pafp OPEN WIDE ARE MY EYES [ ✦ ] scare prompt

Halfkit was not usually one to succumb to peer pressure so easily. She often times prided herself on being above all the other things that kits normally did. She was mature the elders and the other queens often said. Ready to be an apprentice in every way except age. She was a quick learner, she was a good listener, and she was excited to one day leave the nursery and start her training. What Halfkit wasn't above, however, was a challenge. Whoever could get the best scare in won.

Unfortunately for Nettlepaw, the cinnamon and white tom was her target. For a moment, she does feel bad. She liked Starlingheart, she was a kind she-cat and Nettlepaw, out of all of her children, seemed all right. He was the least mopey out of the three of his siblings and Halfkit liked that about him. Everyone else was always so depressing all the time. Everyones dying of sickness this and what will we do in leaf-bare that. Blegh! She wishes they would all just shut up and start enjoying life a little more. Adults could be such a drag sometimes.

She waits in preparation behind the tree stump that makes up the elders den. Nettlepaw was an apprentice so surely he would have to come this way at some point. It was like law or something. Every muscle in her body is tense as she waits, she is holding her breath with anticipation. And then suddenly - there he is! With a squeal that is meant to be a fierce yowl Halfkit leaps out from the log and barrels towards him, aiming to knock him over. If she is successful, they would tumble for a few seconds and she would pin him to the ground, if not she would roll in the dirt for a little trying to right herself. Regardless she would tilt her head back and howl with laughter. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh" she says between giggles "Did I scare you? Did it work?" Stars she had to hope she had! Otherwise she would have lost and this would have all been for nothing!

  • ooc : — please wait for @NETTLEPAW

  • 71463519_wfdQr8qW6maoeay.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, and white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse


Had Nettlepaw been in a regular conversation with Halfkit, and said conversation had pivoted to him (though he would strive to never let it), the apprentice would have been proud to learn that she found him tolerable. Not as mopey as his other siblings. But, alas, their meeting was not cloaked in niceties and innocent kitten-games, not eased into with a small voice of a poke of a patchy paw against his ruddy fur. No, it was spawned like lightning-flash by the flinging of a body, small and focused on one target.

She struck him, and his moss flew from his mouth.

To the floor they went, both of them- like cumulonimbus, the dust swelled and swirled around them, trapping them in a muddy vortex for a few seconds. Dramatics overtaking him, Nettlepaw went stiff for a moment, rolling his eyes forcibly to their absolute limits. A weight leapt off him then, and the voice that arrowed over to him was Halfkit's, unmistakably. Did it work? The phrase almost made him laugh, but he managed to keep a straight face, maintaining serious theatrics when at last he wobbled to his feet.

"Yes. You killed me, you frightened me to death." His eyes were still rolled back, aching from the force, scleras exposed to the elements. "I'll haunt you foreverrrrrrrrr as revenge!
penned by pin ♡