"Cats of SkyClan, gather for a meeting!" The taste in her mouth is bitter. Orangestar's fur is tousled, unkempt in comparison to its usual neatness, an absently stern air to her as she scales to rest upon Highbranch. She moves with a stiffness, not unusual in presence but unusual in intensity: as if everything aches. She shouldn't be surprised, having lost a life less than a day ago, but is.

"My extended absence was not planned: on the way back from the Moonstone, I was attacked by the same rogues who killed Applefrost and Dandelionwish. More of them live close to Highstones. Of all cats, WindClan came to my rescue." Confusion lingers in her voice. "Sunstar and I have agreed that for now, this will rest our grievances. You may be wary, but not rude." Her nose wrinkles, as if not fully satisfied with the conclusion.

"Cherryblossom is no longer my deputy." She states simply, and doesn't seek the calico pelt within the crowd as murmurs quake through it. The most she will afford her daughter in this moment is anonymity, disappointment and a restrained anger mingling in her meow. "I have not chosen a cat to step up in her place. As of now, only Twitchbolt and Figfeather remain on my council, and I will be introducing a new rule to SkyClan: to become deputy, a warrior must have mentored an apprentice to warriorhood."

That, at least, should help to ensure this doesn't happen again. It feels like a reasonable rule. Maybe the other Clans would agree, though their opinions are far from the fore of her mind. However, speaking of warriors:

"We have new warriors to name today. Blazingpaw, Hawkpaw, Sillypaw and Outlaw, step forward." One glance at Blazestar's grandkits sets her gaze firm once more, jaw set tight with the knowledge that Wolfpaw should be here too, receiving their name with their littermates. At least Howlfire would see her apprentices graduate today; Outlaw, too, had earned his place among them. "I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn.”

Her gaze, having lifted to the sky as it often does, comes to rest upon the four cats before her. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?”

  • CEREMONIES (first half, to be named in my next post): @Blazingpaw @HAWKPAW @sillypaw @OUTLAW

    JULY SHOUTOUTS: @DAWNGLARE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @TWITCHBOLT @Howlfire @Owlheart @DUSKPOOL @DOEBLAZE @ThistleBack @Chickbloom @Florabreeze @LIONPAW @butterflytuft @Oleanderkit

    ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: a lot of the events described here may not currently make sense out of character! unfortunately due to time constraints and irl busyness, a lot of these happenings have not been played out in their entirety, but here's the run down:
    • lead warriors: silversmoke was demoted as of his disappearance; johnnyflame stepped down so as not to neglect his duty while keeping up the search. dogbite was caught in twolegplace and given an ultimatum, choosing to step down. after orangestar's return, greeneyes was demoted quietly and privately offscreen. slate was also demoted privately.
    • timeline: orangestar receives a dream and goes to the moonstone to speak about it. she meets with the medicine cats on their way home. she dreams with starclan. on her way home, she was attacked by two duskclanners, which attracted a dog, which was chased off by windclan. orangestar, having lost a life, was checked up on and returns home the same night as silversmoke, just after moonhigh. this meeting takes place the next morning, before the patrols for the day are sent out.
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

It is strange to her to see Orangestar so disheveled. Shaggy fur and tangled tufts are a familiar sight when worn on her own body, but rarely does she spot it on the ginger - and - white leader's visage. She herself is looking slightly more kempt in light of the return of both Orangestar and Silversmoke, some of the tight knots of stress pulled free from her shoulders to unravel. She's grateful for it; she has long borne tragedy on her back, but she still does not wear it well; it turns her abrasive and rough - mouthed as a draft horse resentful of the bit and bridle, she's found. Suffice to say, it is better for them all that Orangestar assume her rightful place.

She does so now, scaling the Highbranch with a stiffness to her motions; this, too, Doeblaze finds unsettling in its familiarity. The verdancy of her pupil rises to the top of her lonely eye as a lilypad drifts to a river's surface, tracing the movements of the leader far above, a groove of concern carving itself beneath. The shallow, scabby wound on her forelimb throbs sympathetically, forcing focus to become a conscious effort as Orangestar's brisk meow rings out across the fern - laden spill of camp. She recalls with a pang of guilt that Blazingpaw will graduate today, and, unbidden, her gaze finds the rich red pelt of her former apprentice in the crowd.

Orangestar's first announcement does not come as a surprise, but the thick fur that lines muscled shoulders still pulls into wolfish spikes. To kill their warriors was bad enough—to attack their leader was a new level of presence for this threat. Not for the first time, her mind strays to the potential of some sort of organized effort . . . memories of the previous year's attacks, of the still - devastated camps and wounded warriors the journeying cats had returned to come to the forefront all on their own. Her white muzzle pulls into a grim line, and the claws of one forepaw unsheathe and begin to knead at the pine - laden floor, working out some of her discomfort with each flex.

