camp other side of paradise -- climbing lesson

The last group lesson she'd held was before she'd kitted, gravid and yet expected to teach SkyClan's newest on how Clan culture worked. On names, on ranks, on expectations. She'd hated it, much preferring one-on-one training such as how she had trained Eveningpaw prior to her (forced) retirement, and yet here she was now, leading the kits of SkyClan to the sunning-stump so that they could learn how to climb safely. It's just high enough for the kittens to be startled - but unhurt, more importantly - if they fall the way most kittens should. And, if they came across any particular prodigies from this exercise, Orangeblossom would know who to keep a close eye on during their apprenticeships.

"Who thinks they know how to climb? If you do, show me. Don't feel bad about falling." She knocks one of the roots with a paw. "It might hurt a bit if you hit the ground, but you'll be able to get right back up again."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
Watching her mom trying to teach sparks a happy feeling in her, hoping that one day, she could do the same. Glimmerkit's also excited to learn new skills herself, and readily accepted to join the other kits in the climbing lesson. She hasn't really tried climbing herself before this moment, but that wouldn't stop her! As Orangeblossom asks if anyone wants to try to climb first, she instantly steps forward. "I'll try my best, Ma!" She exclaims, lowering herself to try and ascend the stump.

// Rolled a 5!

She pulls out her claws, as she leaps for the wood. She manages to get a dent in, but that's about it. She immediately starts to slip, claws retracting back in, and mewls as she falls to the ground quickly afterwards. She isn't hurt in the slightest, but she's still ashamed at her failed attempt. Seems climbing will take experience, and isn't something natural within her...
  • Sad
Reactions: mercibun

Sparrowpaw wasn't born into SkyClan, nor were they present for its founding. In fact, they still felt relatively new despite the passage of time, only a few short moons having passed since they were welcomed in their time of strife. Although they tried not to, sometimes they still felt sad. They knew they were all up in StarClan, happy and safe, but they still missed them dearly.

The chocolate tabby hadn't been taught to climb by anyone in particular. Their desire to touch the sky had been what drove them to higher and higher ground back in Twolegplace, leaping from one thing to another in order to reach their goals. It had always come somewhat naturally to them.

It was Orangeblossom's call that brought Sparrowpaw to perk up. The excited curiosity was quickly snuffed out when they realized it was a simple lesson for kits rather than cats, but it was enough to draw them over regardless, just in time for little Glimmerkit to make the first attempt. A prompt failure, but their smile upon approaching didn't falter.

Only when they saw the saddened look on her face did it waver, and they quickly shook their head, stooping down to give the kit a friendly bump with their nose. "Don't worry, chin up!" they chirped reassuringly. "It's never easy on the first try! That's what learning's all about!"

Shuffling backward, they sat down nearby the overlooking queen. "I bet you'll do a little better if you try again!" After all, now they would all have a better grasp on what to do better next time. Just watching was making them itch to climb a tree of their own.


  • Love
Reactions: mercibun
Crowkit was one of the kits corralled to partake in this climbing lesson. The only reason why he went along was because of Cherrykit. She had went on and on about her mother, so he wanted to see if her mom was as great as Cherrykit made her out to be. Orangeblossom is a cat he's familiar with for obvious reasons and he supposes she looks pretty, but not as pretty as his own mother. Other than that, Orangeblossom doesn't have the same air of gentleness. That's not to say the older she-cat is cruel or mean, but she seemed a little stern. Loving in her own way, but had he been her kit, he doesn't think she would be as patient with him and make him figure things out more on his own than cling to his siblings.

Eventually the group made it to the sunning stump, which looks a little daunting. Despite the fact it being a stump, he's never climbed a tree or anything treelike before. The only climbing he's done was to get on his mother's back or cling to her legs. When Orangeblossom asks if he thinks he knows how to climb, the ink colored tom would immediately shake his head no. She explains that those who know should show her, which he takes as her saying whoever said no didn't have to partake in this lesson or couldn't. She also adds that falling will hurt a little, but nothing that would be too painful. He sees no reason not to believe her.

Glimmerkit is the first to volunteer. Ma? He tilts his head in confusion. Yes, he didn't know that Glimmerkit was also Orangeblossom's child, which meant Gimmerkit would be Cherrykit's sister. Hazel eyes stare intently at Glimmerkit's form, noting the way she unsheathed her claws, the way she slipped, and how she fell. From what he gathers, climbing isn't easy. Yep, he doesn't think he knows how to do it. Even though he has no clue, hazel eyes drift to the stump. Ever the curious one, he wants to know what it feels like.

Ears flick towards the sound of a new voice joining them. The older cat is reassuring Glimmerkit that she did fine and that she had other chances to try again. He fails to realize that he could offer his own encouragement towards Glimmerkit, considering Sparrowpaw has done it for him. No one else appears to want to try yet, so he wordlessly pads over to the roots of the stump.

