our house in the middle of the street | kit intro

"Sit still a little longer," Flycatcher instructs with a gentle laugh as he rasps his tongue along the fur of one of his children. Nearby, sits his other child, fur cleaned and neatly groomed. Though with how kits are, Flycatcher doubts it would stay that way for long. With a few final licks, Flycatcher lifts his head and gives his children an appraising look. He could probably spend hours grooming them, but he fears if he does they would squirm away, or would potentially end up with a bald spot. With some gentle nudging, he urges his children onto their feet and starts to shepherd them towards the entrance of the nursery where they would finally be allowed to explore camp - with supervision of course. Flycatcher would be letting them explore at their own pace but was planning on hovering nearby to ensure they didn't get away or get into any trouble.

Flycatcher pauses at the entrance and draws in a deep breath before looking back at his children. "Okay, remember what your mother and I told you. Don't go running under anyone's paws, stay in my line of sight, do not eat anything you shouldn't, and do not leave camp," Flycatcher spoke to his children softly. With the words of advice said, he gestured with a tilt of his head for the two of them to go outside. "Be free, my children! Be free!" He grinned.

@STORMKIT @FALCONKIT @Flamewhisker // please wait for at least one of the kits to post before responding! <3

Wiggling and shifting, squirming he tries to get away but it is harder done than said. His father is bigger but that doesn't seem to stop his incessant movements. He doesn't like being cleaned and it shows as he whines pitifully. Yet soon its all over and he wiggles away to look up at Flycatcher with vibrant eyes. "All done!" He says affirmatively because he doesn't want another cleaning and then with small nudges the small kit makes his way towards the entrance of the nursery. He has heard so many stories about the place out their ajd truly his small tail vibrates with his excitement. He tries to contain it and listen well to his father as he peers out of the nursery to see all the sights and sounds. His little nose twitches and he can't seem to keep his back paws still as he moves this way and that. "Okay! Okay!" He squeaks as he looks up to Flycatcher, looks back to his mother with a small hesitation befoee he looks at Stormkit then. His little sister, before he bounds over to her. "Come on Stormkit! Lets go see what's out there!"

Like a rocket, overly large bumbling paws clumsily totters out of the nursery and he blinks at how big everything is. He is look at everything. Looking all around and any cat that he sees within speaking distance he shouts at. "Hello! Hi! Hiya! I'm Falconkit! Hi!" He greets anyone and anything that moves. Even those that appear to be half awake.
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Stormkit sat still with her tail curled over her paws. She had already been groomed. Her father had fussed over her so much she had squeaked that he would make her bald and hairless. That would be such an ugly sight. She shivered at the thought of a pelt-less cat. Surely one did not exist! She watched her brother share the same treatment. Stormkit's front paw impatiently tapped at the ground as she waited for them to be done.

"I was waiting for you to be done, mouse-brain!" She teased her older brother, jumping out after him. She attempted to pounce on her brother's tail, more interested in the "hunt" than meeting new cats. The world was getting bigger every day.


Burningsoul was a big, muscular calico with a stoic expression most of the time. He just didn't look very friendly. But that was far from the truth, for his clanmates and allies anyways.

So when he saw Flycatcher emerge from the nursery with his kits in tow, he couldn't help but smile. He felt for Flycatcher and Flamewhisker. He had kept his distance the day the kits were born, not wanting to crowd the nursery and cause undue stress. When he heard that two kits were stillborn..... His heart sank.

So to see the remaining two happily bouncing around.... It made him happy.

He couldn't help but chuckle at Falconkits enthusiasm.

"Hello! I'm Burningsoul! It's a pleasure to meet you, Falconkit. I see you're enjoying your first foray out of the nursery." He greeted Falconkit warmly.

He just wanted to hug this little guy and not let go, holy shit.

He was eager to see what kind of trouble these kits would get into.
When Flycatcher had popped in that morning, and offered to take the kits out, she had been delighted. As her mate finished cleaning the pair up, and sent them on their way, the red tabby would quietly pad up to him from behind. She would bump his shoulder affectionately, and pull her jaws back into a long yawn. "While you are on duty, I think I will catch up on a nap." she had slept lightly before, but now that the kits could walk, there was nearly no sleeping for her now. "Good luck...they're mischievous." Flamewhisker purred, before turning around and heading back into the nursery.
Tybalt padded out of the warriors den still half asleep. He hadn't slept well, and didn't hear Falconkit trotting up behind him. At the sudden sound, his wavy pelt bushed in alarm, and a hiss escaped his maw as he whipped around. His amber eyes went wide when he saw the source of the sound, who stared up at him with big, blue-green eyes. Ah, foxdung, he swore silently. It's just a kid.

