OPEN ROAD [ ✦ ] windclan dusk patrol

Their border with the oak forest was one that Bluepool was not overly concerned about. ThunderClan had their problems, sure. They were rude and overly nosy, but they had never given them as much trouble as RiverClan had. Therefor, when she was ordered to bring her young medicine cat apprentice niece with her she would do little to complain. She was of the opinion that Cottonpaw was a talented young she-cat, and that her talents were being wasted in the medicine cats den. But StarClan had chosen her so it had to be right, had to be some reason for the divine intervention that took her off the path of a warrior.

She regards the molly now, looking at her out of the corner of her golden colored eyes. "Let me know if you need us to slow down kiddo" Even before she had moved to a different study, Cottonpaw had been a tunneler. She would not be used to the fast pace that the moor runners were accustomed to. The rest of her patrol she is not too worried about. Venomstrike should be teaching his apprentice and Morningsong, she doesn't know. Knowing Brightshine's kin he would probably be stopping to sniff flowers every few feet.

When they draw close to the border they had been sent to patrol she pauses and turns back to the rest of them and says, "If we see any thunderclanners, be civil. They will most likely try to goad us into a fight, they're pathetic and desperate for attention like that, but only exchange claws with one of them if they cross the border first. My patrol will not be the one to cause problems" it is the last thing WindClan needed right now.

// @cottonpaw @VENOMSTRIKE @redpaw @Morningsong~

Flanked by his apprentice, feverfew sought amongst the thick forest, Berryheart kept his dull gaze set upon the ground. More and more fell ill, despite what they strived toward; those noble faces who had left, he inwardly begged them to be quicker. There would be no shift of his expression, though- the tempest kept wrapped in his mind would stay there for now, easily suppressed by emotions trained to be smothered.

A seldom-sensed scent wove its way into Berryheart's nostrils, and he blinked in the direction of a throng of Windclanners. A dark shape cradled among the undergrowth, visible only through fire-flecks, they might not have even sensed his approach until he poked his snow-dipped nose out of the thicket. He turned back to Freckles, and whomever else might be following, after having greeted the Windclanners with a simple dip of the head.

"I don't often run into WindClan patrols," he murmured to Freckles, studying the menagerie of unfamiliarity. Their medicine cat was certainly not among them- but his apprentice was, Berryheart soon realised. Recognition flashed his gaze a little wider, and he offered the medicine cat apprentice a smile of greeting- though, on Berryheart's stony face it was hardly recognisable as such.
Are we stopping to hunt finally? My teeth ache from all the leaves,” Mousenose mumbles from behind Berryheart and Lichenpaw. She’d been ordered to tag along and help bring back anything the medicine cat and his apprentice harvested, and her restless energy has kicked in. She’d accidentally chewed something, and a trickle of green juice has stained the white flesh and fur of her jaw a brilliant green. She looks at the tortoiseshell and his pointed protégé, scowling. “I should be doing something—

She’d prepared herself to say useful and get a cuff to the ear (had it been anyone other than Berryheart), but her senses—now unclogged by spices and bitter herb juices—alert her to a WindClan patrol. At its head is Sootstar’s beautiful sister, a lead warrior who whispers brightly to her patrolmates. Mousenose does not catch what she says, but she flicks her ears forward and steps closer to her freckled companions. “Well, it’s your lucky day, I guess,” she says airily to Berryheart. Her acidic eyes flick from Bluepool to the cats behind her. “Hello, WindClan.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
don't try to rush your enemies .
The smokey feline stared with unfeathered calmness, tail swinging high above his shoulders with an inaudible hum, amber optics narrowing the slightest fraction. Oh, but who is more civil? He couldn’t help but think. He couldn’t help but assume the WindClanners were looking for trouble with that accusatory statement as if they hadn’t demanded to cross ThunderClan. He let out a quiet tsk, instead letting his helm tilt, gaze crinkling. It was never a pleasant sight when the foul smell of WindClan settled heavily, coating his tongue until he couldn’t bear to swallow.

He sounded like Whitelion. Oakfang grumbled, nose crinkling at the thought of his white-furred friend. He shifted his gaze to the impatient molly. “I wouldn’t say lucky.” He remarked dryly, letting his gaze linger on the WindClan patrol. “Then shoo. Go find something else.” He remarked, making a shooing motion. “I’m sure the border needs to be scented. Drown out that WindClan scent while you’re at it.” He hummed, tone liquid smooth, barely carrying across the border, but if the WindClanners wanted to play, then Oakfang would be more than happy to.

