border OUR EYES WANDER FOR HELP — thunderclan dawn patrol

The sun is a bleary gold disc nestled against a gray horizon when Raccoonstripe’s patrol first leaves camp. The tabby’s spirits are high, despite the brisk bite of the dawn breeze that splits his fluffy pelt. He half-turns to survey the cats trailing after him. “Look alive, folks,” he says cheerily. “Can’t let RiverClan think we’re asleep on our paws!” He rubs his nose against the corner of a sunwarmed stone, dark gaze flashing as he turns it toward the riverbank.

After a moment, he turns to @RAINBOWPAW . “Scent that? It’s vole,” he murmurs to his apprentice. His ears flick forward, jaws parted. “This isn’t a hunting patrol, but we never miss an opportunity to bring prey back for the Clan.” There’s a scrabbling sound in the nest of stones, tiny rodent claws against rock. He flicks his tail tip against his apprentice’s flank—a command. Hunt it yourself.

[ @STORMYWING @LIGHTSTRIKE . but no need to wait! ]

, ”
His feelings on Sunningrocks were still complicated to say the least. It was more a matter of pride than necessity though he had thought about them periodically on patrols and while sunbathing near the edge of camp. Having your territory taken after a vicious and underhanded attack in the dead of night was not exactly something he was willing to let go so easily. Sunningrocks was not just a patch of land with smooth stones, it was a testament to how ThunderClan felt entitled to things simple because they had to deal with some dogs on it, if RiverClan had any control over those mongrels he'd have been more interested in setting them loose on the moors than the forest. Regardless, he isn't interested in petty disputes for the time being - as much as he rightfully knows that territory is theirs - so he does not give the patrol Raccoonstripe leads much attention outside a nod.
A focus on his daughter and apprentice instead, "The big black tabby there is Raccoonstripe, one of Howlingstar's sons. The other two I believe are cats who were chosen for the journey..." Howlingstar had quite a lot of kits didn't she? Or had, he recalls hearing of her daughter's loss on the journey - both sad to hear given those cats were working to help all clans and also a small relief it was not one of their own that fell. When Dovethroat had not returned with the others he'd almost thought they had their own loss, he couldn't imagine finding out your own kit would not be coming home. His head tilts down, nudges Beepaw lightly, "Why don't you catch something for us, give those forest cats a little show?"

  • Apprentice Tag- @BEEPAW.

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    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Embittered thoughts about being wronged by evil cats who struck out in the dark... that dramatic, knee-jerk judgement had, with the journey's aid, lessened over time. No longer did he believe every Thunderclanner was simply opportunistic, self-righteous, bad- but equally, that didn't mean he liked all of them. When he saw a patrol while on his own hunting escapade, alert was immediately raised.

For now, though... they had a common enemy, didn't they? While WindClan occupied Highstones, they'd probably do well to stay on each other's good sides. A meadow-green gaze swept over the patrolling cats, trying to name them all- and two of them, he recognised. Stormywing and Lightstrike stood among them. The tension that had prickled along his spine dissipated when he saw the fellow journeyers, and a more amicable glint lit in his eye.

"Hi," he called; he didn't raise his voice, but it was a clear enough greeting. Smokestar was busy with Beepaw, and likely would engage with the lead warrior present. "You guys... settling back in well?" Going from journeying to home again, so suddenly... it all just being over. It hadn't been the easiest transition for Ferngill himself.
penned by pin
Rainbowpaw thinks they're an interesting fur, with Raccoonstripe in a better mood than usual, and Rainbowpaw feeling like their mouth is full of cotton. He struggles to look alive, but that's pretty normal, really. He is no more alive when his mentor asks him if he had scented something— and indeed he had, though he wasn't sure what it was... Rainbowpaw mouths, " oh, " when it's told to him. Vole, a scent often found wafting from ThunderClan's freshkill pile. And with that revelation, he continues trekking forward, figuring that is not what the patrol was here to do.

But apparently, that did not matter. A set of pale ears are swiveling toward the lead warrior. And again, " Oh, " He turns his head toward the sound. And as a tail is flickered across his flank, he resigns himself to his fate.

He casts a dramatically woeful look to the border— at the faces he would rather memorize than go off and hunt, even though he knows in a moon or so, he would regret not catching what he had. Rainbowpaw offers a nod to the RiverClan patrol before he splits off from his own, treading carefully as they try to pinpoint just where the scrabbling was coming from.

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  • ( I DO, I DO, I DO ) RAINBOWPAW: Sunfreckle xx Rabbitnose. Mentored by Raccoonstripe
    ✦ he / they ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    ✦ currently 5 moons old as of 11/2/2023 ; ages every 25

    warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. he sports long curling whiskers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck. growing into themselves; rainbowpaw is showing signs of growing into an above - average height with a somewhat leggy frame. rainbowpaw is most plainly to be described as kind, his most tangible goals and motives being to make the people around him happy. somewhat aloof when it comes to more complex / outer clan issues. lives in the present first and foremost.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
The battle of Sunningrocks felt like ages ago, but the displeasure of seeing Thunderclanners lounge on their rocks was still an intense blaze in Petalsteps chest.
The warrior weaves through the reeds, stepping through to stop at Ferngills flank.
While her clanmates big Journey was historical, Petalstep often forgot that her flame-pelted acquaintance spent moons with Thunderclan cats, and she finds herself wondering if any of his journey companions are right across the river today.
Did it feel strange? The plush warrior contemplates, to develop a certain bond with these warriors- only to have to return to the way it used to be? Friendliness only reserved for the full moon.
Her attention drifts to Smokestar and Beepaw nearby as the father urges his apprentice to give their neighbors a show.
There is amused huff from the ghostly-hued Riverclanner, and while she had the full intent of observing Beepaw’s fishing attempt, Petalstep only broke away to give a polite dip of her head to their neighbors.