" Cherryblossom is no longer my deputy. " That gets her attention anew, torn ears swivelling forth as surprise ripples, unhidden, across her face. She may have had her newfound ( and private ) doubts about the young she - cat, but she had always attributed those to the slight film of childhood she'd always viewed the calico through. She has never held excellent sway over the motions of her face and she does not now, feeling a new appreciation for the anonymity of the gathered crowd as whispers slice, shark fin - esque, through the ocean of pelts. This kind of shifting in the Clan's tides is unfamiliar to her—Orangestar had been the only deputy she'd known during Blazestar's tenure—and she is not quite sure how to feel, opting to draw her thoughts up into a parcel for later.

Her next words are implicit; only Twitchbolt and Figfeather are to remain on her council. The ranks of their superiors, once a sweeping catalogue of SkyClan's best, are pared down to a mere two. Doeblaze's muzzle rumples sympathetically for the array of now - former lead warriors who have, one way or another, vacated their places, much as she had several moons ago. It had not been a good feeling then, and it still sits lopsided on her shoulders.

As Blazingpaw steps forward alongside her denmates, Doeblaze can't help the twitch of her jaw and the defeated slope of her eye. This day should be a proud one for her, watching as her first apprentice ascends to join her in SkyClan's ranks—instead, a sickly guilt roils in her belly. She can only think of blood steaming in the snow and the awful ruin of Hawkpaw's eye as they stumbled back to camp when she tries to remember their brief time as mentor and apprentice. One fang nestles into the soft membrane of her cheek, and for a moment, she must avert her gaze from the young warriors - to - be.


-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- The voice of Orangestar carries through the camp and reaches the outside of the nursery where cream and honey patched fur resides. Mossy green hues look up at the sound and then at the leader of the trees as she speaks about a meeting. Honeysplash though doesn’t seem to move at all and merely remain where she was. Her sister looked unkempt, very unlike her, and like she had just seen chaos beforehand.

Though there was no room for question as the leader launches into why she was missing for so long. That rogue had attacked her like they had done to the other warriors and that Windclan came to save her. That was good, at least Windclan was able to help and she could’ve made it home safely.

Though Orangestar looks unhappy with the outcome but alas what could one do? Then announces Cherryblossom is no longer her deputy, and the only one to remain on council would be Twitchbolt and Figfeather. They roll their eyes and shake their head, whats gotten into her now? Of course Twitchbolt gets to stay, he never does anything wrong or nothing. Honeysplash half expected to hear in the same breath that he’d be deputy again under Orangestar, but alas nothing came. Just a rule that warriors must train first and it seems like an obvious solution. Cherryblossom had just been named a warrior the meeting before becoming deputy, so it was really the consequences of actions made.

Then the ceremonies went on like nothing was wrong, like there wasnt stuff to be discussed or anything. Honeysplash sighed softly to herself, Orangestar has always rather done everything on her own than get anyone’s help. Whatever, they suppose, they weren’t leader nor probably will hold a place to say an opinion. Not as a sister, not as a warrior.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // mated to; Florabreeze // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Dutifully, Figfeather makes her way to the clearing at her leader’s beckon. She settles down into some soft grass, allowing her mangled leg to sprawl out unnaturally to the side. The cool touch of the earth soothes it’s chronic ache, a pain she’ll have to live with the rest of her life, the cost of not dying on that dreadful night so many moons ago.

She sets her gaze upon Orangestar. The leader looks unkempt, her eyes dull with deeply rooted exhaustion. It’s unsurprising to hear that the cause of her delay home was due to encountering trouble. The same band of rogues whom had killed Butterflytuft’s mate only moons ago.

WindClan, of all clans, came to Orangestar’s rescue, to which is enough for the leader to agree to putting aside their grievances. Figfeather scrunches her nose with uncertainty. She was grateful, yes, but how was a single act of decency enough for WindClan to expect SkyClan to look past their moons of quarrels with them? Though again… Figfeather isn’t certain the moorland clan could win her forgiveness with a hundred favors. Saving Orangestar will do, it had to by the order of her leader.

WindClan doesn’t infest her mind for long, the next words out of Orangestar’s maw were a long time doing, but still abrupt. She’s not sure she’s ever saw that much disappointment and frustration was over the white and orange she-cat before. All Figfeather knows is she did not want to be in the paws of Cherryblossom right now.

The other retirements of the lead warriors, however, she has heard about. She is still stunned by their departures from council… but she feels… empowered. A power she has never tasted before is just out of reach. A power she has dreamt of since kit-hood, throughout her apprenticeship and now more than ever as a warrior. Orangestar’s ruling stifles her courage a little, but she decides not to let that stop her from pursuing something so… close.

She eyes the empty position near the tree of the High-branch the deputy would sit in. It is where her mother sat first, then all the deputies that came after. Her eyes grow wide, amber is set aflame with ambition.

She will sit it next.
He is grateful that the leader does not order them to suddenly cast away their feelings towards Windclan and become friends with them, despite the fact they helped bring Orangestar home. What she asks from them is not to be rude, which is something he feels fine agreeing with. Wary he will remain towards Windclan.

