camp oreo l intro


Oct 9, 2022
Fogpaw has been sparse since arriving at the border with his former Shadowclan family. His twisted leg had a lot to do with that and he's been packed into the medicine den for a time. While he should be grateful to be out of the cold in his state, he can't help but to feel restless and he takes it upon himself to try to be useful. Back in his old home, he would help Bonejaw-- Boneripple by gathering basic materials and as a creature of habit, he decides to do something similar for Beesong. It's not like he can offer much else as repayment and he's been in silent awe overall that Riverclan has helped them at all. It makes him feel excited and he wants to explore, even if it is inhospitable currently. Besides, his leg is free now, he just needs to be careful. It's likely that he'll never walk without a limp again but he can try to minimize that as much as he can by using his muscles now.

He also has plans to go visit the new additions to his family since he missed their birth on account of his injury. He's excited for that too but something in him is nervous as well. The childish thought that he'll be replaced in his mother's eyes but he knows that's a foolish thought. She threw away her life for him and so did that oaf (he should be kinder to the tom that found him, he reminds himself). After mentally reasoning all of this, the fluffy mute apprentice staggers out of the den with a deep inhale. He lets the cold air penetrate his lungs and finds he likes the sting as a different scent is coating his nose. It smells fresh, new, and nothing like the marsh despite being even more damp. Fogpaw smiles brightly and, in a rarity, it reaches his eyes. He tries to remind himself not to get too excited though. Being some place different won't magically make him be able to speak or communicate any better. He might end up feeling just as alone as he did in his previous home but it's a second chance at least. It was selfish what the apprentice did and even though he never meant for it to get that far, he'll try to make the most of the opportunity he sabotaged into.

He should feel sorry for all the trouble he caused but he doesn't. Not really.

First thing's first, he needs to eat something and he's not foolish enough to believe he can manage hunting just yet (foolish enough to think he can find decent plants in winter within a foreign territory however). He crawls his way along a snowy path carved by Riverclanners until he spies another cat under his downy lashes. Nervousness eats at his stomach to the point that he's barely hungry anymore but he'll blame his anxious shaking on the cold. Who knows if they even have any spare food in these times. Tentatively, Fogpaw reaches out and taps the stranger before pointing at his own open mouth with his paw. He almost bites his tongue on his chattering teeth as he closes it again before tilting his head to try to indicate that he's asking a question. His heart pounds in, possibly overdramatic, anticipation.

/cat can be anyone!
There was always a struggle to figure out prey, now. Gloompaw had particularly avoided it for a long time; she relied more on strokes of luck where someone was willing to take it to her, as she was too afraid to get near the pile usually. She knew she would take more than her fair share. Guilt and greed would consume her, taking turns devouring her willpower. But there was no taken chances today.

She stares at the pile for a ridiculous amount of time. A fresh fish. Some scraps of fur left too long. She settles on a mouse, and her paw flashes out, scampering away before anyone else could steal it. Even if nobody would dare do so, her stomach growled encouragingly at the protectiveness with which she grasped the mouse's tail.

A paw reaches out for her shoulder before she can make it to her designated eating spot. Gloompaw twirls a bit too fast, dizzy at the speed. She hasn't gotten to talk with Fogpaw much, but she recognizes them as the child of Boneripple. His twisted leg had kept him in the company of a stuffy medicine den, and it was one of the first times she's seen him out here.

"Hmm," the molly considers the question. "I didn't see much over there," she flicks her tail towards the pile, pointedly ignoring the newest caught fish. She'd be surprised (and admittedly impressed) if he went for it -- that took confidence. "Want to share this mouse?"
Ravenpaw was crouched near the fresh kill pile, gnawing on the frozen, bitten off tail of some fish that had long been stripped of its nutrients. The act of chewing, even if it was not eating, stimulated the process of becoming full, so it had become an obsessive habit for the former kittypet.

He glanced up suddenly when Gloompaw spoke, having not noticed Fogpaw's silent approach. He warily eyed the apprentice, curling his paw around his fishbones—more like chew toys than anything. The other apprentice was lucky to have approached Gloompaw first, for Ravenpaw would have certainly snapped. His eyes narrowed, deep in thought. "Hey, aren't you, the—er—" He had completely forgotten Boneripple's son's name. He had never really seen the other apprentice around, any by the look of his leg, it seemed there was a reasonable answer to that.​
She steps on light white toes so that she stands beside Ravenpaw. Her eyes are pale and critical, scoring like claws over Fogpaw's pelt. Ravenpaw starts, "Hey aren't you, the--er--" Iciclepaw graciously finishes for him: "The ShadowClanner."

Just because Boneripple had changed her name, just because she had birthed her kits here, doesn't change anything for the tortoiseshell. They are outsiders and they do not belong in her Clan. She flicks her tail in Gloompaw's direction. "We're all hungry. Maybe now that your leg is healed, you can contribute to RiverClan." Her voice is not cruel, but it's frosty, aloof. She wants to be sure the refugees, from Boneripple and her family to Hyacinthbreath, know their places.

// sorry she's xenophobic as fuck


It would be terribly hypocritical of him to share the same feelings his apprentice does regarding the ShadowClanners who joined, given he had vouched himself for Hyacinthbreath but it was quite different in his eyes. Or eye, rather. ShadowClan was full of fools from what he heard but WindClan was genuinely deadly to those within it who spoke out of line, Boneripple had burdened RiverClan with an entire litter and several drypaws accompanying her (this child included) while the WindClan warrior had taken to helping gather for the clan and was learning to fish at a decent pace. It was an astronomical difference or perhaps he was making it all up in his head to justify his feelings. Either way, he was not going to let the apprentice go hungry but he was not going to let them get away with simply sitting around doing nothing now that they could put in work.
"You can share the mouse Gloompaw offered you, then afterwards if none of you are going out with your mentors you can accompany me and Iciclepaw to the river to try some more fishing before it fully freezes over." There were still a few places where the ice had not closed over and trapped the water, blocking them from it.

