camp Open Your Heart (Celebrating)


Wanderer No More
Jun 27, 2023

To say that becoming a warrior was a dream come true would be inaccurate. It was a title Wheatpaw - no - Wheattail, now, hadn’t wanted until recently. The former wanderer had planned to slip free of Shadowclan long before this, but the strange group of misfits had grown on her. From the adorable kittens to the wacky warriors, and even the sticks-in-the-mud, Wheattail was glad to call these people family.

Even though reaching this rank wasn’t something the new warrior had in mind until recently, as soon as the Somali lookalike was set on it, she knew what her first act would be. With a exaggerated strut, autumn fur sauntered forwards before stopping at the camp’s entrance. One paw crossed the boundary, then another, before with a little hop the warrior was completely on the other side. “I am outside camp by myself!” she called back in self-satisfied delight, “and I can be outside camp on my own now, because-“ the girl walked in a circle for a moment, practically spinning in place as a wheaten tail swished around her, “I am a warrior!”

Yes, that was what Wheattail had been looking forward to most of all. No more annoying escorts whenever she wanted to take a walk, no more cats breathing down her neck whenever she strayed off a patrol’s route, the girl could finally enjoy some peace and quiet from time to time. “Perhaps I shall go on a walk by myself tonight? I have always been curious if the frogs make better conversation than you all.”

It was part of the paradox that was Wheattail: a cat newly-enamored with loyalty ecstatic about staking our her own sort of independence. A teasing tongue showed itself to the Shadowclanners in camp as the Somali lookalike began to trot around outside, still in view of everyone but too happy to compose herself.
*+:。.。 "So not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!" came a very familiar whine as it seems Singekit was complaining since the day he popped into this world how absolutely cruel it was that he wasn't allowed to be a warrior right away. But it WAS cruel! He was a big strong guy! He could take care of himself! I mean, Halfpaw and Laurelpaw survived just fine outside of Shadowclan - why can't Singekit get a turn?!

The boy was nothing but pouts and stomps as he approached Wheatpaw -Wheattail, actually. Not a bad name, fit her perfectly, though absolutely nothing compared to Singefang. He decides to share that boast the second it pops into his head, "your new name sucks compared to what MY future name will be! Before long I'll be Singefang the mighty! And then I'll be leaving camp alone! Or maybe ill lead every patrol and you'll have to take orders from ME!" He puffs out his chest, wholly confident and eager to show it! But all his bravado melts as he starts to paw at the ground, as timid as a monster like Singekit can be as he musters it within himself to turn on the politeness. A switch that's curtained by spiderwebs. "What's it like in the marsh? Going into the marsh alone? Are there snakes everywhere? Big skeletal spiders?!" he looks around, then scoots closer to the warrior, his aquatic blue eyes glowing with hunger for an answer to his next question, "Have you gotten to fight enemy cats?!"

Granted, these are all questions Wheattail could've answered as a 'paw, but it wasn't the same! Everything is different when you get your warrior name!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

It was no surprised to see Wheattail celebrating her newly given title as a warrior, Snowpaw knew many of the newly appointed apprentices were also celebrating their new rank within the clan, all eager to begin their lessons with their appointed mentors, able to leave camp with supervison of course, but still, it beats sitting inside camp all day and having to hear the screeching fiery tones of complaints from Singekit.

"You just got to wait and see for yourself, Singekit," Snowpaw said coolly, she knew he probably was upset he still was not made an apprentice, and she herself had finally been appointed as one, and had escaped the nursery from the little kit, but it was fine. Singekit would soon have more "bindles of joys" that would soon to come that he could torture with his screechy voice.

"Congratulations, Wheattail" Snowpaw said before a gentle smile peered on her lips. Albiet she didn't know the other at all until the meeting, a congratulation was still in order since tje other had worked hard to earn such a title.

The indignant shrieks and wails of Singekit brought an amused smirk to Wheattail’s maw. Perhaps this was what the she-cat intended with her little display, at least subconsciously. What was wrong with a little harmless instigation every once in a while? Wheatpaw loved to banter, and children made is so easy. As the warrior listened to Singekit’s boasting, she let out a good-natured chuckle.

“Singefang? My, my, that would be a good name. Unfortunately, I overheard Chilledstar the other day. They were talking about naming you Singetoad. I think it fits well, personally. Your voice reminds me of a ribbit.” She may have accepted the truth of where she wanted to be, but Wheattail had not embraced complete honesty. Where was the fun in that?

Singekit’s eager question smothers the mischief in her eyes, and Wheattail can’t help but see a bit of herself in the youngster. So proud, so eager to explore, why not indulge him with a taste of truth? “The marsh…imagine if the floor of the nursery was covered in a thick layer of wet moss. That is what the marsh is like. It is not so dangerous, but I have found that real excitement comes from the beauty of nature.” His next question causes her eyes to darken slightly, reminded of her time before Shadowclan. “I have fought cats, but I held no malice when I did.” she said curtly. “They were trying to survive, the same as me.”

Wheattail breathed a sigh of relief as Snowpaw approached, an excuse to change the now-somber subject. The Somali lookalike gave a slight nod to the other, a slight smile playing on her lips. “Thank you, Snowpaw. Though, I am surprised you are not as excited about your promotion as I am about mine.” It was a bit embarrassing, a she-cat barely graduated from kithood playing it cooler than someone fully grown, but Wheattail didn’t mind too much. “Have you seen the territory yet?”
Sharpshadow sincerely hopes he hadn't been so dreadfully over - the - top when he had been made a warrior. Wheat-tail seems about ready to burst into song. Perhaps, she'd even do a SkyClan - esque routine, bouncing and spinning amongst the trees and bringing them to life with her pure unadulterated whimsy. Sharpshadow watches straight - faced as she toes her way across the line that is camp's entrance, and watches still as ShadowClan's resident brat runs along to announce his displeasure.

Snowpaw attempts to save Wheat-tail from the barrage of questions, essentially telling him to shut up in the most polite way she could. She didn't know that Wheat-tail liked to talk about as much as Singekit did. Sharpshadow withholds her snort when she tells a clearly - fictional tale about Singekit's future name. She was not willing to find anything this cat said funny. Wheat-tail reinforces this idea extremely quickly. Something - something pretentious about " the real excitement comes from the beauty of nature. " Ugh.

" Singekit knows what mud is. Just say it's muddy. And sometimes there's grass too. The beauty of nature, " The warrior sniffs. Sharpshadow did not believe promoting " togetherness " meant they had to lie about how cool the swamp was, but whatever. Sharpshadow is also close to noting that no one asked if she held malice when fighting cats, but keeps her jaw snapped shut. Sharpshadow tries to crinkle the corner of her eyes, at least... like— like she's joking.

Sharpshadow has yet to congratulate Wheat-tail yet, but Snowpaw has already done that, hasn't she? It was not all - too surprising either, that an apprentice may not jump for joy at going from a life of sleeping and eating to working and not - eating, as far as Leaf - bare was concerned. Sharpshadow figures she ought to make it less obvious she was only here because Wheat-tail annoyed her. " Any ideas for your name, Snowpaw? "

And it's strange, murmuring about such a thing not as a fellow apprentice, fiending for their own name, but as a warrior. And one who has been for a few moons, now.

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  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw Mentoring Halfpaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 18 moons old as of 12.19.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3