private Our hearts shake off sparks \\ Slate

Nov 7, 2023
❪ TAGS ❫.Like a warrior of Star Clan, his is pelt russeled, puffing up like a halo around his head.
Careful eyes scaned the undergrowth, belly pressed close to the cool ground. The tom's long, blunky body was hidden in a rather large bush, but even with all his training his tail still stuck out of the foliage. The cool gust promised the gift of rain, something the tom's thick coat never agreed with. Muscles twitching with annoyance and worry, the tom grunted standing still. The wind - blasted thing - had scattered his scent, sending it carrining towards the mouse he had spotted just seconds before.
He huffed, glancing side to side looking for his brother.
Perhaps he was having better luck. Jealousy itched under the tom's skin, he shifted, crushing it underpaw. It was good that Slate was doing well. The two... he grimced, thinking of their lives. Of the blood he shed with unwavering paws. Did Slate's paws share the same skill? He hadn't questioned those decisions when he was young, nor did he now, but he felt that maybe he should. What would Slate think? That he was a warrior? Honorable? Something else?
Movement. A mouse. A trained, quick machine sprang forward. Unwavering jaws snapped down, and the small creature squeaked. Done.
Who was he to get distracted? Clan life had made him soft. And apparently insecure around his only true friend. He'd have to change that.
He glanced around, squinting as another gust shook the forest. The sliver tom searched for his brother as the cold wind turned sharp. Cloverjaw had to lean into as to not fall over. A quick glance to sky told him all he needed to know. We should go.
Hissing slightly, he called out " @SLATE " the words didn't get very far, obscured by both meat and wind.
"Slate!" His nose stung with ice as the promised rain began to fall. Tail lashing, the sliver tom inspected the air close to him. "Slate!"
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"Mousebrain, you'll scare off all the prey in the forest like that." The Maine Coon grunts aloud, finally answering his littermate's call and padding out from behind a pine. His voice does not carry the usual sharpness, though even his brother is not spared from his snarky quips. Discouragement befalls his rugged features, his jaws empty as he did not succeed in catching any prey today. Although he is a bulky fellow, he is usually able to manage at least one kill. The conditions today were just not ideal.

Slate, too, had taken note of the icy gales picking up and blowing through the trees. He would certainly not object if Cloverjaw suggested going back to camp now; attempting to hunt any further would likely be fruitless as scents were blown every which way and made tracking nearly impossible at the moment. "I guess we should head back." Slate meows, tilting his head and awaiting a response.

  • 65130298_NehVJpKdIdopdn5.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles