camp OPERATION: DON'T TELL MOM |☀| kit intro ; playtime

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
"No no, shhh... shhh! Everybody has to be real quiet, okay? Don't wake up Moonwhisper- don't- don't wake up Momma." Okay, to nobody's surprise, the idea of being allowed to leave the nursery for the first time, albeit somewhat underhandedly, was an exciting one.

These are my kits. Meadowkit, Mottledkit, and Scarletkit. His. Did kits always get so big so quickly? It felt like yesterday they were just the size of his paw and so... Pink. Now they were walking puffballs.

Lightstrike was ushering them toward the nursery's entrance with a mixture of a sweeping fluffy tail and a pale paw, glancing back all the while to make sure that the sleeping mass of white and tortoiseshell fur remained undisturbed. Score. He practically shoved them out by the rumps, grinning all the while.

Straightening with a slight puff of his chest, bright green eyes turned down to the kits at his paws. He near stood over them, if only to make sure they didn't bolt off and vanish into a crevice somewhere. "Welcome to ThunderClan!"

// RELEASE THE BABIES @mottledkit @MEADOWKIT and scarletkit who i either cant tag or isnt real yet

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
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Staring up at him with round, eyes that had only recently begun to darken to emerald hues, Mottledkit thinks to correct her dad that mommy should be awake by now. The sun is risen and she'd promised to play with them and it was well past the point of nap-time, if her very awake-state was any indication. His shushing is enough to silence her, if only out of sheer surprise that he had shushed her. Mottledkit! Shushed! A glower sits on her face and a mischievous voice in her head says to just scream real loud instead. Wake up Moonwhisper and all the other queens too... yeah... yeah that'd teach him to shush her!

But his paws, his nosing is insistent and before she fully solidifies that malicious idea, they've already been thrust through the threshold that is the camp itself. It's blindingly bright for a moment, something to wince against and curl into his leg to bury her face from. "Augh," Mottledkit complains vaguely, wondering if her sisters feel the same level of just... overwhelming 'aaaah' that dances around her head.

The surprise of so many smells and colors takes a few moments to come down from but when she's finally willing to peek from where she'd hidden herself, her pupils widen in excited realization. There are so many cats out here! "Woah...!! Oh... my... STARS!" All promises of quiet are... conveniently, and in kit-like wonder, forgotten.​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ much had changed in thunderclan, but the queens saw to it that their ranks stayed replenished. detachedly, she could view them as nothing more than lives to replace those lost, but nightbird knew that wasn't fair. their kits would grow to become their own warriors, they needn't be burdened with the pressure of living up to those who came before them and those they would never know.

still, she hadn't worried herself with becoming acquainted with thunderclan's newest members quite yet. there was much to do in order to get camp back up to standard. the freshkill pile that had been all but demolished was slowly growing alongside the dens. nightbird was checking up on that progress, scanning carefully over each crafted wall for imperfections. surprisingly there weren't many, perhaps thunderclan had finally learned its lesson.

she didn't notice the kits leaving the nursery in time to skirt around it, gaze drawing to lightstrike instead. the shift of her head was near solemn as she looked at her former apprentice and his kits. as far as cats who had trained under her paw went the green eyed tom sure had it the best right now. if she were in a brighter mood, the irony would have her laughing.

a tortie child peeks out, green eyes blown wide with awe at the sight of thunderclan's camp before blatantly ignoring her father's request for silence. lightstrike couldn't be mad, those were his listening skills after all. nightbird doesn't voice it, glancing back to the sunny furred warrior. "what're their names?" she inquired, purposely keeping her eyes up in an attempt to garner as least kitten attention as possible. starclan knew how much mischief these ones would cause, nightbird wanted no part in it.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Lightstrike was the last cat Gentlestorm imagined being a father or let alone even court someone as prickly as Moonwhisper but the healer is happy for the both of them. Even if the kittens mother might not like him that doesn't mean he had to avoid either of them, after all, it's his responsibility to care for the clan and he would do such not caring for any potential barbed words from the tortie point. His feathered ears prick forward seeing Nightbird walking about only to hear her asking for the names of the kittens, his dark golden gaze shifting to Lightstrike awaiting his answer despite already knowing. He had been there during their birth and thanked Starclan silently for allowing both mother and kittens to be well, he thinks of Little Wolf knowing that she would've dotted on her grandchildren. With a gentle bump, the medicine cat greets Nightbird with a small smile as he lets out a soft hum wondering if the lead warrior would potentially mentor one of her former apprentice's kits and the thought itself is enough to amuse him.

