" So... What's your deal? "

Sharpshadow thinks they're to good to be true. All kind words and polite smiles and... sometimes just not talking, like their mother told them, " If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all, " and they took that very seriously. The only reason that saying exists is because it's so uncommonly followed, and Sharpshadow doesn't think it should always be followed, anyways.

Chilledstar clearly liked this about them, because while Sharpshadow was sitting around wondering what sort of secrets they were hiding, Chilledstar thought, nothing wrong here, and went and made them a Lead Warrior. Is it because Chilledstar found him too negative? Did they think ShadowClan was in desperate need of an unrealistically kind and fine - warrior fellow to contrast depressing, no fun Sharpshadow and too - unserious Forestshade? Sharpshadow isn't sure how you can look at Mirepurr and say... yeah. There's probably nothing below the surface.

Or... whatever was below the surface, Chilledstar just didn't care about. Well, maybe that's what they had thought about Granitepelt at first.

...Not like she would compare MIrepurr to him. That - That wasn't fair at all. He should through the entire thought away.

So he does, or at least tries too, even if he's leering toward Mirepurr as if they had a secret to tell still. Because... odds are, they were. THe secret just probably wouldn't be, I'm a murderer. Maybe they secretly can't stand Starlingheart, or don't think WindClan is that bad, or something.


Sharpshadow — name quite fitting in this instance — rounds on Mirepurr out of nowhere. They spin around out of instinct, eyes wide as they meet his own scrutinizing pair. It's embarrassing enough; there's a mouse tail dangling out of their mouth, all thanks to the suddenness of this situation, and there's a muffled something coming past it as Mirepurr turns away again. Bite, chew, swallow. Be presentable.

"My... my deal?" This time, when they turn back to Sharpshadow, they don't have anything obstructing their mouth. Brows furrow but their eyes remain just as wide as before.

Had they done something to offend their fellow lead warrior? Surely not. Mirepurr has always had a tendency to keep their head low as they go about their day, remain in their own lane and out of others' way when they cannot give any sort of advantage. So far, it's been good enough. It minimizes conflict.

Apparently, it achieves the opposite effect for Sharpshadow. She's always been something of a mystery to them; here one moment, gone the next, never revealing enough to give Mirepurr a proper concept of her character. A staple in ShadowClan... but one that is all but invisible sometimes.

Mirepurr fears their gulp is audible. "I'm sorry- I'm not sure what you mean." The answer does not feel satisfactory and it might frustrate Sharpshadow, but they cannot reply when they don't know the question.
So... they're playing dumb. Pretending well enough to look shocked when Sharpshadow speaks to them... Or maybe they figured Sharpshadow wouldn't have the confidence to call them out. It wouldn't be... a horrible assessment. It was less confidence that made her ask, and moreso a stupid mouth. Maybe a dash of feeling like she had to know Mirepurr properly now with this... development. Maybe a sprinkle of wanting to look out for Chilledstar... Since when has she become such a loyal dog? Ugh.

My... my deal? The dumb look remains. Sharpshadow's on the other hand, does not falter. It is Smogmaw inspired — not entirely the same apathetic look, the never - ending specks of brown, but (hopefully) maintaining the spirit of something that is hard to look away from. He did not have the intense blues of Chilledstar, nor the deep, penetrative brown of Smogmaw, but maybe hers, pallid and strange, could be intimidating in its own way.

...Or she just looked like an idiot right now.

I'm sorry- I'm not sure what you mean. The prickle along his spine is a little less idle now. Less trick - of - the - pelt, more real. His gaze pinches further. " Yeah, your deal. " Because... because he refused to be made to look stupid. Crazy things happened in ShadowClan all the time. Could they really afford to strike something off as too out - there? " Like... do you really just be quiet and nice all day? " Next to suspicious, a life like that sounded pretty damn boring, too. Hopefully the tick of his face isn't too obvious.

Oh. This again.

If Mirepurr could command the earth beneath their paws to swallow them whole, they would bark the order without as much as a second thought. Too many times had they been the object of displeasure, of judging their character for not fitting in with the rest of the Clan, too this and not enough that. Sometimes they feel the need to pat themself on the shoulder for their ability to keep smiling while they're painfully aware of what most everybody thinks.

At times like this, when someone — a fellow lead warrior now — points it out this sharply? Mirepurr can't help the self-conscious shift of their paws. It's like Sharpshadow has managed to turn back time and they're Mirepaw again, meek and unable to copy battle moves correctly.

"Quiet is subjective, I guess," Mirepurr mutters, acknowledging how the recent promotion has surely turned a few heads by now... given their voice more of an edge- not one they personally like to use, if they can help it, but one that commands more respect than before; lest one gets scolded by Chilledstar for not listening to authority. "But uh... yes, I think so? I don't like to argue. I think it's better when we all just get along, and that's that."