/ rolled a 3!

With the assumption that he couldn't climb it, he opts for what will be seen as a strange approach. Crowkit doesn't immediately pull out his claws or leap for wood. Instead, the tom sniffs the tree. It doesn't smell horrible for one. The second thing he does is balance himself on his hindlegs and starts to run his paws on the roots of the tree. He would start gently tracing the wood, following it's strange pattern before gradually increasing the pressure that the wood starts to feel unpleasant. Once he's decided he's had his fill, he unsheathes his claws and repeats what he's done when they were sheathed. The kitten does tilt his head when he notices that it is a little hard to trace the roots with his claws. The claws seem to catch or scrape against the wood.

Now on all his paws, he looks at the stump before him. He doesn't leap, instead walking on the roots and carefully making his way up to the highest root. It wouldn't be considered climbing, at least that's what he assumes. He has no interest in actually attempting to climb the stump because he believes he isn't permitted to. Crowkit decides that now would be a perfect time to try and claw at the bark, the feeling and sound of claws scraping against bark is strange. Before he calls it a quits, he licks the stump. Immediately the kitten jerks back, the bark appeared to be rougher for his tongue and there was bits of dirt and chips of wood on his tongue.

If bark was this rough he should become familiar with it, right? That's why he purposely took his time licking the stump one final time. He forces himself not to jerk away because it does turn out licking bark slowly is worse than licking it quickly. Once done he wipes his tongue against his paw and hops down. He takes his place next to the other kits who have yet to attempt to climb the stump. Hazel eyes find themselves staring at Orangeblossom. The tom is not seeking approval, what he means to convey was that he is done and whoever is next can go.
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
Despite his mothers words, eggkit is more than hesitant. He loves learning, true, but he's always been better at asking than doing - uncertainty flickers in baby blue eyes as first glimmerkit and then crowkit attempt it, both resulting in failures that leave the round-faced boy wincing and taking a step back. He doesn't want to embarrassed himself, doesn't want to fail - but... he should at least try, right-? It certainly can't be worse than crowkits attempt - he'd kinda just... walked over, and licked it? Eggkit doesn't really understand how that can be considered. Small form wriggles for a moment, attempting to jump - only, he doesn't quite leave the ground as much as expected, kitten-fat weighing him down solidly, and he only manages to smack his nose against the bark before toppling back into a seated position in surprise. Well... at least he'd tried... right?

————— 𖦹 —————
Hiccupkit trots after Orangeblossom eagerly, more than excited to prove himself for his mother. She's a very important cat after all, and he wants to make her proud. A climbing excersize is what she proposes — not a task he's undertook before, but he's sure he'll be great at it. "Don't feel bad about falling," goes in one ear and out the other, passing straight through a head that can often seem a little too empty. He will fall bad if he falls, so he just won't fall, simple as that!

Hiccupkit watches first, wide orange eyes observing as his siblings try and fail to climb, and Crowkit... does whatever that is (maybe he doesn't understand the assignment?)

It's after Eggkit's failure that Hiccupkit struts forward, bouncy steps more confident than is earned. "Aw don't worry to much, you'll get it! Just keep trying, like Sparrowpaw said," he encourages his siblings, smile bright and cheery. He doesn't need any encouragement of course, he's going to get it on the first time. He's certain. "I'mma try too! I got this, I know how to do it." He faces the tree, crouches down like he's going to pounce on someone. A pink tongue sticks out in focus. An overdramatic, far too prolongued wiggle, preparing for his attack, and —

All four paws splay as Hiccupkit leaps toward the trunk, landing flat against its surface with his limbs — growing larger each day, he's not a small kit — hugging it as much as he can manage. It's a strange position, and yet his small claws dig into the wood with a fierce dedication, clinging on through conviction alone. He slides downwards a bit, grip not quite steady, but he does not fall like Glimmerkit. Not quite a mouse-length above the ground but still latches to the tree. He smiles wide, laughing loud and gleefully, drawing out his hiccups as his laugh always does.

"HAH HAH hic — I did — hic HAH — I did it! Told you — hic — hah hah, told you I knew — hic — told you I knew how!" he laughs gleefully, pure delight with no intent to gloat — though he seems unaware that he may still come off that way.