He decides not to voice these thoughts instead settling his gaze on Mottledkit instead as he speaks "It's ginormous isn't it?" Gentlestorm takes a seat but remains semi-alert though his posture is slightly slouched, exhausted, and relaxed all at once. Perhaps he would seek out softer moss for the queens and kits, maybe some feathers to entertain them too.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Despite how desperately she wished to remain in her nest, she still found herself waking up early each day with Sparrowkit. With each passing day she found herself having less and less energy to chase him along, so when Roeflame and Moonwhisper's kits were born, she felt slightly relieved. Chasing kits around was much easier after already having kits. She felt him stir, and as she opened her eyes she saw Lightstrike ushering his kits out of the den. No matter how quiet one was, nothing could escape the attention of a queen. During her last litter, she had practically slept with one eye open for four moons.

The red tabby stood up, and slowly followed the father and kits out of the nursery. She laid back down just outside the entrance, and began to groom her pelt. Or, what she could reach of it anyways. "Oh the first time out of the nursery." she purred, watching all of the kits affectionately. Watching the sparkling eyes of amazement always brought warmth to her heart. She glanced up at Nightbird and Gentlestorm as they each approached. Nightbird asking about their names, and the Medicine Cat agreeing with the largeness of the camp. To a kit, the camp must seem endless. Just wait until they see the forest. The thought almost slips, but she decides to hold it in. That was the last thing she needed to put into Lightstrike's kits...she could recall how mischievous he had been as a young one. Stars...I feel old. It seemed like just a few moons ago that their mother had been born.

mentioning @sparrowkit

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Adderpaw had no desire in this current moment to have kits or be in a relationship (he was too young after all to be thinking of such things, but he knew this was something that would probably continue as he got older). Who would want to focus on someone else, figuring out their emotions and attending to them when it's already difficult enough to focus on how your own feelings? It just made no sense to him, as he wasn't very familiar with forming connections with his clanmates in the first place. Perhaps if he met the right cat, his mind would change -- but that truly was the last thing he wanted to think about. He was an apprentice, too young to be thinking ahead so far in his life when he has so much in front of him already.

The tomcat was passing by the nursery on his way to get some moss, mouth dry and eagerly awaiting to go to and dip the moss into some water to enjoy. But the sight of Lightstrike and his kits tugged Adderpaw's lips downward softly in a frown, worried for the noise that was soon to start radiating through camp... but he couldn't help but be relieved to see more life plaguing the camp. It had been a rough moon so far, and it calmed his worried mind slightly to think that maybe things would start to go their way. But was he having too high of hopes? Shaking his head, he looked at Mottledkit with squinted eyes, brows raised as he tried to remember what it was like when he first saw ThunderClan's camp... he was pretty sure that he had the same reaction as her. This softened his heart for a moment, and he offered a forced smile. "Pretty interesting, huh?" That was a bit of an understatement for Mottledkit surely, but for Adderpaw it's his everyday view.​
good and bad come from kits, while not her favorite scraps of fur, it’s hard to argue that they’re not a shining beacon. the clan still prospers despite it all, they are a reminder of what you’re fighting for. even when you’re not thinking of them, you are subconsciously making sure the next generation is safe.

recently, she was doing that by double checking the defenses. leafhusk had quickly glanced at the nursery’s outer walls, checking if she should look closer when it’s the afternoon when the tour begun. she steps back and waves her tail to greet the approaching clanmates, watching the new little, chuffing softly and smiling.

"they look adorable." she compliments, remembering she hadn’t given proper congratulations yet.​

It feels strange to be away from her mother's side, and even stranger to have to keep a secret from her but perhaps Moonwhisper just wanted to rest and Lightstrike was just letting her take a nap. Sometimes she liked to take naps too, though usually she would protest and try to play until she was barely able to stand on her own four paws anymore. She would sleepily declare that she was Meadowstar and that leaders didn't take naps but she would be swaying and blinking stubbornly while she said it, a yawn splitting open her jaws as she talked and then when she finally layed down she would close her eyes and when she would wake up the sun would be in a different part of the sky than it had been before and maybe that's what had happened to Moonwhisper. She was so tired she couldn't play anymore and Lightstrike would play with them instead!

