pafp Ourple || A gift, prompt


Squish squash! A crimson flower!
Apr 6, 2023

Flytrapjaw was out on another adventure. Out in the marsh, hunting for prey. She wished the ground wasn't so muddy and squishy, but there was something entertaining about the little squish noises her paws made sometimes. Prey was becoming more plentiful, and she wanted to make sure she caught everything she could for the clan. The frogs were quieter today, but it wouldn't stop her. On little paws she followed the sounds of a frog croaking, keeping her eyes and ears open in case there were any other dangers lurking. She would not be caught off guard!

She wondered why she chose to live in the marsh... It was such a dreary place. But the frogs were happy, so surely, Shadowclan could be happy too! The croaking became louder, and she dropped into a crouch.... There, through the grass, a frog sat by a puddle, unaware of her presence... She crept closer and closer....Until she pounced and caught the frog in her paws and ended it with a swift bite to the neck.

"Sorry, froggy....." She said, picking it up and preparing to head home.

Something caught her eye, however...Through the grass, she spotted something strange. Something purple!


She padded over to the flower.... It was unlike any she had ever seen before! It smelled funny, too! Was this the.... The wild garlic Starlingheart had mentioned????? It was pretty!! And it reminded her of.....Halfshade! It was pretty and poofy, just like her! She wasted no time in clamping the stem in her jaws and plucked it. She leaned down to pick up her frog, and hopped off to return to camp! She was so excited!!!

As soon as she entered the camp, she dropped her frog in the pile and looked for Halfshade. and when she did, she bounced over to her excitedly with her flower.

"Halfshade!! This one has found a flower for you!! It reminds this one of you because it is pretty!" She chirps happily, dropping the flower at Halfshade's paws. She hoped she didn't mind the smell.


12. Wild Garlic: pungent, foraging, medicinal, natural