Orpheus | Climbing | you are not alone

Was he named after something deadly? The chill was killing the flowers and causing the trees to weep their leaves away into brittle sunset tides; he watched the world gray and crack beneath the approaching cold and wondered if he was supposed to like the snow. He'd never seen it, it was just a word for him right now and a name his mother gave him so surely it was not meant to be demeaning but he could not help but feel like the freeze was deeper than the surface of his pale coat. Would it be the same dappled colors as he was? Or was it a flawless expanse of white as he heard it might be? Snowpaw didn't know, but his excitement at the first snow was dampened by everything happening around them. Death was strange.
Cats spoke about StarClan like it was the best thing in the world yet when someone was whisked away to join they were not quite as enthused, if the place was so great why were they all here? What was the worth of living when paradise lay just beyond the skyline and was alarmingly easy to reach. He could get there right now actually, from his lofty perch high into the great pine trees of the territory he could see the world as a mosaic of colors below and a tilt of his head upward put him into the clouds. Snowpaw needed to only step from his branch and he'd be where Leopardcloud had gone, where Haze was at...
Why do we mourn the loss of life when their future is far brighter than the stars of which they join? Maybe...StarClan was boring. Maybe eternal paradise was just a sham. After all, it didn't appeal to him so he remained seated on his branch with his golden gaze fixated up. Peace was mindnumbing, he could barely stand being stuck in camp as a kitten, he couldn't imagine what it was like to be in an eternal confinement within the shimmer of the night sky. It would drive him mad. Maybe he should force himself to live as long as possible to avoid it.
Snowpaw shifted his weight to begin climbing down only to lose his footing with a misplaced paw and flip backwards off his current branch onto the one directly below it with a sharp noise of pain as his abdomen was pressed forcefully into the bark; he didn't go to move again yet, slung over the branch like a limp bit of prey before grimacing and readjusting himself to stand more steadily.

He had to stop daydreaming this high...


Grapejuice looked up at the squeal of a child. The blue tom was just minding his business when it happened and puffed up as he saw Snowpaw all the way up there.

What was this little man thinking. You have to be careful up there! What if he fell and went splat!!

"WATCH IT UP THERE, BUTTER PAWS!! YOU'LL GO SPLAT IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL!!" He shouted up to the skyward apprentice.

What was Grapejuice doing out here anyways? Who knows. Does he even know? Maybe.


Figpaw was late on her first catch, Figpaw was late on picking up defense training, she was late on understanding how to mark borders, one thing she had never been late at though? Climbing, that girl could fly through the trees like a squirrel. Perhaps in another life she had been one, hopping from tree to tree and only descending to collect nuts and other treats.

Again she somehow finds herself scaling a nearby tree as her brother. Only unlike him she was not daydreaming, she was flying. Gracefully she lept from branch to branch, a huge grin on her face as she carefully planned out each leap. Soon she hopes to be good enough that she can hunt in the trees, she hopes she can become so good that she'd never have to leave the trees! Would anyone bat an eye if she decided to get cooped up in an abandoned hollow? Live like an owl? Minus the nocturnal stuff... she was no ShadowClanner. Yuck!

Yet upon hearing her brother take his tumble, she stops in her tracks and lets out an alarming gasp. Though once its clear her brother is alright, for now, she allows the worry to spill out from her body with a exhale. "How'd you manage to do that??" Figpaw says, rearing over her branch and aiming to bat one of his ears with a paw in a playful manner.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

With a bird clutched in his jaws the tom is returning towards camp when he hears the whole ordeal. The sudden yelp causes alarm in him and he is moving as quickly as his large frame will allow him. His body shifts around trees and he looks up with heaving breathes before he drops his bird. "Me faire peur! How about the both of you come down from there, s'il vous plaît." The way Snowpaw looks he fears the other may have more harm than anything to his side. It's never good to fall like that in the older tom's eyes and the worry shows. The bird he caught earlier is clearly forgotten as he looks up at the two apprentices in the tree, shifting back and forth.

Oh, he wishes he were younger sometimes. Well he is still young but he finds keeping up these days a chore. It's something he can laught at when he feels himself worrying till he is gray.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The daylight warrior follows behind Grapejuice and Foxgekker, her pale eyes shining with mischief. Figpaw is doing as she always does, soaring through the canopy of pines like a creature with wings. She bats her littermate, who has narrowly avoided a close call after his slip. She stifles a brief purr of amusement at the other warriors' concern. "This is what SkyClan cats're supposed to do, ain't it, darlin'?" She flicks her fluffy tail tip against Foxgekker before turning her attention to her apprentice.

"Maybe you two should help each other out, for once," she says. Though she won't admit it, Figpaw reminds her a lot of herself at that age, running circles around her easygoing littermate Huckleberry. Snowpaw isn't quite as easygoing, though -- the tom has a faraway look in his eyes, maybe a result of what had happened with Leopardcloud and Centipedepaw. She supposes he can't blame anyone for being on edge these days, can she?

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