camp Orange juice ♥ climbing trees


Petalnose didn't quite know what to do about the attack on her clan. She could only help by helping fix and clean the camp. It had been all day she was helping, it was starting to become dusk by the time she had stopped. She carefully put a small pile of the broken woven branches to the side, slowly leaving camp with tired eyes. She decided to go have some time to herself and burn the remaining energy out on fishing, something to quiet her mind and benefit her clan at the same time. She felt like she owed them for being away for so long and not being able and capable of helping them fight. She was on the less sociable side of the clan members but it was her duty to serve them.

She walked until she heard the soft rush of water, nose twitching to pick up any scents nearby. She was cautious of enemies but she was calm. She didn't expect anything. With a heavy yawn and sigh, she roughly sat down by the water. Her eyes intently watched the water. She had took note of seeing movement, though it was too far to reach.

A loud song had interrupted her focus, her head snapped upwards to try to look upon the source. The dark orange sun rays hit her gaze, she squinted and craned her neck to look past the rays. All she could see was a distorted silhouette. Since she couldn't figure it out, curiosity got the best of her. She approached the tree slowly and examined it, then looked back in the direction of the source. She put her front paws on the tree with unsheathed claws, testing their grip on the tree. She scratched it as if she was marking it. She hadn't remembered when she had last tried to climb a tree so she was cautious about the choice. Then her front paws took lead as the back ones followed.

Petalnose heaved breaths of air through her nose, ears flattening from her struggle. She had got about five feet up the tree before her muscles started to shake. Just then, one of her nails got stuck. The she-cat tried to pull and shake it out but her nail only snapped in half, causing her to lose grip and fall. She gasped and flipped her body around so she could land on her paws, staring at the ground and holding her breath.

She had landed. She let go of her sigh, looking up to see the silhouette fly off. "Starclan, I'm out of shape." she meowed with a shake of her head. Pounding pain then surged in her nail, lifting her paw to examine the crimson fluid gushing out of it. She had quicked herself, "And.. dumb." she sighed, flicking her tail in annoyance.
Maybe in a different life, he lived in SkyClan. It wasn't too hard for him to imagine. Kitty-pet born, he would not have faced the same discrimination as he did here. Further even, there was something about the sky, heavenly, untouchable, and infinite, that he was drawn to. The river was deceptive. It fed them well, but swallowed them whole when her banks burst. Ravenpaw, ever fearful of the depths, had tried his best to stay away.

Climbing trees was not a RiverClan thing to do, as he was taught. So, when Petalnose dropped out suddenly from a tree not far from where Ravenpaw was staring at the water, trying to fish, he was nearly startled out of his fur.

The older apprentice looked up at the warrior, eyes blinking slowly at her. The faint twinge of blood hit his nose. "What did you find up there?" He asked. Other river-cats would say birds were idiotic, worthless, and disgusting. Ravenpaw thought they were beautiful.

Crappiepaw is on the scene just behind the other apprentice, drawn by the sound of conversation. Ravenpaw’s voice is easily recognizable to them, so they make haste to join their clanmates. A flash of panic hits them for a reason they cannot quite place, visions of blood and battle raging in their head. But there is no danger; instead, Petalnose, the forgetful warrior who somehow managed to get lost for months, seems to have just… fallen down from a tree?

The dark-furred apprentice at their side asks what Petalnose found in the tree, and Crappiepaw tilts their head up to look. What could be up in the tree that would be of any interest to her? "A bird?" They ask, though their question sounds a bit more like a statement. The she-cat lifts a paw to inspect it, and Crappiepaw takes a half-step forward. Had she hurt herself? Does she need help? Where is Beesong? Why is Ravenpaw not concerned? "Are you okay?"

She jolted at the sound of Ravenpaw's voice, heat immediately rising under her fur. She looked around quickly, then her gaze met Crappiepaw alongside him, the heat then making her paws sweaty. "I uh-" she swallowed, flattening her ears and chuckling, "I- yeah- a bird. I was curious, but uh- I can't really climb that much. I didn't get far enough to see it," she explained, avoiding their gaze in the direction the bird had flown off. "I just- was curious as to why no one liked them and why Riverclanners didn't really climb. So I uh- wanted to see why." She meowed at a quickened pace and then took a deep breath and let it out. She wiped the blood away and tucked her tail near the outside of her leg nervously, "I'm fine, just stings. I'll live, let Beesong help those in actual need. I doubt it'll get infected..." She explained, finally finding the strength to meet the two's gaze. "I figured out the climbing aspect I guess. It's not for me. My curious and emptied memory of mind gets ahead of me sometimes. Have you done something foolish out of curiosity?" she cocked her head to the side, shaking her body in an attempt to relax.