/ apprentice tag @Marigoldpaw
thought speech
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freckleflame liked lichenpaw. heck, she liked berryheart, even if he was a bit of stick in the mud sometimes ; wasn't his fault, really. he was just kind of somber, and she reckoned there was a lot for him to be somber about right about now. the tortoiseshell follows dutifully after, trails alongside mousenose, feels the pulse of energy coming off of her in waves. an itch in the paws, ever - eager. freckleflame supposed she was named well in that regard — mouse. small and quick, always moving. easily stepped on. the thought brings an amused curve to ginger lips, ears inclining as she begins to voice her agitation, ” we're not huntin' because he doesn't want me to embarrass you in front of lichenpaw. “ the woman rumbles in a faux simper of sympathy, warm despite the sly glint in lidded eyes when they come to a stop. windclan. windclan was a thorn in her side, but that blue one — that blue one would tuck tail, just like last time.

your lucky day, mousenose says, and freckleflame's whiskers twitch her humor. a thick tail lifts in disgustingly sweet greeting, " hiii, windclan! " she coos, before.. shoo, oakfang says, and the molly throws him a droll, impassive stare in response. his voice is calm despite its rudeness, and she could nearly snort with it. what a weirdo. the rude would always find a way to shove it into conversation — but towards her sister? only she was allowed that pleasure in life. drown out that windclan scent, he orders, as if he were the one leading this patrol ( the thought, she thinks, is laughable ). the woman tips her head back, sniffs loudly. she makes a brief grimace, " i'd say you're drownin' 'em out enough for all of us, dirtfang. " a snicker and closely following grin that reveals small, sharp teeth, the slightest incline of her chin as she turns to find a place to mark along the sparse oaks while he stares across the border. what a warrior, " but we'll get it done, you just sit back 'n relax. we wouldn't want'cha to get your nails dirty. "

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a lazy, bright - eyed grin.

  • IMG_3106.png

The Somali cat's first venture beyond the familiar confines of his home had finally commenced, and the privilege of being accompanied by none other than the best mentor ever, Venomstrike. A quiet and courteous tom provided a stark contrast to Redpaw's own exuberant nature. Despite their differences, the two formed a complementary partnership in his mind. The young cat had envisioned the current trip as sprinting across rolling hills, their long coat billowing behind in a triumphant display.

Under different circumstances, perhaps they would have raced along the hillside, pursuing the swift blur of Venomstrike's charcoal fur. However, tunnelers were not known for their speed, and so Redpaw reined in his enthusiasm. Nevertheless, every fiber buzzed with pent-up energy, causing him to prance as they moved forward. Steadily, he kept a pace that was brisk but considerate, a balance between the patrol's more deliberate stride.

Then, almost as if the world had shifted on its axis, they found themselves face-to-face with Thunderclan cats.

Redpaw's innate curiosity took hold, and their pale nose wrinkled in confusion, eyes widening comically at the proximity. Who would have thought ThunderClan cats had such a distinct scent? The fleeting whiffs along the border seemed rather insignificant compared to this up-close experience. Lowering his head with a touch of humility, they allowed their gaze to shy away from the ThunderClan cats and instead settled on his own velvety paws.

Earlier elation that had bubbled within him seemed to dissipate, leaving his chest heavy as if soaked with river water. Bluepool's words, sobering and laden with responsibility, only thickened the atmosphere. Quietly, he listened to the chattering Thunderclanner's, and it only lowered his mood. Redpaw's ears soon pricked with annoyance, but he refrained from voicing the onslaught of thoughts about Dirtfang. What a fitting name. They mused internally, only to have all the attention diverted by a sturdy tortoiseshell cat.

Intrigued by her laid-back demeanor, their eyes briefly sparkled with amusement, almost prompting a small chuckle. Yet, for the sake of his clan and the seriousness of the situation, he swallowed said mirth and remained pointedly silent.
ˏˋ°•*⁀ Venomstrike walked alongside his apprentice with both of his ears perked forward and turned his buttercup hued eyes to Bluepool as she spoke about how they would be civil and not let Thunderclan provoke them. The large moor runner oftentimes never felt the need to throw verbal retorts or threats at other clans whenever he was on patrols, he liked avoiding conflict and he would continue to do so. "Remain attentive. Learn to recognize the scent," He mumbles to Redpaw before he stops alongside Bluepool seeing the warriors across the border offering a dip of his head in greeting and listens to them seem to bicker amongst themselves, he decides to pull his gaze away from them deciding to teach his apprentice on how to mark the border shared between Thunderclan and Windclan, a teaching moment would be more valuable than listening to a warrior being called Dirtfang.

With a flick of his tail, he beckons the somali apprentice to follow him and starts to brush against a few plants and turns his head to the trees that were on their side of the border, he lifts a paw up unsheathing his claws as he starts to speak "T-there are two ways to mark a tree. Either with your claws or use your body to brush against the bark. Alright?" A small smile present on his maw deciding that he would demonstrate the method with claws as he stands on his hind legs and scrapes his claws against the trees surface tearing little bits of pieces of hardened skin from it and fell back to all fours. He sheathes them with a little nod as he adds "It's a little more t-tricky but this method helps keep your claws sharp,"

  • venbeast.png
    ⁀➷ 44 moons old
    ⁀➷ windclan moor runner
    ⁀➷ bisexual homoromantic; single; padding after rattleheart
    ⁀➷ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⁀➷ med difficultly in combat; relies on brute strength and his ability to quickly strike
    ⁀➷ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ⁀➷ penned by bosstaurus