sensitive topics organ donor ― morbid discovery


i. pestilence
Nov 14, 2022
cw: death, descriptions of decay, gore... all that fun stuff. the npc body is also from this thread for context, permission given!

Any other cat would have recoiled in sheer disgust, even horror when recognizing the floating scrap of fur lodged between slush and mud along the bankside. Not him, though. A distinct lack of sentiment prevented it.

Leechpaw, assigned to one of many hunting patrols, only followed the order to split up, spreading out the desperate hunters for a broader range. By chance, he scented a vole, snuffling around for what few bulbs and tubers remained alive in the frozen soil. Already the change in mentors began to prove useful, as the dark apprentice successfully pounced on the scurrying creature. He allowed it to wriggle beneath his claws, studying the way its small limbs kicked and squirmed before he dispatched it with a well-placed nip to its spine. Picking up the admittedly-thin vole in his mouth, he noticed an odd soggy lump near the icy river as he lifted his head. Confusion crossed his otherwise neutral features; Leechpaw soon trotted closer, tall ears on alert and eyes round with curiosity.

The stench of rot hit him first, and he shifted the vole in his mouth's grip to try blocking at least some of it. Cautiously, he peered over the misshapen and water-logged form ― he dropped his vole to the side in partial shock as he identified the distinct face, tail, and limbs of a cat. Bloated, trapped in a patch of ice, and limply suspended at the water's surface with an unknown face hidden underwater, the corpse looked like it was caught between a freshly-slain catch, such as his vole, and the sun-bleached scraps of fish went to waste, their chests rotted open. The cat, its tortoiseshell-patterned back exposed above the water, was swarming with buzzing insects, ones that scattered into a speckled cloud as Leechpaw inched even closer. A glance upstream at the distant waterfall led him to believe that perhaps the body tumbled down from further along the river ― the water lapped away any trace of clan scent, though he was also holding his breath to avoid the reeking smell for the most part.

Against any cat's better instinct, he tentatively stepped out onto the ice patch, slowly creeping forward with no regard for his own likely watery grave if he should misstep. The apprentice, once close enough, reached out with both paws and hauled the corpse out of the filmy water swirling with body residue. He stumbled backward beneath its weight, flopping backward onto shore alongside it. A decision he sorely regretted, as fur and skin sloughed off under his touch. Leechpaw finally gagged and wrenched his head away but stifled the reflexive disgust. He wanted... no, he needed to see. Typically cats were buried far before this stage, with his elderly mentor scarcely showing any sign of decay beyond stiffened limbs when covering him beneath the earth. Leechpaw shoved aside his brief repulsion and analyzed the corpse now fully unsubmerged with a peculiar look on his face, one of both fascination and a grimacing determination. The tortiseshell was a she-cat, an elderly one at that. Her paws and flanks were abraded, though no blood leaked from the wounds without a heart to pump it out. From struggling against the rough current? Her head flopped at an odd angle, jaws agape and spilling water inhaled in her final moments. A drowning, it had to be. But what about the water was it that caused her body to swell like a frog? Did it fill more than just her lungs? Was there some type of air trapped beneath the layers of skin? Leechpaw couldn't determine anything from just a glance-over... what would really answer his questions was if he sunk his claws into flesh and revealed the mystery beneath. The viscera and guts, all the structures for life in a cat; did it vary from prey? Already, a portion of skin was missing, exposing deteriorating muscles where he dragged the body from the water. It was so, so tempting ― he might go mad if he didn't find out, compelled to discover the answers hidden right in front of him, even if his paws were smeared by blood and rot in the process. To him, the corpse was equal to any prey that others caught, regardless of it taking the shape of a cat.

Yet before he could investigate further, the figures of the rest of his hunting patrol were approaching through the reeds. Leechpaw panicked, tensing on the spot. His reputation, as unbecoming as other cats viewed him, was a fragile little creature. Liable to being squished beneath the rock of judgment at any time. The black-furred apprentice recoiled back from the corpse, features twisting into an uncanny disgust. He picked his vole back up, as though his meager catch might excuse him for taking so long. "I found a body," he muttered around the prey, dull blue eyes locking upon his arriving cats.

tldr: leech went with a hunting patrol that split up and found a body (brookshade, a npc windclanner) by the waterfall from the gorge
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That scuffle at the border was a nasty bit of business. While he did not come to blows with any WindClan fiends, as his presence had been needed elsewhere at the time, catching the attack's aftermath instilled a lasting apprehension in his mind; an agitation which persevered into this hunting patrol. Fishface feels justified in his fear. If those flea-brains across the border were gleefully inclined to ambush a RiverClan cat on their own land, then who's to say he won't be next? He isn't the strongest fighter, StarClan knows, and the mere thought of being turned into a chew toy weighs on him like a pile of rocks.

When the patrol splits up, he becomes overwrought with alarm. His shoulders hunch up and the jitters take hold of him, as his home territory turns into a potentially hostile landscape. There were so many hidey-holes that a WindClan cat could use to put themselves out of sight. One wrong step, and he may end up like Smokethroat.

Unfortunately, Fishface is not triumphant in his hunt, owing to his inability to focus on the world around him. Fortunately, his clanmates soon return to view one-by-one, and the patrol is whole once again. The unease in his features disappears, and is washed over with feigned conviction. He'll catch something next time.

A notable lack of Leechpaw prompts a fretful frown of sorts. Had he fallen victim to a guerrilla WindClan warrior? The mere idea of it frightens Fishface half to death, but the momentary terror dissipates when someone points out an inky outline near the river. Phew, close one.

"Hi, Leechpaw!" he happily calls out, his tail curled upwards as he trots forth. A nice, chunky vole rested between the apprentice's lips, and he is mighty proud of the boy for finding success when he could not. Looks like Leechpaw has found something else, though- just off yonder sat a bloated, funky-shaped carcass of some sort. As to what it may be, he hadn't the foggiest clue. "A body? What type of body?" ask the long-limbed tom, tilting his noggin at the odd sight. "It doesn't look like anything I've seen before."

( ) minnowpaw had been just as unsuccessful as Fishface had been, and as she trekked back towards the others her head was hung in shame. She had never been a good land hunter, finding fishing to be her stronger sport if not by much.

Her attention would be drawn by the greeting that Fishface aimed towards Leechpaw and her paws automatically turned direction to follow. The stench is what forces the normally introverted molly to actually pay attention and her head snaps up in urgency as her denmates state that they found...a body?

Copper eyes would blink in concern, moving to look around the warrior before her ears flatten in horror. "Its....It's a....c-cat..." Her voice comes out as a whimper, and she steps back towards Leechpaw as if being closer to a familiar face will make the situation not as gruesome. "How...How did it end up...down here?..."

tw: vomit

Ravenpaw brought up the rear of the patrol, diverting when he was instructed to go after the scent of a water vole. Opening his jaws to inhale deeply, the dark-furred apprentice chased his prey scent for several rabbit-lengths until it abruptly stopped. Ravenpaw's paws scrambled against the frozen ground, desperately trying to pick it up once more, but it was gone. Muttering a loud groan, he whipped his tail side to side as he clambered back to regroup.

Minnowpaw, Leechpaw, and Fishface came into view, seeming fixated on something near the banks of a river. Ravenpaw hesitantly drew up alongside the others. His gaze fell upon the bloated corpse of what used to be a cat. The stench of decomposition assaulted his nose.

"Oh, hrRKGH—" Ravenpaw made a retching noise, craning his neck to heave up what little breakfast he had on the ground. He was too busy coughing and heaving to apologize.​