duskclan ONOMATOPOEIA 🧲 Rumblerain


Oct 17, 2024

Rumblerain was a… fine leader. No one would ever match up to what Sootstar had been, Silverstrike had come to that conclusion not long after Granitepelt led the remnants of her loyalist faction – the rightful WindClan – away from the moors that had been his home since the Great Battle. Why Granitepelt had chosen someone so young to be his successor was a mystery to Silverstrike – why not someone more qualified, more knowledgeable? There had been cats, cats like himself, who had been at Sootstar's side since WindClan had formed – but that probably had meant little to a tom like Granitepelt, someone who held no loyalties no matter what he claimed.

There were days that Silverstrike trudged through the hours wondering if there was still purpose in what they were doing as DuskClan. Did these cats he surrounded himself with know of Sootstar, as she had been in her most glorious form? Or did they only know the ghost of who she was, deluding themselves? Were they simply fools; rogues and kits? It was the nights of days like those that seething emerald eyes appeared in his dreams, and he knew that he had to see it through to the end. DuskClan, Sootstar's bastard legacy, would not die until he took his last breath. He could only hope that the same could be said of his compatriots.

"Rumblerain." Silverstrike spoke steady as he approached the head of their faction, and his tone held the heaviness of someone who needed to speak with authority. DuskClan was facing a number of issues, and Silverstrike wanted to see them addressed before they got out of control. Ghostmask was a wildcard, someone they couldn't rely on; Thriftfeather needed to be, in Silverstrike's opinion, cut loose; if he wasn't dead already at WindClan's paws, then he would be a flight risk. Silverstrike would silence him himself if it came to it. But Rumblerain was soft, this Silverstrike knew. Soft in their declarations, in their posture, in their demeanor.
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.

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