opposite of adults | kit-sitting

Flycatcher didn't really spend much time around the nursery. It wasn't that he disliked kits or anything but he simply had no reason to. Most of his visits to the nursery involved bringing supplies to patch it up, or perhaps bringing some fresh-kill for the queens to enjoy. It was the latter he had come to the nursery for today, only to somehow wind up herding a gaggle of kits outside.

Stars, it had been a bit of a struggle with so many mouths to feed, especially so close to leafbare. But ThunderClan was managing well and their kits were happy, healthy, and thriving. The future of the clan was bright if these young children grew up to become fine warriors. Escorting his army of kits outside, Flycatcher kept looking back to ensure they were all with him, as though they might have gotten lost in the short distance between the nursery and outside. One kit who wasn't with them was Howlkit, who despite prompting from her siblings, had elected to stay inside the nursery and sleep.

"So what would you like to do today?" Flycatcher asked, turning around to the kits and bringing them to a halt. "I am happy to play any and all games you want."
Despite complaining in whines and pouts that his sister Howlkit wouldn't be joining them, Fireflykit was quick to make his way behind Flycatcher. His eyes shifted to the rest of the kits, making sure his siblings were with them- though Flycatcher's question is quick to steal the young tom's attention. They always played mossball and clan.. What would they play?

"Hide and seek, maybe?" He suggests softly, squinting up at the larger warrior.
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Burnkit is slightly disappointed that Howlkit hadn’t wanted to come out and play with them but he quickly shakes it off. If she wanted to be lame and sleep all day then who was he to stop her? Besides, Fireflykit was here, his brother might sometimes be a killer of fun but if he were being honest he liked having the point tom around. It was nice to know someone was always looking out for him.

Flycatcher was not a tom he knew well but when his mother had urged him to go play he had obliged. Anything to get out of that stuffy den for a bit! He cats a glance at his brother as he speaks, blinking in surprise “Hide and Seek is BORING” he loudly declares. “I want a badger ride” playfully he reaches out with a paw and gives Fireflykit a gentle shove.
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Burnkit's arrival is met with a loud, audible groan of complaint from Fireflykit. He grins at his little brother, the shove to his shoulder making him giggle. "You're such a kit, Burn! How are we gonna all fit on Flycatcher's back?" He asks in question, a big paw coming out to gently shove his brother in return. He knew it would turn into a playfight if they didn't quell themselves, but he couldn't really care less. "Flycatcher! Can you carry all of us?" He asks the Warrior, turning his attention to him finally.

Flycatcher did not have much experience with kits so their behaviours and mannerisms were somewhat new to him. Whilst it might have dissuaded some cats from being around them, the blue tabby watched them with an amused twinkle. He wonders if he was ever like that when he was their age. He's certain he was, at least based on what he heard from his sisters growing up. The first suggestion comes from Fireflykit, who suggests hide and seek, an idea that Flycatcher is about to say sounds fine to him when Burnkit loudly interrupts and says it is boring and that he wanted a badger ride instead.

When Fireflykit turns and asks if Flycatcher could carry them, the blue tabby takes a moment to think it over. "Well, some of you are getting pretty big now," Flycatcher pointed out with a laugh. "But if a badger ride is what you want I am happy to try."

Warming back up to Flycatcher had been tougher than Roepaw had anticipated. How could she want one thing- but not be ready for it yet? It was incredibly frustrating.
Still though, Roepaw found herself lacking the cold glares towards him, the grumpy lashes of her tail- instead she had taken on a more reserved side around the warrior instead of outright rude.
Today, the sight of Flycatcher being followed by a small group of kits was enough for Roepaw’s curiosity to override her emotions, and she shuffled over.
"A badger ride?" She echoed- the kits were almost as big as her! Even if it wasn’t saying much. Though, the idea of Flycatcher staggering around with a half-grown adult on his back was funny. "Just… don’t break anything. We were supposed to start those defensive tactics tomorrow, remember?" Roepaw finally fully turned her attention towards him, selfishly hoping he hadn’t forgotten.

( ) With her sprained shoulder causing her to be trapped in the camp, she had spent a lot more time with the clan's kits. She couldn't play any major games, but entertaining them for awhile wasn't too much of a task. They were all pretty well behaved, and she had always naturally gotten along well with them. As she made her way to the den, she spotted Flycatcher outside with them. It seemed she was off kit duty today...she wasn't upset, but she wondered what else she could do instead.

The tabby lowered herself onto the ground, pulling her tail against her side. As she watched him play with the kits, a smile started to form. He's really good with them. she thought, before growing warm with embarrassment.
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