Lilybloom still can't much stomach the sight of ThunderClan cats on Sunningrocks. Her initial bitterness had faded over the moons, but it still lingered in her belly, a waning ember that would need only the slightest push to blaze into life again.

One day Sunningrocks would be RiverClan's again. She felt it in her paws. One day she would bring her children there and they would fish, swim, and bask in the warmth the stones offered. Until then she would have to swallow her anger and be civil. Naturally, she recognises Raccoonstripe, but she doesn't immediately recognise the other ThunderClan cats on patrol. "Those are ThunderClan cats over there," Lilybloom mewed, looking to her apprentice who would have been close by. "Can you smell how different their scent is to the SkyClan scent."

- apprentice tag @.Swanpaw

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Beepaw walks alongside her mentor with her large ears pricked forward as she stays attentive of her surroundings, the wariness of rogues potentially still being around a nagging worry in the back of her mind, and she pauses when the scent of the forest wafts in their direction. Bicolored gaze already locked onto the black tabby tom that was leading the patrol followed along by a brightly furred apprentice though her attention is stripped away when Smokestar begins to talk to her and she gives a little nod, she faintly remembers the Thunderclanner from the time she had been younger and out on her first patrol with her father. Her mismatched eyes focusing on the two journey cats, a blue tabby and cream tabby, her ear flicks deciding that she would try to remember their faces only to notice Ferngill relaxing at the sight of the forest cats, she's glad that he can find himself comfortable around them...

Beepaw personally didn't care for the forest drypaws in the least, the molly glancing up at her father as he nudges her lightly telling them to give the Thunderclanners a show. She swallows down the anxiety prickling at her core only to nod to her father knowing that she couldn't possibly mess this up especially if there were other cats across the river seeing her, Beepaw doesn't have a lot to worry about seeing as she had a good teacher and she had been improving her fishing skills for some time now.

A curt nod in the direction of their neighbors before focusing on the task given to her, she approaches the river carefully making sure that her shadow isn't cast across the water and her claws unsheathe slowly pressing into the cool ground underneath her. The molly focuses more on the river than anyone around her or let alone their forest neighbors, she takes a deep breath before noting the faint shadows of a few fish swimming close by and waits for a heartbeat only to reach forward with outstretched claws. They hook onto a fair sized fish that she tears out from the waters as it flies onto land and she pounces on the trout that's writhing desperately among the pebbles of the shore trying to return to the depths it was in until Beepaw had caught it and her teeth wrap around it until a loud crunch stops it entirely.

Satisfied with her catch, she grins around the fish as she turns to Smokestar with bottlebrush tail sweeping behind her.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
A loud yawn splits her jaws as she trails after the larger tabby, her ears drooping. His voice grates on the morning air and she has to stifle a grimace. How is he so cheerful? It's cold, and early. But as the river comes into view, she finds herself perking up, wondering if a familiar tortoiseshell pelt will appear from the reeds. Instead, all she gets is a heaping look at Smokestar, and- oh, it's Ferngill! She grins, calling back over to him, "Hey!" She waves her tail excitedly, even bumping her shoulder against Lightstrike's as if to say look who it is!

She trots closer to the river until her toes touch the wet sand, largely ignoring the other cats on the patrol. She doesn't know them. She knows Ferngill, and she'd even venture to call him a friend now! "I just like having a roof over my head again!" She laughs back to him, recalling all of the nights they'd made makeshift nests out of whatever they could find, only to abandon the site the next morning. Dens, oh how she'd missed dens! Her eyes travel towards an apprentice who scoops a fish straight from the river, and is once again reminded of Iciclefang's skills. She says nothing, but her eyes glitter, impressed. A few moons ago, the sight might draw a scoff from her, but now she only sees talent in a fish so easily caught.
THE HERMIT ─── There was a bittersweetness tang that came with the realization that Thunderclan held the territory for Sunningrocks. One that Rookfang tried his best to roll and swallow as the lumbering shadow of his figure stalked quietly behind his clanmates. His eyes became half-lidded after stepping from the shielding protection of some barren branches, dark stormy blues not dragging from the earth to across the riverbank, settling down on the figures of Thunderclanners. His tattered ear twitched in a brief response, his lower jaw tightening as all the warrior could do was offer a stiffened nod as he halted next to the others. Prickled jagged fur was tugged gently by the wind but it didn't deter him from sticking around as he watched with mutual pride to see Beepaw achieve at their peculiar skill within the Clan that held a hold in their culture and strength. He always admired how the tradition had been passed on, elder to warrior, to warrior to apprentice.

His vision was yet to return (will it ever?) for him to be able to catch as well as he used to before the...incident. The scars had finally healed yet no fur seemed interested in returning and that became the ugly truth alongside the already inhibited capability of sight worsening for him. He knew he would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant saving his younger brother from the horrid recklessness of his mother and the fangs of a predator, but by Starclan's name did he get the short end of the stick with situations lately. His thoughts became shaken by the voice of an unfamiliar Thunderclanner as she sought to gain the attention of Ferngill, clearly familiar with the new warrior. The blaze-colored tom must have been on the journey with the molly and he blinked, relieved that they appeared to have established a decent relationship that was not rooted in any resentment or negativity. He couldn't say he had the same for Windclan, quite in fact, it was the complete opposite. ​