pafp OUT LIKE A LIGHT / storytelling


Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Much like most kittens, Blazingkit's full of energy and mischief trying to think of new games to play or scheming potential mayhem. His eyes locking onto the medicine cat den wondering who was in there coughing and sniffling so much it was ruining his games, feathered ears would flick back briefly knowing that he wasn't allowed in there. Maybe one day when nobody was paying attention... He could sneak in there and see who was being so noisy for now though, he's content playing outside with his sisters. It was impossible to for him to keep still and he books his small claw into a moss ball which he tosses into the air, he watches it soar with wide eyes.

It rolls towards large paw and Blazingkit glances up to see his grandfather, the fur on his body ruffling slightly wondering when he had gotten there. Did he see him staring at the medicine cat den, Blazingkit hopes not and instead offers a bright grin piping out happily with his tail rising in the air "Hi pop-pop!" Blazingkit and his littermates usually just called him grandpa but pop-pop sounded sillier and was a lot more fun to say.


  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan
Having kits in the Clan again is a blessing—and, selfishly, that they are his daughter’s kits makes them even more precious to Blazestar. Howlfire’s first litter consists of three rambunctious, headstrong kits, each stronger and more raucous than the last. Keeping them occupied is no doubt a chore for Coyotecrest and Howlfire both, so when Blazestar isn’t busy with critical leadership tasks, he finds he doesn’t mind occupying their time. The Ragdoll spots the tomkit—Blazingkit, his namesake, with a fluffy pelt like the sunset—eyeing the medicine cat’s den with wide, curious green eyes.

Blazestar is on his paws immediately, hoping he can find some way to divert his grandson. “Hi, pop-pop!” The Ragdoll purrs so loudly it rumbles in his chest. He loves the silly things the kits call him. “Hello, big guy,” he says, settling his bulk beside the little tomkit. “I was just thinking maybe you wanted to hear a story! You look a little bored.” His voice is playful, but there’s a firm note, as though to let him know he’d seen him contemplating trouble. “Did you ever hear the story about how TigerClan got their stripes?

, ”
"I wanna hear too! Pleeeease, pop-pop!" Hawkkit's voice is rattled by her purr as she strains around the term of endearment, pop-pop sounding so silly to her that it's the perfect thing to call their grandpaw. Blazestar is one of the most important-est cats in all of SkyClan as their leader, and the perfect cat to pretend to be in their games of Clan, and his muzzle is nearly the same colour as hers so he's even better in Hawkkit's mind. She sits down politely next to Blazingkit, even though she's practically shaking with the effort of staying so still after a particularly raucous round of mossball; her tail flicks back and forth, and her pupils are wide.​