
On a good day, checking the elders for ticks isn't the worst task in the world - at least, not to Twilightpaw. Sometimes they're disagreeable, but for the most part he listens along to whatever stories they feel like telling that day, chiming in every now and then when he's expected to, and some of them even have some interesting tales to recount. Today, however, is not a good day; today, he'd much rather be doing anything else. It seems as if none of them are in a good mood, all too hungry and cold to be pleasant, and instead of a simple task he's forced to reason with them even just to start the process. It's grating, listening to elder after elder drone on about how lazy the youth are these days and how they never used to go hungry during Leaf-bare, and it only gets worse when one of them brings up his abject failure during hunting the other day. He's not sure who had told them the story, but somewhere along the way it had gotten exaggerated, the elders arguing whether or not he had missed a fledgling hardly able to fly or if he had just been intimidated by the sight of a plump bird, never once paying any mind to his answers to their questions, as if he wasn't the centerpiece of the story in the first place. Twilightpaw simply grits his teeth, resigning himself to their berating, and after what feels like a moon's worth of work in removing ticks and keeping his composure he's finally finished with the elders that had actually let him remove their ticks. Hardly throwing out a goodbye, he finds himself quickly squeezing out of the elder's den, almost glad for the freezing wind immediately hitting his face.

Leaving the elder's behind makes him feel minutely more encouraged about the rest of the day, though it's quickly quashed when he notices that the completion of his task has been clocked by someone else. By the look in the NPC's eyes he's sure they're on their way over to assign him something else just as terrible to do - they seemed to be getting on his case more often lately, something about wanting to make sure he doesn't waste his potential, and Twilightpaw's just about sick of it. His potential should be his to waste if he so chooses, and besides, it's not like chores are going to make him any better of a warrior. Before the NPC can reach him, he's already turned the opposite direction, trying to come up with some sort of excuse, something that might get him out of whatever dull task set out for him. Spotting Ravenpaw, he almost keeps going, almost keeps searching as if there's going to be some other way out, but instead he only adjusts his course enough to find himself heading her way. "Hey, you need help with anything, Raven?" he inquires, a tad louder than necessary in hopes that the NPC will take the hint that he's plenty busy on his own. Of course, knowing his luck today she probably would want help with something, if only to pawn her chores off on Twilightpaw, though frankly that idea seemed more appealing than being directly assigned anything to do. Hopefully he hadn't gotten himself into anything worse than whatever other chores he was trying to avoid, though at the moment it's a gamble he's willing to take.

// @ravenpaw
Raavenpaw gave her brother a quizzical look as he offered his aid to her. That wasn't like him at all. The moment she caught sight of the NPC behind him, however, she turned and waved for him to follow with a flick of her tail. "In fact, yes. Now come along." She ordered, purposefully just loud enough that she could be overheard. "We have to make up for the other apprentices slack, and if we don't start now we might not be done before sundown." The lie came as easily from her as the truth would have. In reality, she only had one task for the day, and now she was only going to have to do half the work.

"Here's the deal." Ravenpaw whispered as they walked with a sly smile. He was at her mercy now, one errant word from her and a thousand warriors would descend upon him to set him to work. She liked that thought. "You are going to help me with cleaning out the nursery's bedding, between the two of us it should go quickly. In exchange, my services will be at your full employ for the rest of the day. I will tell whatever lies and pull whatever strings are required to keep the warriors off your back. How does that sound?"

The molly pointedly did not mention that she was tempted to do all that in exchange for nothing at all. It sounded like a far more entertaining and challenging use of her talents than the usual apprentice duties. She was wasted on changing bedding.

Besides, amongst her siblings she had a soft spot for Twilightpaw. For all his laziness he was, at least, clever.