sensitive topics OUT OF TIME ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ ASTHMA ATTACK

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  The marsh has erupted in color with the newleaf, those scrappy flowers which find the bogs their home reaching for warmth with desperate, greedy petals. It is alive in a way ot has not been for many seasons. Frogsong fills the air, a siren song for daring hunters. Fox kits and otter cubs dance a fatal waltz, teeth growing hungrier and hungrier for the flesh of cats. Shadowclan's home teems with life.

And Swansong feels as though she is dying.

Perhaps a cat such as herswlf is not made for such times. Her pelt bears the colors of winter, the season where death's chill grasp takes its strongest hold. No amount of woven flowers can hide what she is; a ghost of a cat, someone who should have died long ago. It would be hard not to notice the rasp in her voice, but it grows even stronger as the mardh grows brighter. It is as if the flowers themselves constrict her lungs, roots taking hold around her throat and choking the life out of her.

She stumbles, gasping, back to camp. A trail of petals marks her return; she'd been gathering them when her chest started to feel like it was caving in.

She knows what death feels like. Their chest clutches tight when they try too hard to join with the living; their body pleads with them to lie and rot instead. That cloying, suffocating feeling that had her trapped in the medicine den for moons... She's forgotten the terror of it - or tried to forget, at least. Convincing herself that she will face death with a smile, that she has already made peace with her fate. She'd grown too bold in her certainty, too haughty; she nearly let herself forget that death and fear come riding side by side. StarClan's mercy upon her had been fragile, brittle. Their grasp was a reminder, and oh how it tightened when she forgot about it. She had grown too accustomed to living, had forgotten the terrible purpose she serves. It is as though she has already been buried, gravedirt piling into her lungs. She wheezes, keens, stumbles blindly in a panic. It is not the grace with which she had hoped to face death; what a terrible psychopomp she is, to be caught off guard by the fear of the beyond.

Her voice is strangled by some invisible force as she speaks. "Ca... hh - can't..." Swansong barely makes it to the entrance of camp before they collapse, alone and choking on air. Flower petals trail as a gravemarker behind them. "can't... breathe..." It is a pitiful exhalation, gasping and weak. I fear that I am dying, they do not say. Such a thing feels far too obvious and trite to waste their rationed breaths upon.

  • // not actually dying shes just morbid <3 swan is having a pollen-induced asthma attack!!
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  • SWANSONG ⋆⁺₊ ⁺₊⋆ she / they, warrior of shadowclan, fourteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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they don't know what to do in this situation. she truly looks like she cannot breathe and this, on top of panic, is making an entire heap of problems. still, chilledstar is on their paws in a matter of moments, gently pushing the young cat's body out of the way of the entrance so that they wre not trampled. they gently move to look around before huffing. okay, think, chilledstar. try to calm her for a second and then go get starlingheart. she will know what to do, right? they can hope. they don't know, but they can hope.

"I know its hard right now, little swan, but breathe, okay? try to breathe? I'm gonna go get starlingheart but you have to try and breathe, alright? okay."

they offer one last nudge to her before they take off to go get the medicine cat who could try and do better than what they're doing. they're not a medicine cat for a reason.

/ @Starlingheart

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.

    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻❄༺ ] Had the marsh's curse finally take its hold onto Swansong? Seeing his friend stumbling into camp, petals behind her while the look of panic, and desperation. He froze, fear, worry and panic began to ebb into him. The fear that Swansong was indeed dying, and the worry that she couldn't breathe and what brought her to the ground like that and panic because what could Snowpaw do in such a situation as this?

Chilledstar was already on their paws, moving the young warrior out of the way before rushing to grab their sole medicine cat, and this was what made Snowpaw snap out of his own thoughts before quickly coming to Swansong's side. "Everything is going to be okay" he said softly, wanting to keep the other company until Chilledstar and Starlingheart come back, until he knew for sure she was okay and if... the marsh's curse had gotten to his friend, then at least he'll be there for her, at least... her clan will be there for them. But he prayed it was nothing, that Swansong can live to see another day.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



“... It would be much better to see death coming, to greet it properly..."

Haretooth recalls Swansong’s words to him when he prompted them with a hypothetical between choosing to die slowly or dying quickly as he watches her collapse. Body greeting the earth like she was at deaths door, he supposed they were. As much as he thought about death and what the process is like he was no medicine cat, he couldn’t decipher if his friend was meeting her demise or not. Panic temporarily blinds his otherwise sound sensibilities and he crosses the camp grounds like he was racing that old friend of hers. Death had its chance to greet her all those moons ago, he deemed it unfair and selfish of it to try and take her now.

He wondered if she was greeting it properly by now, call him selfish but he’d rather she not. He looks to Snowpaw, concern evident on his expression as he looms over the two “what fate has befallen her?” he can’t shake a tremor in his tone as he addresses him, if he was at his usual wits then this vulnerability would be frustrating. The tom sits beside the collapsed body of the warrior, taking the role of a poor man's guard dog. “You can’t greet death yet Swansong, who else is going to answer my hypotheticals?” he knows she isn’t fit for a retort yet he can’t help but speak with her anyways, hoping that at least some distraction from her potential suffering would somehow help.
Sitting inside Shadowclan's camp, Thornpaw was resting after a hardy training session. Her pelt was damp with earlier humidity, and her muscles were sore as she sprawled near the apprentice's den. Only when she heard the rising murmurs did her head perk up. Fear shot up the molly in tandem as she watched her sibling collapse. Hauling herself onto all fours, the blonde she-cat rushed to Swansong. Stopping short of Snowpaw's side and leaning over the hyperventilating tabby.

Eyes wide with concern and ears flattened the apprenticed watched as Chilledstar vanished to get help. What do I do? What's even wrong? Thornpaw looked on helplessly as Swansong thrashed against the ground, causing her own chest to constrict with fright. A familiar burning sensation now lit within her. Stay cool. Stay cool. Gently, she aimed to reach out a paw and steady it atop her sister's shoulder. Swansong was always much better at being all sweet and comforting. Thornpaw was as good at it as her own namesake.

Voice low and crackled by worry, the youth softly addressed her. "H-hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm right here. Starlingheart will be here soon." She crouched lower to the ground, throwing both Snowpaw and Haretooth an uncertain expression. Her snout twitched in dismay at the mention of death. The rising panic that had forced to the bottom of her stomach was beginning to rush up her guts at an accelerated rate.
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When she used to walk with Thunderclan's previous medicine cat to the moonstone every moon she remembers the rasping of his breath, the patient way she would have to slow her pace for him and for her apprentice who wobbled along with them. A fine trio they had made back then. Her with her one eye and scarred pelt, her apprentice shaky and uncertain on his paws and tail crooked, and Berryheart with his inability to breathe as efficiently as he should.

"It's okay, I'm here" she says, her voice soft, soothing and gentle. The voice she keeps on reserve for her kits and for patients who require a gentler touch. Shock can be dangerous, and panic even more so. "Y-you're not going to die shhh" the back of her mind argues with her slightly, the logical part of her brain saying that everyone died eventually but bringing up such a fact now would likely have the opposite affect of the one she wanted. "I brought you some honey, here" with one snow-capped paw, she pushes the golden ambrosia forward for Swansong to lap up.

There is nothing more that can be done, at least not that she knows of, so if this didn't work... she doesn't want to think of that. It had to work.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training