private OUBLIETTE \ bluefrost

Running across the moors with the wind in her fur, Featherspine could forget the pressure that continually threatened to crush her bones. Snowy paws a blizzard blur, she chased a hare with the tenacity she was named for, teeth bared in fury that it continued to evade her. Her legs were beginning to ache, and as the blood roared in her ears so did rumbling expectation. It began shallow, and rose in her mind like a chorus; up, up sang the voices, you cannot let your Clan down. A failed rabbit was a missed meal- a brood of kits that could not eat. Even into warriorhood, her aching limbs would never rest, his mind never stopped whirling.

In a moment of misted weakness... the hare took a corner. Featherspine rectified it slower than he intended, a clumsy corner scrambling her limbs. Yellow eyes widened in horror, glinting too with annoyance, as the rabbit made a move to disappear beneath the earth- chased into a tunnel. Oh, there was certainly one tunneler she was hoping to see clasping that rabbit in her jaws; she regarded the true saviour of her hunt with a narrowed glare.

✦ penned by pin