our house it has a crowd | return

takes place after this thread!

Huddled in between the group of ThunderClan cats, a stranger returned to camp. Like many in the group, Flycatcher still felt iffy about bringing someone unknown into camp, regardless of his own desire to aid him for saving his life. Although the ginger and white tom had jumped in to save him, Flycatcher could say nothing of his personality beyond that. Brave and perhaps a bit foolish too.

Prior to returning to camp, the unknown tom had stirred, and though he was still battered and bruised he was able to walk at least, even if Flycatcher and the others had to support him. "Could somebody find Berryheart?" Flycatcher asked, glancing around at the returning patrol once they entered the camp. "For me and...sorry stranger, I did not catch your name."

@HOWLINGSTAR @Bingley @STORMPAW @nightbird
The smell that came on the wind had Batwing's hackles rising. Fox, and blood. It wasn't long after that Batwing was pushing to his paws from what he had been doing (sorting moss for the dens) and turning his attention to the returning patrol. Flycatcher and.. who was that? Batwing grimaced gently, then nodded his head. "Yeah, on it." Batwing called out in return- heading towards the medicine cat den. He poked his head inside, looking for @BERRYHEART with an urge of hesitance. "Berryheart? We have a.. unconscious cat in the camp." He called out.​
Blood and the scent of a stranger send Raccoonstripe’s hackles bristling; the lead warrior stalks from the warrior’s den, his nostrils flaring. “What in the name of StarClan? What’s going on here?” He stares—there’s an unconscious ginger loner draped over Howlingstar, Flycatcher, and Nightbird’s back, the blood from his wounds seeping into their fur. Their deputy, too, has sustained some lighter injuries—there’s the rank stench of fox about them, and the jagged look from the bites is all-too familiar.

Who is he, and why are we wasting herbs on him?” He looks to Howlingstar and Flycatcher for answers. Had they stumbled across this cat, half-eaten and delirious, and chosen to exact kindness upon him? He supposes he could understand feeling pity, but to bring him to camp… he kneads the earth restlessly as Batwing goes to get his brother.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

Sunnyday's hackles were already bristling as he approached the scene upon hearing the commotion and Flycatcher's call. What he hadn't expected to see was the deputy returning to camp with a stranger! He himself had made an error long ago which had involved bringing a stranger to camp and he had been punished for it, and quite a few cats were keen to remind him of his folly when the situation fancied it. Would Flycatcher face the same fallout? Unlikely given that Howlingstar was present and seemingly part of the group bringing the stranger into the camp.

"A heads up would have been nice..." The tom mumbled as he lurked just behind Raccoonstripe. In the past he would have shown sympathy, but now he lacked the energy for it. He was better off just fitting in and being as suspicious and cold as the rest of his peers when it came to loners.
Stormpaw is still apprehensive as she trails behind her father and the other warriors. The red and white stranger smelled awful to her, and she still could not shake the conflicting feeling of seeing another cat in need despite it not being part of her Clan. It would have been better if this stranger had not wandered so near their territory after all! She attempted to justify it to herself. If he wasn't, she would not have such a conflict in her mind.

She would trust Howlingstar and Flycatcher. They were the cats with the highest authority—they knew what they were doing. So when Raccoonstripe and Sunnyday remarked negatively of the situation, her fur bristled in defense. Surely they would know that there was a good reason if both the leader and the deputy arrived with the stranger. She pointedly turned her head up to her father and leader, waiting for them to explain it.


sleekpaw & 06 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

The commotion is enough to startle the boy from his work, paws pausing idly in their efforts to reorganize his nest once more, as he turns to look at what's going on. The patrol looks weary, and the scent of blood and - something she doesn't quite recognize lingers in the air. Questions fall from their clanmates mouths, but the apprentice only watches - a poised figure on the sidelines, blue eyes wary and cold. Whatever happened cannot be good, if they are wasting herbs on an unnamed stranger, but it's not sleekpaws place to speak on such things.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically easy && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Carrying a cat to camp is no easy feat, but with the help of Nightbird and Flycatcher, and Stormpaw helping to keep him on their backs, it's doable. They finally stalk back into camp, and as soon as they get the moment to, she helps to lower the unconscious cat to the ground. Her back, now stained with his blood, is given a swift shake. She'll have to work to clean her pelt later.