The question remains unspoken: is that such a bad thing?

Mirepurr meets Sharpshadow's gaze then, properly this time. What is her goal here? Perhaps if they were more bold, they'd dare to utter that question. Instead they decide to dance around it in a more reserved manner- but one that makes Mirepurr just as anxious, if not more. "Do you find me annoying?"
  • WHAT
Sharpshadow squints her eyes. Well, they're certainly quieter than Betonyfrost — in love with her delusions — and Smogmaw — in love with the sound of his own voice. It's not like he didn't appreciate quietness, but there's a difference between quiet and nice, and quiet and not - nice.

It's so simple that it can't be real. Sharpshadow's scrutinizing expression doe snot let up once as Mirepurr speaks. It's lame. No one likes to argue, everyone wants to get along, probably. But they just can't. No one just can, except for Mirepurr, apparently. There are too many idiots in this clan for them all to just get along.

Do you find me annoying? they suddenly ask in a question random enough to him that she kinda just stares at them with an open mouth for a bit. " Well - " it's pretty hard to find someone that doesn't say much besides the occasionally peppy... impossible to dislike stuff annoying. Well, Sharpshadow finds it a bit annoying that she can't find this cat annoying, but she doesn't think thats the same thing. " No. I just think... You're impossible. Like, not real. " he answers pretty honestly. " I think you're lying, b - but I don't think you're annoying... necessarily... I guess. "

And then suddenly, like Mirepurr has passed their wimpiness onto him ( and definitely not like he's always had it ) he's compelled to ask. " Do you find me annoying? "

Sharpshadow all but chokes on that first word, and Mirepurr's belly churns with guilt when they prepare for the worst. It's not like they deem the other lead warrior to be someone too cruel, per se, but she's definitely amongst those who find it easier to speak their mind. Best to brace for words that cut rather than fall silent in the face of surprise.

"Impossible," Mirepurr murmurs — their voice almost rises at the end to indicate a question but they force it down just in time, not wishing to frustrate Sharpshadow by becoming an echo chamber. Not when he just declined annoyance. Perhaps if he was more easy-going like Duckshimmer, they would crack a joke and say such admission is flattering to hear.

None of it is what Mirepurr expects to hear, but then again, they had never imagined Chilledstar would pick them for their council. All a string of impossible's.

They decide, then. "Well, I hope I'll be able to prove you wrong." Would their leader lash their tail in discontent if they knew there was a lack of trust between their leads? The best Mirepurr can do is promise action, rather than dwell on inaction. There's sincerity in their voice like there always is. That might be part of Sharpshadow's confusion regarding them... nowadays, it feels easier to lie, but they cannot keep a secret to save their life.

"You? Annoying?" Mirepurr gasps in disbelief, easily breaking the foregoing decision not to meet more of Sharpshadow's inquiries with even more questions. "Stars, no. Maybe a little intimidating, kind of like Smogmaw... but the Clan is safer with you around. I can't think of you like a burr in my back."
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Sharpshadow can hear his own blinking. The uncomfortable, rheumy sound of dry eyes finally let to rest for a moment. Impossible. They don't argue, they just... observe, she supposes. It's hard to hate. Again: annoying. " Huh, " is his lame reply to whatever sudden burst of determination seems to take Mirepurr. Even the tone of voice they say it in is so, like, cheesy and not real. It's clear in Sharpshadow's own voice just how unlikely he thinks that is to happen. Whether its in four moons or four seasons, something'll probably happen. Probably be revealed. No one is... spotless like that. Mirepurr made mistakes just like the rest of them and he would be there to see it.

You? Annoying? Complete with the little gasp, it's so obviously fake. Instinctively, he bristles, but Mirepurr just keeps going on and on to the point that he's not sure if he should even be mad about those first few words or not. Sharpshadow's eyes go wide like full twin moons at the comparison. Completely out of nowhere — and yet, maybe exactly what she's been going for. Whatever tiny allusion had been there is surely to dust with the look on her face right now. " I — really? " What an insult. Or a compliment? She isn't sure. ...Mirepurr probably thought it was a compliment, at least. ...Unless that was their secret, that they actually hate Smogmaw's guts.

So, essentially, he stares bug - eyed at Mirepurr for a long moment, as if looking stupider would help her read their mind better. Ugh.

And... that's all she wants to hear at this point really. That her efforts mean... something. It's so easy to get from Mirepurr that it can't be true. They were kind of freaking him out. She doesn't even know what the hell to say. " That's really... nice, " is what she apparently settles on, though it's an observation rather than a thank you.