Next up, "How do — hic hee hee — how do I go up? Like — HIC — this?" he questions, tongue sticking out again as he begins to wiggle, shimmying upwards at a pace far more befit a snail, body shaking violently not just from the hiccups, but from the strain of holding himself up as well. His limbs are beginning to ache, but Hiccupkit pays it no mind, too focused on the task at hand.
————— 𖦹 —————

  • // rolled a 19 get it kiddo
  • HICCUPKIT as the first sound he made was a hiccup.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — skyclan kit.
    — large, loud, and loving.

    semi-casual character, moderate activity. penned by saturnid.​

  • Untitled139_20230509042846.png

The sunning-stump looms before the gaggle of kittens. Sunlight streams down the grooves in its bark, coating its crevices in warm tan and deep chocolate. If Cherrykit squints, she can make out the finer details: ants dotted up and down in broken lines, flakes of bark floating off, stray hairs of past sunners. Needle-point claws flex in their sheaths, straining to make their own marks upon the little wooden tapestry of its history. Orangeblossom asks for those among them who can climb, but is quick to reassure them if they can't. A silent snort flutters delicate whiskers. Of course she can climb. She's been climbing since she was born, clambering up and down the nursery walls, bouncing atop rocks like leaders do. What daughter of Orangeblossom would she be if she couldn't?

Glimmerkit goes first. Though she asserts to do her best, it's a quick failure. Sparrowpaw comforts her in the way Cherrykit finds it hard to do, enthusiastic words somehow still gentle, telling her it's okay to do poorly. It's okay to not meet your own expectations. And while the little tortoiseshell wants to wipe the slight look off her paler mirror as well, the apprentice seems to have a handle on it. Sunkissed eyes turn back towards the stump.

Crowkit has always been a step out of sync with the rest of polite society, and Cherrykit knows the other boy's nest isn't the tightest woven, but she doesn't expect it to be absolutely scrambled here. For StarClan's sake, he didn't even try! Smoky paws scrabble at the bark like he's Fireflypaw trying to shuffle around herbs, and out of all the next actions he could've taken, he licks it. Like it's a whip of fur sticking out of someone else's flank. The girl stares at him, knowing they both won't be bothered by the blatant amusement and disrespect in pale yellow eyes. "What was that?" she giggles, weaving her way through the throng of kittens to bump into his side. "We're supposed to be climbing," the calico helpfully adds.

Eggkit blasts off before she can continue, forwards and off the wall in his bouncy trajectory. His sister doesn't have the heart nor incentive to laugh at him; his clumsiness wasn't unexpected, given how everyone's but his babyfat seems to be shedding off like autumn leaves. Hiccupkit takes it upon himself to emulate Sparrowpaw, lending grace unto his ungainly attempts, but Cherrykit also chimes in with, "It's okay if you're not good at it, Eggkit." She gives him a sympathetic smile, which dissolves the moment the third of Orangeblossom's kits take the leap. Hiccupkit's shot goes much better than Eggkit's, to the point where the girl might've felt a twinge of jealousy or envy had she been born the slightest bit less cocky. "I knew you could do it!" she cheers, a surprising outburst to all the kits unrelated to Cherrykit. But Hiccupkit is her brother, her bone and flesh, and there weren't enough stars in the sky to measure her pride for them (because, by extension, they're just a measure of her pride for herself). "He's better than you," she meows to Crowkit, giving him a proud grin.

As though to say "Anyway, watch me now," Cherrykit rears up, placing two tiny paws against the roughness, like twin pats of snowfall clinging to the grooved surface. Yellow eyes beam up at her brother, whose ruddy-and-white pelt seems to hang an entire foxlength above hers; with his larger form, he feels like a sack of cobweb-wrapped bricks hovering in the air, and an unfortunate place to stand under. Hiccupkit seems to have the hang of it though, and she has little doubt another brother would tumble off, especially when he's now too focused to even hiccup again.

Instead of crouching and launching herself upon the bark like a frog splayed on a leaf, Cherrykit feels her forepaws tense upon the scarred surface, claws sinking milimeters deep. She imagines hooking upon long fur instead of the rippling expanse of brown, remembers the feeling of tugging herself up upon the footholds of her father's shoulders and onto the top of his skull. And when she climbs, it looks and feels more like walking. One fluid motion from the ground towards the brimming lip of the stump, like water flowing upwards. A grin billows from her jaws as she pursues the top. Her hind legs push like pistons, propelling her up some invisible line continuously pulled down by her paws: she feels like she's pushing the world down instead of pulling herself up.

One final strain of her limbs, and she's at the top of the stump. Almost immediately, she spins over to blink down the sides, tail raised high like a flag. "I DID IT!" she crows. Her smile stretches cheek to cheek, puckering them with blue divots from the gleeful strain. Unlike her brother, Cherrykit absolutely means to brag. "I did it, I did it ♫♪" she sings while prancing around at the top of the stump, every turn marked by an lofty glance below. Dandelion eyes glow towards her mother, expectation brimming in cheery hues. "Mama, look! Aren't I amazing?" she purrs. And doesn't everyone else, like, totally suck?

ooc: rolled a 20 in the discord!