or maybe she objected to empty armchairs || dog au

The wet ground does little to hold scent; the air is much of the same. Piper snuffs nose-to-earth regardless. A drizzle had started overnight and persists even now in the hazy-skied morning. Fine mist dampens her wrinkled face and darkens her pelt. Musty leaflitter made up of shed pine needles, accumulated over long seasons and packed down into mud by heavy paws, is carelessly overturned with each and every back-and-forth swing of Piper's massive head.

She needs food— for herself, for her pack.

There, Piper nearly misses it. Her nose finds the spot again, loose skin shifting slower through space than her bones, muzzle pressed down and down until the soft mud feels rigid. There, there, a smell. Opossum. Piper knows this animal. She knows it will tree itself if chased and that it can become so frightened that it dies. She knows some of her smallest of packmates are very nearly the same size as a opossum, but she knows she is more than big enough to hunt and kill it.

"Over here," She calls in her gruff voice, "There's a smell over here."​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 18 moons | tags
  • Wow

"well, then? kill it. what are you waiting for us for?"

the dog's voice is rough and bitter, as they watch their pack member speak of the scent. she was wasting precious time. with a clamp of their teeth, the pit bull rushed around the scent, growling loudly before letting out a very loud few barks, snarling to try and scare the thing out of its hiding place. this could have been done already, but it wasn't. but then again... icee wasn't in a necessarily good mood. call it what you want, but hunger did make even the nicest of dogs frustrated, and they were far from the nicest.

"catch it!"

they barked, holding their position to keep the thing from coming in their direction.

On stocky paws, Fennel was quick to approach when the call of a good scent was made. "You lose when you snooze... That's another saying for you, Piper." The basenji's lips parted in a smile, her tongue gently lolling out of her mouth. Like their pack leader, Fennel was not sure if it was worth waiting for others to try and catch this mystery marsupial. Her ribs clung to her skin, the coarse fur of the pedigree dog growing raggedy with time away from comfort. Catching the possum's scent within her nostrils, the hunter's curled tail wagged with excitement. She resisted yodeling and began to pace away from Chilledstar, searching for an opening to lure the possum out. Her ears flattened against the uncouth snarling, but, would it do the job? Fennel swore she saw a flash of fur amidst the marshy undergrowth, stark as a ghost and likely to be one with its simple error of judgment. Instinct drove the tan and white canine forwards - opossums may not have been rodents but to a hunter, its low body and whip-like tail reminded her brain of one. She leaped forwards headfirst into the cordgrass, aiming to snap at whatever scrap of fur was hiding and drag it out in the open for her packmates to feast upon.