Our quiet moments {Finchpaw}


Soft words and Gentle paws
Jun 14, 2022
( ) Soft humming, it would be the first thing one would hear coming from a shady spot near the apprentice dens. Delicate silver paws moved with expert ease, weaving in sparkling shells and shining stones into the moss of the nest she was working on. On her face sat the look of serene peace, the melody she was humming seemed to float into the air above her as she worked.

After several heartbeats, the apprentice would pause in her weaving, straightening her back and groaning slightly from how long she had bene hunched over. Looking out into the clearing, Minnowpaw would smile to herself as she watched clan life flow by her as calm and strong as their beloved river. Her expression turned thoughtful for a moment before she caught eyes with a fellow apprentice and while her cheeks flushed pink in shyness, she would still offer a wave and smile.

No need to be rude after all.



Where Minnowpaw was working on nests, Finchpaw was working away at some of the den walls with deft movements. Honestly, one could say he did more apprentice duties in his freetime than most others, but when they were this relaxing who could blame him? He'd finished at least half of the elder's den that morning after the dawn hunting patrol, and now he was trying to finish the rest now that he'd had afternoon training with Creekjay. Doing stuff like this always helped calm down the after-training anxiety.

He'd almost gotten lost in Minnowpaw's little melody when the two of them accidentally met eyes as he looked up, causing him to pull his head further between his shoulders than usual. There's the shy exchange of wordless greetings, and Finchpaw idly wonders if he's ever actually talked to Dogteeth's silver apprentice. 'Well of course we've never talked I don't really do much of that with anyone, but like...actually had even a slight conversation before-IIIIII'm monologing again-' He shakes his head, catching his eye on a spare, shining shell in his supply pile before snatching it up and heading over before he can even second guess himself.

There's still a hesitation as he sets it down, heat creeping up the back of his neck as he offers the possible new material to the younger apprentice.


( ) Oh. Oh No. He was coming over. If cats could sweat then Minnowpaw would have started right then and there. Her paw dropped down from its wave, her eyes darting back down to her project. Had he thought she was calling over? What was she supposed to say? What if he got mad because she had bothered him?

Her cheeks would turn a delicate shade of pink beneath her silver fluff, but when the shell was placed before her she would blink in surprise and look at the tom before her. Copper would flicker from feature to feature in a way that was accidentally intense before a shy smile melted onto her maw and genuine glee entered her gaze. "Is...this for m-me?" She would lightly touch the shell and she would let out a very soft sigh of appreciation, "T-thank you, Finchpaw. It's very b-beautiful."

Looking past him she would nod softly as her tail came to curl around her slender frame, "You've been w-working on the dens all day. They look wonderful. I-I mean of course they would since you worked on them. I mean, not that I- Uh, Well..."

And there it was, her babbling and disjointed way of speaking that she knew drove most of her clanmates nuts. Her paws would fidget as she eventually stammered to a stop and she snapped her jaws closed to stop herself from saying more, eyes back down to the ground, fully expecting him to just walk away from this awkwardness.


He feels his ears burning as her smile turns gleeful, causing him to slightly shy away from her gaze. 'She's....SHE'S SO ADORABLE!! STARS WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH PRETTY AND CUTE FRIENDS!!!' Minnow, Koi, Honey....Shell. All his friends were so wonderful it made his heart feel like someone was using it like a stress ball. Though, in his whims of emotion, he nearly ends up missing what Minnowpaw said to him. Finchpaw has to carefully replay the conversation back in his head, and where many of their clanmates abhor the apprentice's method of speech, he is thankful for it. The odd pauses in conversation give his brain something to hold onto as he remembers, and through them he's able to work out what he missed.

Finch taps a few times with a paw to get her to look up again, though he feels a bit odd doing something so demanding in his own eyes. He then accepts her compliment, though in such a way that says that he didn't see his success in the endeavor as a given, though with his skills it essentually was. Poor kid just didn't see how he could have built up one skill so much that he was far more proficient than a lot of Riverclanners, who were known for their beautiful dens.

He waves it off though, trying to half continue the conversation but seemingly also being a bit lost on how to do so. Eventually he ends up asking about her training, and if she's excited to be a warrior come greenleaf. Though he sounds ten times older just by asking in the way he does.


( ) At his gentle taps, Minnowpaw would look back up and tilt her head as she watches his movements and body language. Her eyes widen in understanding as an easy smile melts onto her maw once more and the tom would see her body physically relaxing.

She appears thoughtful at first, was she excited about becoming a warrior? Dogteeth would of course be proud of her, and that alone brought her joy. But was it something that she herself wanted? The thought of fighting always made her queasy, so would she really be good enough to be called a warrior of Riverclan?

She settles on nodding, "Yes, I suppose I am. Though, I'm not sure how good of a warrior I will be." She looks almost dejected as she talks but continues, "I'm not the best fighter, and my hunting skills are basic at best. I just want to make every cat proud."

She offers another smile, this one more acceptance than happiness before she swishes her tail and meowed gently, "And you? How have you been doing?"