at the starlit night sky that hung overhead, Venomstrike breathed out in a low voice "Great Starclan..." Somewhat frustrated with himself and the thoughts running in his mind, he would take a few careful steps forward before speaking in gentle, quiet voice "Hello little kitten..." Offrring a ghost of a smile and hoping that his scarred appearance would not frighten the kit.

Where are your parents... Was something he wished to ask but bit his tongue.
Sedgepaw, not having reached the point where he's allowed to venture outside of the camp late at night alone, does so with a small patrol—one that he furtively abandons to toil in the background as he presses closer to the sounds of crying. The moor is strange at night. The light of the moon illuminates the tallest of grass stalks, casting long, wavering shadows that lose their shape across the expanse of the pelted fields. This is how the tunnelers feel, he's been told. Surrounded by a constant, impenetrable darkness. But instead of the sounds of thunderous footsteps from the moor overhead, it's the warbling of a kitten piercing through the dark. For a heart-dropping moment, Sedgepaw fears that a WindClan kitten has gotten lost.

There is a large figure ahead as he approaches, his form haloed beneath Silverpelt and obscuring the small, sniveling creature on the floor below. "Venomstrike..?" Sedgepaw asks hesitantly. He skirts around the warrior's flank, and the cool scents of the moor-wind finally give way—a suffocating and strange miasma surrounds the rusty smudge hidden in the grasses.


Sedgepaw balks. This kitten looks barely old enough to be separated from his mother. Certainly not old enough to survive without her. Surely...surely they would help him anyway?

Sedgepaw shakes himself, scowling. Of course they would help him. It's only common sense. And if anyone had anything to say about it, then...Sedgepaw would help on his own, though he's sure that at least someone else would be on his side. He can't just leave a kitten abandoned and alone; clanwide prejudice be damned.

"We should bring him to camp," Sedgepaw urges quietly, turning wide eyes to Venomstrike. Thankfully, the Greenleaf evening is warm, but: "Kits can't get too cold, right? And, um, what if he's hungry? Don't they have to eat a lot?" The little kitten doesn't look too unhealthy, with Sedgepaw's limited knowledge of health and children in general, but...not for the first time, he wonders where the young thing's parents went.​
It had been made clear over the moons that Mousepaw disliked those that weren't tunnelers, so when there was to be a patrol later at night, the apprentice's mentor had forced him to go with it. He was able to see better in the dark than those that weren't tunnelers so he'd be an asset if they stayed out too late, and it would force him to be nice to those that he was out with. Watching as Sedgepaw abandoned the patrol for a moment, Mousepaw quietly follows, pausing when he saw the scene before him. Venomstrike - a warrior - with a non-WindClan kitten. Nose wrinkled as he moved forward, head turning in disgust as he caught the scent of kittypet from the young tom.

He heard the words Sedgepaw spoke and opened his maw to protest before shutting it, thinking for a moment. Sootstar would be the one who ultimately decided what would happen to the child, whether it be he gets thrown out to fend for itself or raised as a proper WindClan warrior Mousepaw didn't know. Sootstar wasn't evil, she wouldn't let one so young as this die out in the cold, so Mousepaw wouldn't either. The kitten couldn't help who he was born to, and was young enough to maybe not remember the kittypet ways.

Clearing his throat, the apprentice would finally speak, "Do you think his parents abandoned him?" He'd ask the other apprentice quietly, trying to make sure the kitten before them didn't hear. Speaking louder now, he'd look towards the warrior and apprentice both this time, "I'm sure you both know the way back but I can lead since I can see better in the dark." Chest puffed out at this comment, proud of his tunneling training coming in handy once again. Even if it wasn't pitch black out yet, if they had to go slower due to having a kitten to drag with them it was likely it might get darker out soon.