His expression softened, and the warrior lowered his head to meet the kitten's gaze. "Ah, sorry, buddy," he rumbled. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I didn't see you." He offered an apologetic smile. The often bad-tempered tom had a soft spot for kits, and he flashed a smile towards the she-kit leaping after her littermate. "I'm Tybalt."
( ) Lichenpaw is nothing if not nosy; he's heard tell of the lead warriors' kits, but he's yet to see them. Clearly, that needs to be remedied, but he hasn't managed to get himself into the nursery to sneak a peek. So when Flycatcher appears at the nursery entrance, Lichenpaw's ears perk up from where he is nibbling on a scrawny shrew. He can't quite make out the tom's initial, soft-spoken words, but he sits up straight at the last few. So, the kits are leaving the nursery. Exciting!

Lichenpaw smiles and begins to pad over, only to be caught completely off guard when Falconkit comes barrelling out of the nursery, Stormkit not long behind. Oh StarClan, Lichenpaw is not ready for this. It occurs to him that he has never actually interacted with a kitten before. As Falconkit shouts out hellos, Lichenpaw matches him greeting for greeting, squeaky voice stumbling over his words. "Hello! Hi! Er-- Hello, I'm-- Hi, yes. I'm, uh, Lou." He pauses. Nope, that's not right. These kits have him flustered. "Er, I mean, Lichenpaw. You can--you can call me Lou--er, Li, though. Um, it's, it's nice to meet you?" Is that how you talk to kittens? Nice to meet you? That doesn't sound right. Lichenpaw has no idea what he's doing, he thinks, watching Stormkit hunt her brother's tail.
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New life was a breath of fresh air for the warrior, to see new kits sprinting around camp to explore the world before them. Hardships and death had plagued ThunderClan like a deathly sickness, keeping everyone on edge. Even Flamewhisker herself had to endure the death of two still-born kits, called back to StarClan before even able to enter the world like their other two siblings. He felt a stinging in his chest at the sight of their small frames and the overwhelming grief the fiery molly must have felt. Stormchaser aims to nudge the new mother gently in passing, hearing the tail end of her conversation with her mate. He settles himself beside Flycatcher, offering the Lead Warrior a smile in greeting before his apricot eyes flitted towards the two bundles of kits that clumsily ambled through the camp. "Hard to believe they're already running around like a couple of badgers, huh?" He also aims to nudge at the gray warrior's shoulder with his own. A ball of moss sits by him and he smiles, hooking it with a claw and tossing it over towards Falconkit and Stormkit. "Here ya go, kiddos! Toss it around." He calls to them as they're already skittering around Tybalt's paws and speaking with Lichenpaw.

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Howling Wind recalls the night the kits were born clearly, the wails that shook the camp's very walls, the wide-eyed looks exchanged between its inhabitants. When it had been revealed that two of the four kits had been born cold and stiff, it seemed every heart in ThunderClan broke. The birth of kits should be a celebration, but a heavy cloud hung over that day. The tabby had thought it best to give them their privacy.

Now, seeing the surviving kits bouncing around camp brings a smile to her face. The maternal she-cat pads closer to the gathering of cats, already purring as she peers down at the toddling children. "Look how big you both have gotten! Not giving your parents too much trouble, are you?" She trills gently, eyes alight with warmth. Her eyes shift momentarily to Stagstrike as he introduces himself with a name she hasn't heard in moons, an ear twitching. "Stagstrike," She corrects softly, eyes flicking back to the kits. "That warrior's name is Stagstrike." There's no need to confuse kids with old names that are irrelevant in the clan.

Easing onto her haunches, she watches them play with joy written across her face. The kits of the clan's lead warriors. Stars, what destinies lie before them? Great things, she knows it. They are the golden children of the clan!

Little Wolf was glad that she was getting the chance to watch Flamewhisker and Flycatcher's kits grow up in such close proximity. Living with them in the nursery, she got to see them toddle around on their tiny little baby legs, but she also got to remember when her own kits were that small. It was a bittersweet feeling that made her both sad and happy at the same time. Soon she would have her own kits to fuss over but for now, she would have to wait.

