pafp Open Your Eyes To the World | SkyClan Tour


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023
He had gathered a small patrol for Sparrowpaw's first outing, accompanied by Bluejay and Heatherpaw to set out within the confines of the territory. With Two-Legs about, trapping and taking their clan mates—Blazestar had ordered that everyone go out in small groups. He'd also make sure to steer as far away from Two-Leg Place as he could, hoping that red pelted monster wouldn't travel this far within the forest. Auburnflame knew that Sparrowpaw was completely new to everything, being only accepted into the clan a day or two ago—and their plethora of questions was evident of it. He didn't particularly mind though, seeing as he liked to talk anyways; at least they'd be very knowledgeable about clan life by the time he was finished. Usually, the tortoiseshell would be up within the confines of the sturdy pine, aimlessly leaping from one branch to the other to cover gest distances without even touching the forest floor below. But today, he'd travel among the roots of the mighty pines for Sparrowpaw's sake. They were not yet accustomed to the trees and he didn't need his first apprentice to end up with a head injury—or worse.
He weaves in and out of tower trunks, keeping at a leisurely pace at the front until pines began to grow into thick oak trees. ThunderClan scent of leaf litter bathed his tongue, indicating that the border was near. "I'm sure you've heard of other clans bein' spoken about, Sparrowpaw." He begins as his gaze finds the brown tabby among their group with a small smile. "Our territory is mostly pine here, but as you get deeper—pine turns to oak. The foliage becomes harder to travel through and the overall scent starts to change. Can you smell it?" He pauses for them for a moment, tilting his patched helm to one side before continuing. "This is ThunderClan's territory here. They are one of the clans we share borders with. You must be very careful not to cross." The warrior explains, waving his plumed tail for emphasis. "Go ahead and take a look, just don't go past me okay? Heatherpaw can accompany you."

@sparrowpaw! @HEATHERPAW @bluejay

Please wait for Sparrow to reply first, then it's a free for all!:3

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The meeting had adjourned, cats going their separate ways. The tortoiseshell, a tom by the name of Auburnflame, had been named their mentor. He would be the cat to teach them about life in a Clan and the skills necessary to live in one. A Clan-born kit would be excited, dreaming of the day they became an apprentice, but Sparrow... wasn't.

The warnings still weighed heavily on their mind among other things. Even so they trailed behind Auburnflame as he went about the camp, gathering someone by the name of Bluejay and their apprentice, Heatherpaw, whom they recognized well enough. First things first, they would tour the territory, the space that SkyClan called their own.

Concern and nerves had them hesitating at the entrance of camp, but with the assurance that they would be going nowhere near Twolegplace, the small tabby tentatively fell in line. The chatter of camp fell away, and they were truly within the pine forest. They had traveled through it to get to the camp, they recalled, but the memory was a bit of a blur, one they weren't sure they wanted to untangle just yet.

As they walked, Sparrow- Sparrowpaw- carried themself with a distinct sense of nerves and discomfort, occasionally looking behind them as if a twoleg might be waiting. Nothing was there. There was only the occasional buzz of a nearby insect, the chirp of crickets, and the trill of birds. After a while, they began to relax, fur starting to lie flat.

It was around then the first question was asked, laced with the confusion they felt. Why Sparrowpaw? What was wrong with Sparrow- why did it need to change? The answer was given quickly by all, that -paw was a name given to all apprentices in all Clans, a sign of youth and a promise of strength. After turning the answer around in their head, they made no further comment, seemingly satisfied. Maybe they would get used to it. They hoped so, at least.

From then on they were largely quiet, far too preoccupied with nearly gawking at the forest around them. They weren't quite sure where they were headed- it was either a secret, a surprise, or they had no particular destination. It wasn't long before a few unusual trees began to pass by, a gradual change of scenery. As Auburnflame spoke up, they looked over to him almost expectantly.

ThunderClan. One of their neighbors, a Clan border. They had heard of a WindClan mentioned before, they recalled with a small nod. The scent on the air had begun to change, warmer and more like dirt rather than the sappy pine scent of SkyClan. Pine needles beneath their paws were beginning to mix with fallen leaves. They hadn't realized how familiar the scent of the pine forest around them had gotten, the new scent coming as a surprise.

Sparrowpaw let out a hum of affirmation, both at the warning and the suggestion, stepping forward until they were at Auburnflame's side. It certainly was a strong scent, lowering their head to sniff at the border and recoiling at the rank stench. It was vastly different from the calm smell of the forest, and they shook themselves out. "It doesn't smell very good," they uttered, taking a step back. "Is that what ThunderClan cats smell like?"