He'd wait for someone to pick up the child before heading out, back in the direction of camp.
  • [ooc]
  • windclan (sootstar) loyalist
    dirty fighter/will aim to kill
    will bully anyone (some more than others)

    likely to attack first
    powerplay peaceful actions okay
    ping if needed in a thread
  • 67979049_MZITqZdFire2IhL.png
    8 months old
    ftm calico -- he/him
    tunneler apprentice

    large ears
    always looks grumpy
Amidst the summer winds and dark skies, Red found himself overwhelmed by the mixture of scents and the weight of grief from his recent loss, making it unbearable. With each cry, his throat grew sore, and the effort caused his chest to burn. Suddenly, a light 'thump, thump, thump' sound emerged from behind his head, and Red fell silent. Fear gripped him, as he couldn't fathom what might be approaching. Instinctively, his fur stood on end, and his small tail poofed up in response.

His eyes bulged, and his paws trembled harder than ever before. It was as if the world around him paused, and adrenaline rushed through him. What could it be? A fox? A dog? Please... Please come back. Please! he pleaded inwardly. However, the poignant scent from the border intensified, triggering warning bells in his mind. Slowly, Red forced himself to turn around and face the stranger.

Inch by inch, he shuffled his paws around. When he fully turned the kit jumped back a good three rabbit hops. Red's coat was soft with baby fluff, and a long pelt at that, similar to his father's. Which added an extra inch in diameter around the kitten. His massive, frightened eyes standing out in his rounded form.

This stranger, covered in scars and talking in a deep voice, made Red almost miss their words. However, after a moment of non threatening movements and a clear indication that the larger feline had no intention of eating him, Red's fur slowly began settling. The blood ceased to roar in his ears, and the night appeared to return to its usual rhythm. Finally, Red felt a sense of calm washing over him and with it some words of mental encouragement. Maybe he is safe... It's okay. It was surely better being in the company of a stranger than in the pitch black alone.

Red mewled a response, "H-Hi." his words warbling "I'm called Red."

Gradually, the shock wore off, and he became acutely aware of the stinging in his eyes. The dread and wailing had left his muscles drained, and his face heavy with emotions. Each of his tiny, velvety paws struggled to hold still, but the presence of the new faces kept him in place. Oh, is this his family? Two younger cats arrived, meowing in concerned voices. Red was so tired that it was a struggle to listen over the answering rumble of his stomach. When the three began discussing taking him somewhere and feeding him, Red's ears perked up, and his mouth watered.

In one big-eyed pitiful look Red mewled again, this time with urgency, "Yes, please! Can I come with you? I-I don't want to be here anymore." Struggling to express himself adequately, Red added in a softer volume, "I'll be good, I promise..."

Being out so late was unfamiliar to him, and he felt uneasy in the darkness. Looking down at his paws, a mix of nerves, hunger, anticipation, and hurt washed over him as he anxiously awaited their decision.
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( 🐍 ) His ears would twitch at the sound of others approaching him and he'd turn to see Sedgepaw who began urging him to take the small kitten. The large moor runner's gaze would soften when the apprentice started asking questions, he drew in a breath "Yes... Yes they do." But he couldn't help but frown starting to ponder on who would nurse the small ball of fur yet these thoughts subsided when he heard Mousepaw begin to speak and ask if the kitten had been abandoned by their parents, there was a brief moment of hurt in his eyes and that twisting feeling in his chest returned. "Yes... I believe so," Venomstrike mumbles out quietly not hearing the rest of what the tunneler apprentice said moreso focused on the small creature in front of him that had taken some steps back.

He must've scared them, he felt bad. Pushing away that awful feeling, he would perk up when the kitten spoke up saying that his name was Red. "A little on the nose if you ask me..." Was his first thought, he glanced at the two apprentices next to him when the kitten asked if he could go back with them and well, he was the only adult present... Sootstar would decide ultimately but there was no way that Venomstrike would leave the kittypet kitten out here by himself where he could barely fend for himself. "Yes... You can come w-with us." The scarred warrior would utter in a low, gentle voice before leaning forward to gently take Red by the scruff and lift him up with ease, paws shuffling briefly before turning to let Mousepaw take the lead and gently flicking Sedgepaw on the shoulder with his short tail signaling to follow.

He'd introduce himself later to Red once they had returned to the safety of Windclan camp.

/ permission given to powerplay

Though he didn't really think of them often, Rattleheart was fairly confident in saying that he had never really considered his parents to be terrible. They had been undeniably odd, with specific expectations and a bad plan in keeping their children isolated from most others for moons, but he had loved them and felt loved in return. The tunneler would always be closer to his siblings than to those that had led to his birth, but that was more a testament to his bond with Scorchstreak and Lizardbite, rather than an indictment of their parents. Most importantly, there was one very important aspect of his life growing up that Red unfortunately didn't get to share - Rattleheart's parents had never abandoned him. If anything, he and his siblings had abandoned them, eventually striking off for a life of their own among the clans. A difficult decision - for him, at least - but one that still felt like the right one.

However, it was a decision that they had gotten to make, and one that they had made as adults. Not poor kits wailing for the support that they were meant to have from the very beginning of their lives.

Late night patrols were not commonplace for Rattleheart, but occasionally he did enjoy the silence that night brought with it. The peace that wasn't really available when the moor runners were milling about far above. It also wasn't as if he had to worry about the darkness, considering he was well-acclimated to the shadows that would engulf him whenever he delved down into the tunnels. Tonight, though, was not like those other nights. The quiet that the tunneler so enjoyed was interrupted, broken by the sorrowful wailing of a kit aboveground. The sound was muffled, sure, but Rattle could still hear it through a nearby tunnel entrance, the mournful notes causing his stomach to twist and his heart to clench. Before he could properly think about it, he was yanking himself up and back out into the open air.

It didn't take long for him to find the patrol, the wailing having settled into nothingness by the time he spotted Venomstrike carrying the kit by the scruff. A wave of relief passed over him, although it was tempered by the smell of kittypet that lingered on the air. He knew it wasn't coming from the moor runner or the apprentices that flanked him, meaning that there could only be one source - and that was terrifying. It was well-known how heavily judged kittypets were - how hated. Surely, though, Sootstar wouldn't see fit to punish the child for the sin of being born to kittypets, would she? Rattleheart truly wasn't sure, and that was what scared him.

His voice was calm and low as he made his way to Venomstrike's side, falling in step with his friend and lightly pressing their shoulders together. "So that sound was what I thought it was... I was hoping I was imagining things." He knew that Venom couldn't respond well with fur in his mouth, so he instead turned his soothing to Red. "Hello little one, you're going to be okay. You're being taken care of by one of my best friends. And we can take care of you once we get to our camp." Rattle didn't want to make false promises to the child, but he wanted to cling to his wishful thinking for all it was worth.
A flicker of joy coursed through him as the unfamiliar tom's gentle words washed away his worries. Red, the young kit, found himself drawn to this smoky stranger, his trust in the other growing by the moment. Suddenly, he was scooped up, neck held securely as he dangled in the air. It was an odd sensation, his paws flailing, and yet he instinctively adjusted his posture to find balance. The familiarity of being carried was a welcome one and it soothed the ache in his chest.

As he looked forward, he saw a group of concerned eyes observing him. Among them was a new arrival, a cat with striking white markings and bright green eyes that now appeared pale in the moonlight. Despite the dimness, those eyes captured Red's attention, and he focused on the newcomer intently.

The soft meow of promised safety from the long-haired cat eased Red's heart, and he murmured a response, "Oh, okay..."

The swaying of the larger cat's steps lulled him, and his eyes grew heavy with sleep. His little body felt weightless, like a feather floating on the breeze. He tried to resist the pull of slumber, determined to stay awake, but the journey to camp was underway, and the comforting presence around him finally allowed him to succumb to his exhaustion.

As they continued their walk into the night, Red felt safe enough to rest, if only for a brief moment.

Feel free to continue powerplaying Red if needed!