Secretly, she's jealous of the two. If Blazestar was in the same clan as her they could've traded off duties like this, she could've slept while he watched her kits tumble around the camp they could've raised them together. Blazestar would never know this litter like he had their last though. Things had to be this way. It was best for everyone. "They always grow so fast" she says in agreeance with her mother. Howling Wind knows most of all how true those words were. She does not comment about Stagstrike using his old name but she does look at him out of the corner of her eye. He had never seemed to adjust to the ways of the clans like the others. Her green gaze lingers for only a moment longer before turning her attention back to Flycatcher. "If you guys need someone to watch them ever, I cant do much anyways" her words are punctuated by a light laugh. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger every day, soon she would be ready to pop and her own kits would be the ones terrorizing her clanmates.

Whilst his children were quick to run out into camp, bouncing all over each other, and greeting any cat that would lend an ear, Flycatcher finds himself a comfortable seat nearby. He watches on warmly as several clanmates greet them and coo over them. A gentle nudge at his shoulder alerts him to Stormchaser's presence, and he dips his head in acknowledgement to the tom, who tosses a moss ball for them to play with. "Tell me about it," Flycatcher smiles, waiting to see how his kits would react to the moss ball. "At this rate they'll be warriors soon!"

His attention then turns to Little Wolf, and he dips his head appreciatively of her offer. "Thank you, Little Wolf, we appreciate the offer," He said. "But don't worry, if you're too tired we'll just have to wrangle them up ourselves."[/font]


"Hi, Burningsoul! Your name is really long. How come you're named Burningsoul? What's fo-fowayyyy?" His questions come one after the other as he looks up at the older cat, tilting his head. And when he speaks that weird word it stresses so long as he tries to say it how the other did. But it is a funny word and he is definitely gonna keep it in his small noggin. Feeling his sister pounce on his tail he clumsily tries to bat at her but then another cat whirls on him so fast that his eyes widen and he has never seen a cat aggressive before. For a moment the young kit doesn't say nothing and then his eyes start to water. He sniffles like he might cry and he shivers a little. Yet as the other gets calmer so does he and he lifts a paw to wipe at his eyes. He shakes his head but makes sure to try and get his name. "Tybalt? That's, that's different." His voice is a murmur as he doesn't want to upset him again. As more and more come he starts to perk up.

Finding himself bounding around the tom looks at Lichenpaw with a beaming smile. "Nice to mweet you!! Nice! Nice Lou!" He giggles as he bounces around the apprentice before he pauses and lets out a soft gasp. One warrior throws a mossball and he immediately goes after it, trying to catch it but ends up tumbling around it. He scoops it up in his jaws and tries to toss it to his sister, eager for her to throw it back. Though he becomes distracted when he hears another and he looks up at the molly. Blinking as she speaks he quickly shakes his head. "Nuhuh! No trouble!!!" She reaffirms the other tom's name as something else but he doesn't say anything as he becomes enthralled with the moss ball game again.
There were so many cats out here. Stormkit's ears went flat against her head and she scooted backwards off Falconkit's tail. Stormkit puffed up, making herself look bigger than she really was—which wasn't much. The scent of the older cats was like her own, but each with their own unique flavor to it. Her pupils widened as her face glanced between each new one. In the corner of her eye, a moss ball was flung. Stormkit's paws itched to chase after it, but the anxiety made her stand her ground. With a little huff, the tricolor kitten turned around and scurried back to the nursery after her mother.

Maybe a little later, when there weren't so many around, she'd come out and play.

His smile widens at Flycatcher's response, nodding in agreement with the lead warrior and smiling at Little Wolf with her own pregnant belly. Her own kits would be making their way into this world before long too. "Oooh, yeah. I wonder how they'll be as apprentices. Bet a bunch of troublemakers, hm? Especially this one right here!" His apricot eyes flash to Falconkit as he fumbles around the moss ball before getting distracted again. A tuft of torbie and white fur comes into his peripheral then and he flicks his eyes to the more timid molly. The way her kitten fur fluffed up with flattened ears, eyes wide as she watches everyone. He watches her intently before she follows back into the nursery behind Flamewhisker, his own ivory whiskers twitching. He could understand the overwhelming feeling, being thrown into this wide world without much knowledge of it all. His smile softens before returning his gaze back to the cream colored tom kit who seemed more extroverted, his pounding questions sliding out one after the other. The moss ball comes back into view to him now, remembering how much he loved playing the game himself when he was younger. He hooks it once again and flings it towards the bouncing kit. Maybe if Stormkit saw her brother playing, it could persuade her to come back out as well. But he understood if not. She still had plenty of time to explore this world.
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