ooo glittering prizes! .. patrol


fly away my friend, for a day and then
May 4, 2023
(prompt time <3 ripplesnap is patrolling along the shore when fae discover a shallow sandy cave nestled in the bank of the river. inside, fae find a multitude of shiny stones and objects washed ashore from moons of waves. how do they react?)

Snore... Was Ripplesnap supposed to enjoy patrols or something? Of course, they knew that patrolling wasn't meant to be fun, and it had a purpose beyond that, but stars, sometimes it was just downright boring! No unusual scents, no sudden dangers, not even a neighboring patrol to get into arguments with! The warrior let out a loud sigh, trailing apart from the group for a little bit to check the riverbank. Perhaps there'd be some kit swept away in the current, and they could do the amazing job of saving them or something.

Eyes scanning the water, a sudden sparkle in the sandy shore couldn't help but catch their eye. Oho? They quickly bounded on over to the spot the saw the glimmer from, peering around to see exactly where it was. Their paws gently scraped at the sand before spotting a small alcove, with a smattering of pretty items inside. "Oh, score!!!" They exclaimed, tail swaying around in excitement.

"Hey guys! I found something cool if anyone wants to see!!" They called out, examining the inside the shallow cave. Everything they saw would make such good decorations for their nest, they just knew it!! But it'd be a bit selfish to keep it all for themselves. Their mind raced at they tried to remember who all was on the patrol with them - was their memory that bad or did they just not even bother checking before taking off to try to 'lead' the patrol?

"Um- Pikesplash? Yeah, yeah he's probably here... Pikesplash! Come look! It's suuuuper cool!" They could faintly remember spotting the striped grey warrior gathered as they had all been called for the patrol, but they couldn't recall if he said anything or if he was actually coming with or not. Eh, if he wasn't there, they'd just give him something when they returned since he was clearly on their mind.

Already, Rippesnap had started to pull some of the stones out to see how pretty they were in the sunlight and just how much they sparkled! That was obviously the most important part.

@PIKESPLASH ((open to anyone, no need to wait or anything :3c!!))

[penned by bnnuy].
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Petalnose rose her head from the exclaiming of Ripplesnap nearby as she was checking a scent, sighing and rolling her eyes to herself as she easily made her way over in long strides. She stood a tail length away from them, peering over the other cat's shoulder to see the rocks. A bit of disappointment struck her, the she-cat didn't find it to be that cool in nature. Sure, it was pretty. However, it wasn't worth her interrupted time. Interrupted just to look at rocks… please, "They're unique and pretty." She meowed with an unamused tone, shrugging her shoulders. She was more amused by Ripplesnap pulling them out of the ground and making the sun reflect them, snorting softly with a chuckle. "What could we do with it? Use to decorate.. maybe?" Really, they probably couldn't do much with the pretty rock. Atleast, she didn't think so. She hadn't seen anything like it, however, it didn't surprise her. There were many wonders of the world.
sneezefur | 28 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Excitement seems to practically pour off of ripplesnap, and the shouting quickly draws over sneezefur. Gait awkward and spine hunched to fit into the space, and pale eyes practically sparkle as they take in the find. An awkward smile flashes onto their crooked muzzle, and they nod, giving a emphatic waggle of their ears to try and show their enthusiasm. ' Beautiful ' he thinks, as one paw reaches out to snatch up one in particular that has caught his eye. He only realizes afterwards that it is not a normal rock but a shard of twoleg trash - bright green and see though, its once jagged edges dulled by the river and time. It's still pretty though, and s the warrior decides he'll keep this one for himself. It's not as though anyone will miss it if they take it - right?
Patrols were something he could take in stride. Moreso than many others, though, that is not to say that he was any better or worse for it. New oddities could be found in the most mundane of things. Building up the ability to find those things was another skill entirely, one, he believed, came with time more than anything else. He is a quiet soul as always, trailing behind Petalnose, gaze passively drawing over the tawny form of her and further, Ripplesnap ahead of her. Movements once steady and routine are broken as the pointed feline stretches into a leap. Something undoubtedly caught by the eye.

Wasprattle is drawing forward before the call comes; ears curiously perked at just what had elicited such a sudden excitement. A low hum of interest rumbles free as lanky legs draw forward. Golden curls had always meshed better with the shores, than they could with the water. HIs form looms nearby, not quite over-the-shoulder– they were crowded already, with Petalnose and Sneezefur near. He's only able to lay eyes upon the find when it – they are scrapped onto the shore by eager paws.

Golden eyes soften at the sight. Not quite keenly, for anyone would be able to notice – he's realized much of RiverClan's affinity for stones, and its one that he seems to have adopted somewhat, himself. Wasprattle hums agreement with Petalnose's comment, though her tone is not one he is quite sure what to make of.

Wasprattle steps aside, not wanting to impede Sneezefur's mission in any way. The stone he has his eye on is a welcome taste Wasprattle can agree on, eyes shining (metaphorically, that is) at the sight of it. What to do with it? Wasprattle blinks, slow. " Sometimes there is not much to do but appreciate that it's there, " he offers. That is not to say that there is nothing for them, but as someone whose nest has been temporary for the majority of his life, he tends to leave things where they are.

  • ooc: ...he's cheesy

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Reactions: Petalnose
The tom was indeed part of the patrol, but he didn't expect to be called. He thought he was in trouble at first, but it's not someone he knows on the patrol who would be cross with him. Guess I better get going? Eventually he does make arrive and sees the others gathered, but it's obvious that he is a bit out of the loop. He missed Petalnose's words, but he was able to hear Wasprattle as he looks around. This is nice. I didn't think something like this would be around here, but I'm happy it is. Yeah, it's beautiful. Pike smiles to himself as he approaches Ripplesnap.

Pike knows that the younger warrior (not by much mind you) simply wants to share something with him, and he can't help but feel bad that he took awhile. Unfortunately he had to help another clanmate first, so he is grateful that the others were able to keep Ripplesnap some company. Anyhow, it's then that he looks down and sees what the cool thing is. It would be a gross understatement to say he was happy at the sight of shiny stones.

I'VE SEEN SOME OF THESE BEFORE! When he still lived with his twolegs he recalled they had some shiny stones and even had some around their necks. Of course he never knew what the stones were called, but they came in different shapes, sizes, and color. He remembered when he was just a wee little kit that his twoleg had to stop him from trying to eat the shiny things. I'm not sure why I wanted to do that. Kitten me what was on your mind? A fond smile can be found on his lips. Those days with his twoleg were... Gone, but it didn't mean he wanted to throw away some of his happy memories.

"I haven't seen these in a long time, I forgot how cool they could be." The response is awkward, but it's because it occurs to him that he isn't sure if anyone knows of his kittypet background or they would look at him in disgust for reminiscing. "When I was younger I used to wear this around my neck. From what I've seen, these things can be worn around you neck, ears, and toes. They can also just be laying around to make your nest look nicer." What he failed to mention is that he's seen twolegs wearing these shiny rocks in different ways. It would be strange to image a cat wearing shiny rocks anywhere other than their necks.

He didn't think the other cats would consider him "hip" for wearing shiny rocks around his neck. Maybe a bit odd because as far as he knew no one in the clan wore shiny rocks. Then again he lived a decent (pampered) kittypet life.