She cannot blame her clanmates for feeling agitated and on edge. Bringing a stranger into their camp is nothing ordinary, and Howlingstar herself would have never okayed it were it not for the circumstances. Perhaps that is why she turns a sharp glare onto Sunnyday in response to his hypocritical comment. Does he forget the day he waltzed a kittypet straight through the bramble tunnel, without letting a single clanmate know? "That is brilliant coming from you," She remarks, voice uncharacteristically icy. Normally, she'd be the type to tip up her chin and look the other way, but the golden tom's habits are beginning to wear her down. Where she hopes he would show improvement, he continues to earn more and more of her ire.

She pointedly turns away from him, eyes finding her son. "This cat saved Flycatcher's life," She explains, now scanning the growing crowd. "Flycatcher would be dead if it weren't for this mere stranger risking his pelt for him. I am indebted to him, and I have decided to allow him to recover here. He will die without help." Her deputy's life is priceless; this is the least she can do to show it.

as soon as camp was entered, it seemed all eyes were on the group. whether it was the scent of blood, fox, or a stranger that drew them would likely differ. her ears flickered backwards and nightbird stepped away once it seemed the battered trespasser was stable on the ground.

batwing had ran off quickly to fetch berryheart, the sooner he got checked out the sooner he would be out of their fur. raccoonstripe storms over, dark pelt spiked with a thousand thorns. his tone is demanding as he addresses the entering group, rightfully so in her mind. kits seemed to be brought to the clearing for sanctuary every other day. while she was certainly not ecstatic over it, they could be molded into perfectly fine apprentices. an adult in camp was much more of a gamble, a liability, even one as beaten as the orange tom before them.

even sunnyday seems miffed, but she is less willing to share a knowing glance with the golden tom. a reputation for bringing outsiders to camp preceded the older warrior, nightbird had to withhold an amused huff as howlingstar reminded him of that coldly. the molly sat back while the leader explained, pelt crawling with the feeling of sticky blood that did not belong to her. it would be a pain to get out, she was already dreading the task.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"What can I say, I have experience. Learned my lesson, now I act just like any other ThunderClanner." Sunnyday growled back as he narrowed his eyes at Howlingstar. Why should a leader be let off from the braying of a clan who was suspicious of everyone? Though as the explanation was given about why they had taken a stranger into the camp, and about what had occurred out on the patrol, he found himself somewhat simmering down. Though only by just a little. He was primarily relieved that Flycatcher was alive thanks to the effort of a loner. "Glad you're alright, Flycatcher. Sounds like it's been quite a day."

As expected, the arrival of a stranger to camp earns some questioning glances. Flycatcher isn't surprised at all by this. Although a few stray kittens have been welcomed to camp as of late, there have been no fully grown joiners brought to camp since Howlingstar stepped up as leader. What he is surprised by is Sunnyday's response. He is surprised by how much it irks him in that moment. You could have given us a heads up, he says and Flycatcher finds himself tensing slightly, the fur on his back prickling slightly. Yes, Flycatcher thinks snidely, I would have plenty of time to run back whilst fighting for my life.

Howlingstar makes a remark about his comment, which in turn earns a response about how he had learnt his lesson. Flycatcher hopes he has. He doubts Howlingstar will have any more patience to extend towards him soon. "Quite a day indeed," Flycather hums in agreement at Sunnyday's words to him. "Could have been worse I suppose. I could have wound up just like that stranger there or worse had he not found me."
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Like most cats who were already on their feet, the scent of blood put Lightstrike on edge. Who? Who was hurt? He found himself running through the cats he knew to be on patrol at that moment, but as he left the warrior's den, it wasn't long before he found out.