Surely, anyone had. But she figured out she needed to slow down before her curiosity became the ending of her. She always found herself doing things that could get her in danger or merely embarrass herself. Foolish they probably saw her. But luckily she knew how to hunt and be of use to them. Then again, she wondered she always made her clanmates worried. She wished she remembered her identity and past, maybe it'll come to her someday. It didn't seem like it was anytime soon.
A nicked claw was painful, but Petalnose was right, Ravenpaw observed. It would likely stop bleeding after a while. When he was a kitten, the twoleg had cut his nail to the quick and he had cried. The amount of blood contained in such a tiny thing was outstanding. He exchanged a glance with Crappiepaw. He could not fully read the other apprentice and that had always unnerved him. Petalnose too, was someone he was trying to figure out—especially with her spaced memories.

"Most RiverClan cats don't like the taste." He agreed. "But when one is starving, what else could you do?" He looked at the older warrior, shuffling his paws. The aloof apprentice scoffed at Petalnose's question and lifted his head a little higher. "I've never done anything foolish." He said proudly.

Petalnose concedes to them that it was a bird that drew her attention, sent her attempting to climb a tree. She also admits to tearing a claw, and Crappiepaw rolls their eyes. She is not even hurt, and all their worry is for nothing. She had only gotten herself a bit injured trying to climb, except she cannot climb because her memory is terrible. "Climbing is fun, if you are good at it. You are just… not good at it." They want to comment on the warrior’s awful memory, but that seems a bit cruel, given her circumstances. Then she asks whether they or Ravenpaw have done anything foolish, like she just has, and the calico nods.

Their watery eyes narrow when the other apprentice speaks, and they turn their head to stare at him. "I doubt that," they scoff in response to Ravenpaw’s bold assertion, the claim that he has never done anything foolish before. Liar, they label him—though it is not a warning label, a terrible thing to be. It is simply an acknowledgment. Some cats lie, some cats do not. All have their reasons. But everyone has done something foolish at least once in their life. They will need to be more scrutinous of his behavior in the future.

"Thank you, Ravenpaw."
She mewed gratefully, appreciating his explanation. Although, it didn't satisfy her curiousity, she wondered how it tasted to her. She glanced slowly back and forth at the two with interest and then it slowly changed to slight annoyance. "It's okay to be humble." She meowed bluntly but in a joking tone, a fake smile meeting her expression with some gleam of annoyance in her eyes. Now she felt even more stupid. The she-cat tried to remind herself that the two were only apprentices and that she needed to be friendly to her clanmates. It took her a lot to not fake her smile and look at them blankly instead. Maybe if they were warriors it would be a different story. "I agree, I am terrible at it, but I've pointed it out that it's not for me. Don't have to add salt to my wounds." she meowed, but with a half geniune laugh this time. She was trying to joke it off but the bluntness of her character couldn't let that go. She may be an airhead but the she-cat did have a brain. This was just another matter of figuring out her identity, if she even fit in with the clan she was in. She wasn't sure if she was clanborn or not and she was sure that this was a vague hint she was but she couldn't be for sure. Petalnose didn't have blood family or a mate around so identity was even harder for the she-cat to figure out.. what she liked, what she didn't like, and what she could and could not do. Of course, she didn't want to explain her situation, she didn't want pety and it would make her an emotional mess. She didn't want that. She already looked foolish infront of them as it is. Her ears flattened for a moment and she breaked her gaze at them at the thought of family. Petalnose could only assume they were all passed.

Too easily a cat could get stuck in the trees. Ravenpaw was not sure if he would rather suffer a fall from the tallest birch branch or be swept along in the river. Either way would be a terrible way to go. A strange look passes through the apprentice's eyes at Crappiepaw's remark directed toward Petalnose's climbing skill. Although Ravenpaw was puffed up with his own pride, he could clearly pick up on the social cue that Petalnose was becoming uncomfortable and annoyed.

"Foolishness is relative." He shot back at his fellow apprentice, his brows raising before narrowing again over the ridge of his skull. "So I could be right." Then, Petalnose speaks of the virtue of being humble. "It has not gotten a cat very far in life, has it?" He stared at Petalnose for a while longer, noticing that she had turned her eyes away from them.

"The fish are not biting at this part of the river. I'll go somewhere else." He shrugged, getting up to his paws to prepare his exit.