sensitive topics OUT OF REACH // Battle


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

Gale knew that he was not liked by his former peers, as a result he found himself without anyone at his back to watch him. No protection, no source of teamwork to fall back upon if things went wrong. Not that he cared. The only thing on his mind now was finding Sootstar and spilling her blood across the moors! Revenge burned deep in his veins and consumed him whole, and it left nothing of the happy young WindClanner he had once been. A monster was what he had become, and a monster was what he would remain for sure. If Lavender or Sunsetbreeze saw him now then they would surely be mortified by the beast that he had become.

In the clashing of bodies he finally saw her enraptured in battle with Sunstride. His lips drew back to reveal his sharp fangs as he fantasied about her demise! But as he began to barrel his way towards the battling pair a figure intercepted him and blocked his way. Anger blazed in his eyes as he was made to grind to a halt. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He snarled, not even caring if it was a loyalist or rebel before him! Any and all obstacles were only going to be met with his claws as his vision became clouded with red. Rearing up onto his hind legs he then aimed to bring his claws down upon Honeybadger with blind savagery. It was evident that he was a tom consumed by twisted emotions and that he was hellbent on killing anyone if it got him even just slightly closer to Sootstar.

// @Honeybadger.
honeybadger & 13 moons & male & he/him & windclan moor runner
With all that has happened, Honeybadger has been faced with questions. Plagued with doubts. A loyal soldier though he may be, it is not as though he's never wondered - 'what if' and 'why' echoing through his mind. When sootstar had killed her own children, let them bleed out upon the ground for all the camp to see, visions of beepaw in their place haunted his mind.

But in the end, he'd done what he'd always done best - burried his head in the sand, and turned his anger to those outside the border walls. It was fine, he justified, because without sootstar tere was no windclan. The cats he'd once called clanmates were no longer that - now, they were no different than the flea ridden foxes that called themselves the other four clans. He knew, in the end, he'd do the same as her when push came to shove.

When their chase is met with a return attack, it's no surprise. Bodies meet in the chaos around him, teeth and fur and blood flashing by dull grey eyes. For a moment, he hesitates - wonders. Then he sees an unfamiliar shape barrel towards their queen, and - well, there is no doubt left in his mind what the right choice is.

Body blocking and throwing himself in the way, he's quick to lash out at galeforce. Stocky frame bares the blow that rains down upon him, feels claws tear into already damaged shoulder blades. But he doesn't falter - instead surging forwards, throwing himself shoulder first into the other tom. He hopes to send him stumbling - legs already rearing back as he swipes at gales face - neck - stomach - anything within reach.[/u]

Today, there will be no running away from this battle, no time to lick their wounds - one of them must die.

Honeybadger refuses to let it be him.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W E W E N ' T B L I N D G O I N G E Y E F O R A N E Y E

The shove caught him out and he finds himself forced to adjust his stance in order to stop himself from toppling over. It leaves him open and it didn't take long for his opponent's claws to find face and neck. Hot crimson spilled from the long cut across his face, though his neck is spared a similar fate thanks to the thick mane of fur that he sported. Though it did nothing to dampen the discomfort of having clumps of fur ripped from his skin.

Fuelled by his suffering, he threw himself back into the fray with a piercing yowl of fury. He moved forward again, this time leaping and attempting to land upon Honeybadger's back with the intention to sink his claws deep into his enemy. He wanted to maim and gore, to bring about an end to the obstacle in his way so he could devote himself back to his primary mission. His need for revenge had all but consumed him. It had left him in ruin and on a course that he could not be saved from.