જ➶ When she is allowed to go out with the others the molly js determined to make sure all of this goes well. At least she hopes it does and all things considered they have two warriors with them so it has to go well! Bluejay and Auburnflame would never allow anything bad to happen. But the situation with the twolegs seems really bad. Even so she tries to remain optimistic as she follows them out of camp. With ease she winds her way around the trunks of the trees, ever watchful for anything suspicious. Definitely don't want no twolegs sneaking up on them. Her stout form is smaller than most and she slips her way between some roots easily enough. A small smile is on her muzzle as she keeps close to Bluejay and her muzzle twitches as she smells the beginning scents of Thunderclan. She personally has mixed feelings on the other clan given...the confusing relationship that Skyclan has with them. Her mind is always racing with trying tl understand things and she has to force herself to pay attention when Auburnflame begins to speak.

"Yeah! They smell a lot like leaf litter honestly. And they crawl through the bushes like snakes." Personally she can't imagine weaving through all those brambles and thickets. But it seems the Thunderclanners have no issues with it. Her light amber eyes are bright as she slips along the border and makes a face for a moment. "Uhhhhh, should I mark here? It's kinda stale!" A good warrior always enforces the borders and she wants to he the best warrior out there.
The sharp scent of pine sap, underlaid with the off-putting undertone of kittypet and Twolegplace, greets Mousepaw's nose as she nears the border. Acidic green eyes widen as a small SkyClan patrol edges their way around the border, two cats her age or younger making their way through the pine needles. She sniffs dramatically, throwing @Silverlightning a look before speaking. "You must not be Clanborn." She eyes the dusky-brown feline, then shifts her gaze to Heatherpaw. "SkyClan isn't here for their share of Sunningrocks, are they?" Her bratty voice is lilting and yet sharp, her bushy blue-patched tail twitching. She hasn't forgiven SkyClan for intruding on their battle.

Bluejay paces through the forest with her apprentice close to her side, the sound of a ThunderClanner's voice catching her attention. Asking about Sunningrocks.. She sighs, rolling her eyes. "Why would we want Sunningrocks?" She seeks no redemption in the form of an apology, no understanding between the group of cats. She was satisfied with the maintained distance between the two groups, Blazestar's own weakness aside. Having family in other Clans.. It really didn't work out well for anyone, did it?

Nudging Heatherpaw with her shoulder, Bluejay gives her a comforting smile before nodding towards the ThunderClanner. "I'm Bluejay, this is Heatherpaw- my apprentice." She introduces herself with a grin, pep in her step as she moves to stand beside Auburnflame. This was his little patrol, after all. This little tour of his.

"Aaaanyways.." She chuckles, looking towards the border. She marks it fresh, before moving on to point towards the trees that seem to change. "See how the pines give way to oak? That's usually how you know you're close to the border, if you can't smell too well."
He watches in pleasant delight as Sparrowpaw comes to stand by him, taking his invitation to explore and take in the new scent of musk and oak with leaf litter. He chuckles at their recoil as the scent permeates their nostrils, "Yes. As Heatherpaw states. Once you grow more accustomed to life here, you'll be able to tell the scent if each clan by memory. They all smell vastly different." Heatherpaw bounds over to a clump of foliage, noting that the marker is stale and if she should remark it. "Yes, go ahead Heatherpaw. Sparrowpaw can follow you. We mark borders every day to ensure trespassers know not to trespass onto our land."
His mismatched ears flicker as sounds of pitter paw steps sound from behind him, a calico molly pushing her way out of the foliage to stand by the border. Her venomous green eyes trace over Sparrowpaw before speaking of her not being clan born. "No, they are not." He replied simply, waving his tail behind him. The accusation that then spews from her tongue causes his own jaw to clench, remembering how Sharpeye had went against Blazestar's wishes and threw himself in self exile. Bluejay is quick to rebuttal and he follows suit, turning his lengthy frame to stand and face the ThunderClan apprentice. "We have no interest in Sunningrocks, don't worry! We're only showing Sparrowpaw around." His mint hues flit towards Bluejay and he nods to her with a soft smile. "Let's keep going! The river is not too far from here." He then ascends into patched paws, flicking his plumed tail for the others to follow.


Remembering so many new scents seemed like a monumental task. The tabby wasn't sure how they all managed it. Even so, the scent before them now wasn't one they were sure they would forget too soon.

The rustling of foliage has Sparrowpaw taking a step back, eyes searching uncertainly, only for another cat to make an appearance, smelling of the oak forest they hid in. Vibrant green eyes fell on them, critical, and they gazed back wordlessly. Confusion lightly crinkled their features when less-than-friendly words were tossed their way, accusatory in tone.

"No," they reply, their quiet words nearly lost beneath those of Auburnflame as they answered simultaneously. They weren't sure why it was being pointed out. As far as they knew, lots of the cats living in SkyClan weren't born there. Surely it was the same for the cats of ThunderClan?

The calico's words were biting, and Sparrowpaw was beginning to adopt a frown. ThunderClan didn't seem to be particularly friendly. The word Sunningrocks was tossed about, and the tortoiseshell tom was on the move again. Although they quickly fell in behind him they slowed, head turning back to oggle at the ThunderClanners once more, as if committing them to memory.

Although they still seemed off-put by the other's attitude, the tabby tried to offer a weak smile. "Um, bye." With that, they hurried after the departing SkyClanners.

