camp or maybe you should stay || strange passenger

When Betonyfrost wakes, she does so slowly. The nap hadn't energized her, but the place she had coiled into in camp had been dryer than the rest and comfortably insulated from the surrounding moisture in the air. Awareness comes in phases: an ache where she had laid on her limb strangely, its twin cricking in her neck—the humidity against her whiskers and the way it wants to drag her whole face down. When Betonyfrost wakes, when the awareness comes to her, it is with the understanding that she had been awoken by a something.

Something: a tugging on her fur, too insignificant to be painful but too weighted to be a bug. Her head turns, still bleary, still blinking, until at once the sleep clears from her vision and her eyes focus on a frog attempting to scale her flank.

A frog. A very tiny frog.

Betonyfrost blinks. The frog remains. It's smaller than even just one of her eyes and dark brown against her blue fur. Betonyfrost has seen beetles bigger than this—certainly she's pulled larger ticks from her own flank. She blinks again. The frog continues on, too caught in the forest of her pelt to proceed higher than it has already climbed, despite its efforts. Betonyfrost stands, slowly at first, as if attempting to prevent the frog from dislodging, and then the absurdity of the situation sets in.

"For StarClan's sake!" Betonyfrost snaps. The frog, rather dutifully, has not fallen from her flank, "Here? Hadn't you got anywhere better to be?"​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 30 moons | tags

[ ༻❄༺ ] Betonyfrost was not a warrior that Snowpaw typically interacted with, yet hearing the molly snap at something caught the apprentice's attention as her yellow gaze fixated upon the very very tiny frog that had managed to find its way into the camp and finding comfort in the strange molly's grey fur. Though Betonyfrost was not too pleased over the creature's presence a slight snort came from Snowpaw as she made her approach, yet kept a slight distance from her and the molly.

"Maybe it wishes to be your mate, Betonyfrost" Snowpaw would say in jest, stubby tail twitching a bit, wondering if the warrior was planning to squish the tiny thing or to let it go. Snowpaw doubt it would make for a good meal, even as a snack the thing was hardly worth their time, yet she was sure the kits would enjoy playing with it if the other decided to spare its life.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

With a twisted sense of almost - happiness, Sharpshadow had watched it all. The frog suddenly making its appearence in camp, as if one of the however many on the fresh - kill pile had simply decided to stop being dead and wandered elsewhere. It's steady approach to Betonyfrost's sleeping side. It's tentative press against ash - grey fur. The bleary eyes, the shuffling body, the slow realization... Maybe Sharpshadow should've put a stop to it, maybe he should've minded his business, he does neither. He stares openly.

Maybe it wishes to be your mate, Betonyfrost, says Snowpaw, doing what Sharpshadow thought was the impossible, which is, actually— be kind of... funny. It's funny. Funny enough to make Sharpshadow abandon whatever sense of camouflage he might've had (he'd had none) to let out an ugly snort of amusement. " Ha— It might be the best you'll ever get. " Is he setting himself up? Was he? Is he?
It was the jesting commotion that caught Sneezepaw's attention, drawing it over to the resting molly. He wasn't one to jump into interactions not involving him - he was more likely to speak only when spoken to, friendly and welcoming but lacking the social drive to initiate. But, the sight was amusing, dragging a small smile onto the young tom's face.

On Betonyfrost's flank, a tiny brown frog - he'd never seen one so little, so.. cozy! "It's so little," Sneezepaw mused with a purr as he made his way over to examine the little thing. The comment of it becoming Betonyfrost's mate flies over his head - he doesn't get the joke. Instead, he takes a more innocent approach, focusing his jokes more on the frog than the cat it had nestled into. "Maybe it's a baby! I wonder where its parents are.."
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 6 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a


"You can't let a baby frog be your mate!" Gigglekit protested as she trotted over to the small group that was forming around Betonyfrost and her tiny passenger. Gigglekit leaned forward, legs quivering, in order to get a better look at the creature on the older she-cat's pelt. It really was quite small - it definitely had to be a baby. All babies were small, like how Gigglekit had been when she had first been born!

Sneezepaw mentions the baby frog's parents whereabouts, and Gigglekit looks around, getting on her tip-toes to try and spot any larger frogs in the area. Surely they wouldn't have gone far if their baby was here! - Needledrift never went far from Gigglekit and her brothers, after all, though she did sometimes pass them off to Ferndance if she got real tired.

  • Love
Reactions: ixora
➼➼ It seems Stryker has managed to work his way into ShadowClan at a good time. The prey is abundant, meaning that the clan isn’t starving and isn’t suffering specifically due to his hunting skills (which even Stryker can admit are abysmal). He’s lying about the camp, crunching through the delicate bones of a frog, when a gray-striped warrior wakes with a loud exclamation. Mismatched eyes lift to stare in her direction, only to see the tiniest frog clinging to her side.

Two of the ShadowClanners poke fun at their clanmate, and Stryker widely does not join in. He wouldn’t be so opposed to the idea—if he actually knew Betonyfrost in anything other than name, and if he weren’t on thin ice with the clan as it is. Instead, the bicolored tom directs his attention to Sneezepaw. "Probably in some cat’s stomach," he offers in response to the younger tom’s question, a wry grin spreading across his muzzle. "Or maybe they’re hopping about out there, hoping to hitch a ride on someone else." He, for one, wouldn’t mind a frog clinging to his pelt. It’d certainly make the slippery things easier to catch, wouldn’t it?

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    STRYKER ❯❯ he/him, former carrionplace loner
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Marblekit isn’t far from Gigglekit—as her cousin approaches the small group, the little she-kit steps warily. She does not like Betonyfrost, but there’s something more to it. She knows who Betonyfrost is seeing when she looks at her, and once that had filled her with pride. Now… now, there is rot under that hubris, there are creatures moving under that stone, and who had showed her the rock’s underbelly? Green eyes are shadowed as they move from the tiny frog clinging to Betonyfrost’s pelt to Stryker, Sneezepaw, Sharpshadow, and Snowpaw.

They’re out of their element here, but they had followed Gigglekit to this group willingly enough. The tawny she-kit finds her gaze going back to Betonyfrost’s ugly, scarred ears. She can’t help but stare. The warrior fascinates her as much as she disturbs her. Sharpshadow’s quip earns a trembling smile and a nervous little giggle that she cannot contain. “I thought baby frogs looked different,” she whispers to her denmate.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

Shadowing Gigglekit with the sincerest of smiles upon her maw, the she-cat locked eyes with the stowaway, her pupils growing wider and wider at the thought of gobbling it up. A quaint little laugh escaped her at her daughter's protests to Sharpshadow's suggestion, her white paw falling atop her muzzle in an attempt to stop herself from revealing the truth to Giggle. "It must be attracted to your radiant personality," she suggested to Betonyfrost, tone fluttering between sincerity and lighthearted amusement like the wings of a butterfly. "Many would be." Not herself though. Ferndance's standards could seep into the mud at the drop of a hat, but the blue tabby could sink even deeper than that and cross lines that the cinnamon tabby thought too much to cross. Falling back on her haunches, she wrapped her cream-tipped tail over her paws and waited eagerly to see how Betonyfrost would react to the intruder.