Where Gloompaw stood, Koi was not too far off. Overprotective, sure, but she would be damned if she'd let Gloompaw be another statistic in Riverclans "apprentice murder" club. She doesn't like the outsiders, no, she loathed them with all her heart, taking up space. She hadn't liked much of anyone to begin with, too much noise and talking. A scowl etches itself across her face, displeasure apparent, 'course this would happen.

"I'll get you something better later." quiet and meant only for Gloompaw, she eyes Fogpaw, pointed look. Her friend, not his. Know your place, stubbed tail wags back and forth till she realizes she looks more friendly by doing so. Iciclepaw shares her beliefs, she does not have to bite her tongue yet, this time an even and nearly grateful look is sent towards her.

But Smokethroat, lead warrior approaches after Iciclepaw, of course, hes her mentor. But shes not happy about it, because she has a ton of choice words for it. Leafbare is harsh and they didn't need anyone else taking up resources. "'Kay." was her simple response, Lightningstone shouldn't have had any plans, she doesn't remember making any.

Fogpaw looks between Gloompaw and the kill pile, trying to place the name of the apprentice before him but it escapes him briefly. The ex-Shadowclanner takes in the sight of the grey pelted femme, trying to clue in his mind. His ability to listen to others to fill in the blanks is a natural habit due to his situation but he could only gather so much from his point of rehabilitation. Still, it's not too hard to finally recognize apprentice for her connection to the medicine den- Gloompaw. Blanking on a way to introduce himself or a way to ask for confirmation in turn, he snaps back to the present moment when the girl offers to share her meal. He looks almost perplexed before he smiles in appreciation and nods heartily. His eyes briefly flick toward the fish but, and it might sound funny, he's a bit afraid to eat it. He'd never had fish outside of tiny ones that bigger fish and birds eat, not until he woke up in again in the medicine cat's workplace, and he remembers almost choking on the opaque scales. How they eat it so often is beyond him as it invaded every sense he had or maybe that's because he just left it sitting too long in hesitation. Plus, there's someone else over here who seems very engaged in his meal and Fog's wary of initiating an interrogation for questions he can't answer should the other apprentice has a problem with him grabbing a 'select' piece.

Just as he's about to settle in with Gloom and the apprehension is fading, the dark apprentice that was also near the carcasses approaches them. His jasper eyes flitter around, hoping to spot a family member to help him communicate, but when he comes up empty he can feel his heart beginning to pick up speed once more. An awkward quiet stretches on from him and he shrugs and shakes his head to try to indicate that it doesn't matter for right now. That's when Iciclepaw provides a more solid answer and Fogpaw snaps his attention to her, eyes narrowing in turn for her heated look. He wants to get this out of the way as soon as possible and so he stands back up straight again. Fog shakes his head vigorously, this time at that title, huffing. Abstract ideas are the hardest for him to communicate but he'll try. Tentatively putting weight on his tender paw, the apprentice uses his good one to push up a pile of snow and dirt. He then smears his paw over it, flattening it into nothing, a clean slate, before reaching out to put that same paw on a fish. He nods then with a headstrong expression strange to his usually dull eyes. Her comment about the hunting prompts his claws to come out and tap along the fish's head before he shrugs. It can't be that hard to catch stupid fish. Though he shouldn't be so sure with his leg as it is.

He's reaching is limits socially after his time alone and by the time Smokethroat arrives, his chest is pounding in his own ears now and his resolve wilts. Being corralled into a fishing party is not what he intended and he pulls his paw away from the limp dead water thing like it's suddenly very off putting. How gracious of the lead warrior to decide he's worthy of taking Gloompaw's offer, Fog thinks in annoyance and Koipaw's incessant, clear scowl makes him crane his neck back. Too many unfamiliar faces, too many words he can't address properly or defend against. Fogpaw returns a nasty look Koipaw's way and glances at Gloompaw just once before turning away pointedly. He decides that he doesn't even want that stupid mouse anymore. His stomach is in knots by now.

Fogpaw turns and starts to walk to the river by himself, making a decision to a get a headstart if it means things are quiet for a while once more.

Her burning gaze is almost cutting as she watches the other apprentices surround her son. Her only hope is for him to make friends here. He was an outcast in Shadowclan, not fitting in as he should after his parents were killed and he injured. It's the reason he ran away, he didn't feel like he belonged. But hearing how some of them adressed him made her skin crawl. Her motherly instincts pressing forth to do something. Fog couldn't talk back to them, he couldn't make his own feelings known and that is a hardship he has to bear after what happened to him. They speak to him as if he is not one of them. Her tail twitches and her maw turns into a frown, one pressed thin. She can not baby him. She can't. Not in a world as harsh as this one but she wants to. She wants to keep all of them safe from any harm but that wouldn't help them.

With a vocalized sigh the woman pushes to her long limbs and she approaches Smokethroat. Only has time for him as he is the adult in this situation and she dips her head to him. "Perhaps you can show me some of your fishing skills. I'm hoping to pick up learning quickly." Swimming too if he has the chance to teach her.