camp OUT OF THE BLUE - kit intro

Motherhood is everything Little Wolf had dreamed it would be. Every single time she sees one of their little faces peering up at her she can’t help but erupt into a purr. Every time one of them comes to her with a scratch she happily kisses it better, murmuring reassurances. She likes to think she takes after her mother, that she is the stern parent between herself and Blaze bur everyone who has eyes can see the way she secretly melts for them, no matter how hard she does try.

She watches them now as they play in Thunder Clan’s clearing. They’ve grown so fast, she cannot believe it. Soon they would go to Sky Clan for their first visit and about that they would have questions, she knows. She would patiently answer all of them, if needed. But for now she sits off to the side and admires them, her tail curled over her paws and her green eyes glistening with happy tears.

"My loves! Come and eat!" she calls out. Today she had a special treat for them. While they had slept this morning she had asked another cat, someone she trusted, to watch them while she went out and hunted and she had caught a rather large squirrel that all of them could share. So far, the kits had yet to try it. Little Wolfs favorite food she couldn’t believe it. She is beyond excited as she places it before her children. "all right everyone dig in!" she purrs as she waits for them to take a bite first.


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Little Wolf had slipped out earlier that morning, leaving Howlkit and her siblings under the watchful eye of another cat. They had been so sound asleep they hadn't known what was going on, so it had been a little bit of a shock to wake up and be told Little Wolf had gone out. But where had she gone? To see their father? To go on a hunt? Howlkit couldn't wait to learn how to hunt...properly that is. Hunting rocks and insects that sometimes found their way into the nursery had a tendency to get boring after a while.

The five of them are playing in ThunderClan's clearing when Little Wolf's voice summons them to eat. The game is forgotten for the moment and they quickly break away to greet their mother. Howlkit bounds over playfully, aiming to brush against her mother quickly, before looking at just what it is she has caught for them. Howlkit has seen a squirrel before but has never eaten one. At least it was different to the usual birds and mice they got. Howlkit takes an eager bite, too large for a first bite, so she stands there having to chew it for longer than she intended. "Mhm, tasty!" She purred, already going in for another bite.

Little Wolf had had her kits outside the nursery and he had been worried when he heard but it seemed everything worked out! This was why he had stopped going on walks when his kits were unborn, that same fear had kept him in the camp and anxiously waiting around; the red tabby had no idea she had deliberately taken off to avoid Cinderfrost, but he had already gathered she didn't like the ashen she-cat from previous interactions. Now, perched by the nursery where his own kits were playing inside, he groomed a paw and watched the dark she-cat's new litter try their very first bit of freshkill. It would be a welcome shift that they would mix solid food with milk for her, StarClan knew he'd been at his wits end with Spark-kit especially being a terrible little biter; his son was a wonder, but he'd inherited only Sunfreckle's looks. The brain came from Rabbitnose, which sadly was not much did him no favors.
The fiery tom settled down to get comfortable, continuing to watch the new kits in the clan and mulling over them; they were very cute, quite the array of little colors she had and the names he'd heard were very good as well. Four of them, just like him-and he paused briefly with a frown at the recollection that he had no started with four...
Shaking his head the tabby finally pushed himself up to go say hello rather than idle nearby awkwardly, "They're beautiful and already so are you today, Little Wolf?"

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

She'd hated being left alone in the nursery -- well, she hadn't been alone, because Sunfreckle had been there, and he's nice -- but every time Little Wolf leaves, she feels a crushing worry overwhelm her, threaten to close her throat. What if something bad happened to her? What if she didn't come back? She's tried to play the morning away, batting halfheartedly at her littermates and the other kits with one eye on the gorse tunnel. A silent prayer dances like candleflame in her blue eyes -- come home, same, it chants.

And she does. A small black shape, lithe and sleek, makes its way into camp. Morningkit, like Howlkit, abandons their game immediately. Relief makes Morningkit exuberant, her tail and coat fluffed out dramatically. "Mama! Where did you go? I was sc..." She trails off, nose twitching at the scent. The squirrel that hangs from her mother's mouse is as big as she is. Her mouth waters. She watches enviously as her younger sister marches up to the creature and takes a healthy bite.

Morningkit steps beside Howlkit demurely, lowers her jaws to the creature's throat. The flesh and fur tear easily, and she relishes the textures, the flavors of the forest that sing melodiously against her tongue.

"Did... did you want some, Sunfreckle?" She asks, eyeing the ginger tom as he approaches. It's only polite to offer, even if she'd rather take another bite before Fireflykit eats the whole thing.

- ,,
There was two things that Fireflykit loved more than anything: food, and his family. The call of his mother was like a sweet song that roused him from his sleep, sensitive eyes adjusting to the light of day. Through squinted eyes he can see Morningkit and Howlkit, and quickly stands up in fear of being left behind. Ducking under brambles, he scurries over to the gathering group to look down at the dead squirrel. He shuffles in place, nervous- was he supposed to eat that? Just.. Just tear right into it?

The little tom shifts a bit, adjusting himself so his form was cushioned against Morningkit's own. With her shielding him in the shade, he leans down and bites down on the rabbit's tiny ear, giving it a rough yank. He'd never eaten one of these, and yet its ear was so rubbery! Weird. He gnaws at the ear, leaving little puncture wounds along it until it finally came right off. The kit scrunched his eyebrows, the sound of teeth clacking against each other as he tries his best to eat the ear properly.

"Tough.. What's it's tail taste like?"
by the time crescentkit had poked her head out of the comforts of the nursery, the squirrel that had been laid out for them to eat has already been torn into and somewhat mangled by some of her siblings which caused a spotted pink nose to turn up in mild disgust. it also didn't help that fireflykit just finished tearing off an ear and now looked ridiculous trying to chew it up.

gross! did they not know how to eat like proper gentlemen and ladies? morningkit was an expection since she ate in neat bites.

the young tortie kitten emerged fully from the den and made her way to little wolf where she'd affectionately brush against a fore-limb before tilting her head back to get a better look at her mother. "mom, can i get one that doesn't look like that?"

[ penned by cobi ]
Emberstar could only grin as she watches Little Wolf's kits go too and fro. Her expression as joyous and carefree as it had been before it was worn down by loss and responsibility. It was still a point of pride to her, that kits lived in the clan that she had founded. That this could be a safe place for them. This was why everything she did was worth it. Just for this.

The leader carefully slipped past the kits, to their mother. As Sunfeckle spoke up, she nodded in agreement. "You must be proud." She told Little Wolf with a smile and a dip of her head. Each and every one of her kits looked so wonderfully strong. They certainly had more meat on her bones than she had at that age. She just barely remembered the gaunt, pitiful creature she had been back then. With only her mother to hunt for the both of them.

These children, meanwhile, had a whole clan to hunt for them. Two really, considering their father.