"SHHHHHH" Her shush aimed directly at her littermate is probably louder than just telling her to be quiet but Meadowkit doesn't notice. "We're supposed to be quiet Mottledkit" she scolds, a frown crossing her features. She can't help the wonder that finds its way into her eyes though as she looks out at the camp. She had seen it before, of course, but never close up. Never for more than a few seconds where she would gaze at it from the entrance of the nursery. It was quite different to watch something versus be a part of it.

And a part of it she now was. Strange cats were coming up to them, speaking to them and Meadowkit looks at the first with wide green eyes. The strange molly talks like they are not even there! She refuses to even look in their direction and instead opts to speak to her father instead. What? Were kits too good for her? Immediately, Meadowkit steps forward, head tilted to look up at the raven-pelted warrior. "I'm Meadowkit, thats Mottledkit and that's Scarletkit!" she answers for her father, shoulders squared and head tilted ever so slightly, an attempt at potraying herself to be much older than she actually was. She was, of course, trying to imitate the way she sometimes saw her mother stand. "What's your name?"

Her attention shifts when the big scary cat she sometimes saw come into the nursery appears. She lets out an alarmed squeak and pedals backwards, closer to her father. "You are yes!" she says, her eyes wide, not realizing he was talking about camp and not himself. She casts Flamewhisker a glance, the red-tabby queen was a familiar face, another nursery resident like Moonwhisper and Roeflame, only her babies hadn't been born yet. They were still in her belly, she had been told, growing like Meadowkit and her sisters once had. Another apprentice and another adult come along too, but this is the most cats Meadowkit has ever seen in her life! She feels almost like she can't keep her head on straight as it swivels to look at them all. "Wow how many cats live here in ThunderClan with us?" she asks, trying her best to count as she looks around but finding herself unable to after five.

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

The seasons has begun to change and it didn't take long before kitten-booming began to happen in all the clans. With the winter deprecations being washed away of the warmth of spring and with it brought more life to the clans. It was awkward for the dark pelted feline as typically kits tended to have extroverted and overly curious natures, and she preferred to stay in her own social circle and space. There sometimes were a few occurrences in which some of the new kits would be introverted and stick to their parents... but it was definitely not the case at the moment. Mottledkit and Meadowkit already seemed to already have quite the lungs on them and a sense of cat's curiosity already at their age.

Ravenstrike watches from the side as her vibrant amber gaze wafts over the array of cats going from smallest to largest. The muscular scarred feline felt a shiver race down her spine as she felt herself internally cringe at the impending doom of mischief and chaos that would eventually fold out, a similar thought to Nightbird's. She makes no attempt to go forth and make herself known with her introduction as she was entirely respecting Lightingstrike's request (which was directed to the litter) of being quiet. Raven was similar in aspect of personality as her sister, Coyotebite, both of them being closed off and often not opening up to others much. The she-cat much preferred the sole companionship of her family with the isolation away from other clanmates as she quite adored her sister.

Despite her introverted nature, she felt obliged to show her face around despite wanting to hide in the shadows. The raven colored female takes a quiet yet deep breath before exhaling as she plops onto her haunches off to side of the gathering. She'd stay until they got shoved back into the nursery or were taken away for family bonding, and she just prayed to Starclan that they wouldn't interact with her. It was enough dealing with everyone sobbing over lost family, mates, friends or more from the wolves but it was all part of a life and they graciously sacrificed themselves for the clan. Was that not a honor in a manner? Instead of honoring the memories, they wallowed in grief instead of using the experience to better themselves or the clan.

The invasion was proof that their home was easily invaded and there should be more precautions taken with that. Anyone who was hurt in the event should train themselves to defend themselves better, learn to dodge an attack or learn different fortification measures to prevent this again. Ugh. . . I rather just be training or sparring. Raven grumbled internally and secretly hoped that her scarred appearance would scare the kits from wanting to interact with her, or the parents would quickly warn them that she was a bad person- anything really.
"white" is speech, thoughts, interact with @/ravenstrike


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sparrowkit had left the nursery early that morning, leaving Flamewhisker behind - she seemed to struggle keeping up this days, but he felt he was old enough to explore camp on his own! The new babies were too little to play with for a long time, and he always had to be quiet in the nursery - so, as soon as he woke, he often left the den to find someone bigger to bother.