Green eyes searched the party, for information, for wounds, but his gaze eventually rested upon the stranger who was set upon the earth. Wordlessly, he looked to Howlingstar for an explanation. He saved Flycatcher's life. His brows furrowed, but he voiced no opposition despite the mutterings around him. Regardless of what his intentions might be, the tom was clearly in no state to execute anything weird anyway. Especially not for a while at the very least.

One voice in particular made his ear twitch. Expression falling into a glower, he glanced sideways at Sunnyday, unable to help the quirk of a smirk that briefly tugged his lips when their leader snapped back. "You of all cats should have no opinion on the subject," he growled.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

although she ignored sunnyday's prior remark for the most part, silver eyes narrowed as he doubled down, dug his own grave deeper with every flick of his tongue. he was granted a second chance in a kind gesture from howlingstar. nightbird wondered if she was beginning to doubt it.

he gives flycatcher his condolences, to which the deputy graciously accepts. however, her tail does not stop from twitching, even when lightstrike includes a thorny remark. sunnyday stood there to throw stones, aggravate thunderclan's leader. after the explanation had been given, there was no reason to remain.

yet, there he stood. sour faced and growling at his leader. she had no doubts that howlingstar could hold her own, but unfortunately the grasp on nightbird's tongue was losing strength. it was only exacerbated by the events of the day. she did not appreciate how lowly he spoke of the cats of the forest, as if they were below the most rotten of crowfood. could not ignore how brazen it was to even compare himself to a thunderclanner.

"i can safely say no thunderclanner acts like you." although black lips curl slightly, it is said calmly the message clear as the tom's blue gaze. "this cat needs attention now, and unless you intend to fulfill berryheart's job, i suggest you move on. go find someone interested in listening to your witless blathering." it would be a difficult feat to manage, perhaps if he were as persistent in that conquest as he were to gain the full force of howlingstar's ire they would not be in this situation.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Berryheart had not been awake when this commotion had commenced; that much was clear from his expression, dozy eyes even more hooded than normal. Drowsiness enhanced in that moment how much the blood-scent sickened him- he felt nausea rising as he too rose from his nest, whiskers taut and face stony. Discomfort and sickness crawled beneath his skin, that putrid scent ascending to his skull and dizzying him. Even slower than usual he shuffled forward, head hung low.

Visibly, his paw trembled as he rose it to motion to the unfamiliar cat. He was beyond the arguing about Leggy- he'd witnessed enough of that to infirm him, having given up on the sandy tom when he'd injured his own apprentice. Though he was markedly more unsteady than usual, it only gave him more urgency to rid the stranger of whatever was drawing their ichor. "Come wiff... me," he said simply, flicking his tail to beckon the newcomer, speech slurred as he could not focus on much except preventing himself from fainting. It was his duty to heal those who Big Mama brought to him, and if this tom was a saviour, he would not pose a question.
Berryheart's condition had Batwing concerned- very concerned. The breathing and drowsiness he showed was sickness, and the scent made Batwing flinch away. He kept his mouth shut, shadowing Berryheart down from the medicine cat den to the situation at paw. His ears flattened as Berryheart spoke. "Are you sure you can manage?" He finally asked.

However, the ire between Sunnyday and the rest of the cats here was something to behold. Green optics shifted towards Nightbird, knowing her words came from a place of need. She didn't choose words to throw out unnecessarily, like some of his other clanmates. No, this was deliberate. He glanced towards Howlingstar, then Sunnyday again. He didn't move from near Berryheart, some kind of worry keeping him placated. ​
Howlingstar finds her ears flattening in response to Sunnyday's growl towards her. The disrespect he continues to show is wearing her patience thin, and she finds barbed words threatening to spill from her tongue before Nightbird and Lightstrike shoot their retorts. It's enough to keep the leader quiet, but her lifted chin shows she supports them. The golden tom has been nothing but a hypocrite standing here and she will pay him no more mind. With a lash of her tail, she turns to Berryheart. "We'll help get him to your den," She mews, moving to once again help move the stranger.