Sparrowkit was following some cat around, asking questions and chattering away, when a small commotion started up near the nursery. He turned his head to see Lightstrike and the kittens, and practically beamed with excitement - quickly abandoning his conversation with the poor cat he chose to bother, to greet the kits.

"It's their first time out of the nursery!" he commented matter-of-factly to one of the gathered adults, as if it weren't obvious. Then, he trotted over to the kittens, greeting them with a huge smile. He'd be their tour guide today, if they'd listen to him - that was his job, as one of the biggest kits in the nursery! "Mottledkit! Meadowkit! Scarletkit! You're outside!" Sparrowkit purred, bouncing with excitement.

"Oh, what should we see first? You should see Gentlestorm's den, it smells funny but it's sooo pretty! Ooh - or the apprentice's den, that's where we'll move into in a few moons!" Oh, was he getting ahead of himself now. If any cat would grant him the opportunity, Sparrowkit would ramble on forever!

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, thunderclan kitten, 4 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

While her littermates bicker, Scarletkit sticks close to her father's leg, eyeing Mottledkit and Meadowkit in slight annoyance. They're going to wake their mother up! And more than anything, the young she-kit wants to see camp. She wants to meet the clanmates she's heard so much about and try fresh-kill, and so much more. So when she is ushered out, she practically prances into camp with her head and tail held high, gangly legs trotting to keep up with Lightstrike. "Wow," She mumbles as she looks around, bicolored eyes growing wide.

A few cats approach that she doesn't recognize and she eyes them curiously. The only one she recognizes is the large tom who smells like herbs. He's visited them a few times in the nursery, after all. Asked her how she felt and stuff. She sniffs and looks at the others, fighting the urge to withdraw further into her father's pelt and disappear beneath his belly. But she wants to be a brave girl, she wants to make her parents proud. She can't be a coward her very first day outside the nursery! So she keeps her chin high and begins to take a step forward to talk to some of the older cats when Sparrowkit approaches excitedly.

Immediately comforted by the presence of a familiar face, Scarletkit smiles politely and peeks up at her father. “Dad, can I?” She asks for permission, feathery tail sticking up excitedly.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike was, frankly, beaming like an idiot, as he was so oft to do around his kits. Mottledkit's first instinct was to bury herself in his leg in the face of direct sunlight. Yeah, he'd been there before. Scarletkit was sticking close, too. He didn't mind in the slightest.

Various squeaks of awe reach his ears, and the golden warrior's shoulders shook in a small laugh. "Cool, right? You know, I'm risking my hide here letting you guys out of the nursery a couple days early!" Moonwhisper would probably swat him upside the head regardless once she found out. He was half-expecting her to walk out of the nursery right then and there. Despite his urges, the kits weren't exactly quiet.

A familiar voice was what finally drew his forest-green eyes upward from his kits. It seemed several cats had noticed the set of new faces, and several were eager to meet them. Hardly a beat had passed before his maw was parting, eager to spill about them, but Meadowkit beat him to it. A pale chin tilted down at the little scrap before raising back toward his former mentor. "...Well, there you have it!"

Although she was already staring at Nightbird following her query, Lightstrike nudged Meadowkit to gesture at the sleek warrior. "That's Nightbird, one of the lead warriors of ThunderClan. She was my mentor, back when I was an apprentice!" A warrior that wasn't fond of kits, and that was a fact he knew well.

It didn't stop his eyes from narrowing mischievously at Nightbird as he gave Meadowkit another soft nudge of his paw. "You know, I bet she'd love to teach you some of the things she taught your dad if you ask reeeal nicely!"

Gentlestorm's approach had her backpedaling straight into him, shutting his mouth with surprise. For a moment he glanced to the medicine cat, then back down to his daughter. "Oh, come on, you're a big brave girl! That's just Gentlestorm. He wouldn't hurt a fly. You've met him before, haven't you? Do you remember him?" Then again, he knew how Moonwhisper felt about him...

Many cats were talking, excited by the events, and his attention was being dragged around, next snatched by the name dad from Scarletkit. He hadn't heard Sparrowkit's chattering. "Huh? Can you what? I didn't catch that."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]