The news that Cherryblossom is no longer Skyclan's deputy fills him with relief. Yes he may be bitter about how their relationship soured, but that is not the main reason why he disliked her appointment of the position. It was the first time he truly was concerned about their new leader, not that Blazestar was perfect either. He still looks back at the terrible pairings of mentors and apprentices namely Slate and Cherryblossom. Why he thought those two were a good match is a mystery to him. Then again this was Blazestar we were talking about. He can't help but shudder at remembering the mess the former leader put his family in.

Cherryblossom was appointed deputy when they were both newly appointed warriors. They had practically finished their training only for her to be whisked away with responsibilities of a leader. Orangestar was indeed her mother, yet Cherryblossom wasn't going to have the same experience as other lead warriors such as Silversmoke or Slate. To him, while outrageous, it was a little more reasonable for Cherryblossom to be promoted to lead warrior. In any case, he was reassured when Orangestar introduces a rule that deputies must have trained another all the way to warriorhood. I don't know what I would do if she suddenly made me deputy instead of Cherryblossom. I would ask if she sure and suggest someone else, but to reject a leader...

Crowsight shakes his head and listens on as the meeting proceeds. We have new warriors. That means we have to make more space in the warriors den. His gaze lingers on Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw. I wonder what names they'll be given.

After her initial suspicions about WindClan, Howlfire is quietly relieved to hear they have not fallen into their old ways. She feels bad for her suspicions - especially knowing Coyotecrest had WindClan blood - but it was hard not to sometimes after everything Sootstar had done under her reign. Howlfire certainly was in no hurry to forget the past, but was willing to let peace lie out of respect for Orangestar and what WindClan had done for her.

The confirmation that the rogues that had attacked Orangestar on her journey were the same who had attacked Applefrost and Dandelionwish is troubling. Orangestar had not mentioned that they were dead and Howlfire wonders if anything would be done to stop them, though she's not sure how much could be done given that they inhabited lands near the Moonstone. She very much doubted Sunstar would appreciate a patrol of SkyClan warriors traversing through his lands to attack them. On the heel of the news about the rogues, news of Cherryblossom's demotion is announced. Howlfire was not the only one quietly relieved by this news it seemed, judging by some of the murmurs of clanmates. Cherryblossom's initial appointment to deputy had been controversial, to say the least, and whilst Howlfire couldn't pick fault with her character, she had always questioned the wisdom in choosing one so fresh out of the apprentice's den.

Cherryblossom's demotion had felt like a slow approaching eventuality, but the retirement of most of the other lead warriors is more of s surprise. It is strange to count only Twitchbolt and Figfeather among their numbers now, especially when many had served for lengthy periods of time. They would still serve honourably, of that she had no doubt, though it does make her wonder who among the SkyClan warriors would be worthy to take their place. It feels as though few would ever live up to them, but surely Orangestar would add to those ranks in time. It all leaves her pondering about the empty deputy position, wondering who, if any Orangestar might have had in mind. As she's pondering, her amber eyes land on Figfeather, spotting her eyeing the empty spot below. Howlfire remembers the conversation they had some time ago, when they had discussed ambition, about becoming lead warriors or maybe even leader one day. Howlfire remembered her own words that day. She admitted she had never much ambition for it herself, but if the stars willed it she would not have said no. Howlfire the lead warrior or even Howlstar the leader seemed like such odd concepts to her, though she would be lying if she said she didn't feel the vague stirring of ambition licking at her heart. It wasn't something she strived for, but how could she say the thoughts hadn't crossed her mind once or twice? She could remember Figfeather being more certain in her beliefs, though curious if it was selfish of her to want that for herself. Howlfire had assured her it wasn't and she still believed such. It gave you something to strive towards, even if it never happened. And in Figfeather's case, she had become lead warrior not long after, so clearly her desires were not wholly misplaced.

The addition that a deputy must have trained at least one apprentice seems a reasonable one in Howlfire's eyes, and she nods silently to the words. It's a good addition, and a way to ensure only those with experience would be fit for the role. After the heavier subjects, there is a lighter tone in the air as Orangestar summons apprentices forward. Howlfire stands up proudly seeing her kits and apprentices among the number. Oh, how proud she is in that moment! The only sadness comes from knowing Wolfpaw was not there to receive her name alongside her littermates. I hope you're safe, Wolfpaw, Howlfire thinks quietly. I hope you know I think about you every day. Howlfire blinks tears from her eyes, refusing to let the sadness dampen this moment any more than it had. This would be a happy day. One that she would look back on with fondness and pride, not just at seeing her apprentices take their warrior names, but her children too. Amber eyes look over the crowd for Coyotecrest, hoping he was near, but she could not find him. He would be nearby, she was sure of it, though had noticed his distance more and more as of late...

Howlfire sits quietly, staring up at Orangestar patiently, waiting to see what names would be given to the young cats before her.
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack
Orangestar gets to her thorn branch throne with movements impossible not to notice, stiff and wavering. The deputy's branch, remains empty as the announcement begins.

The mention of windclan to be the one to save her life, well it is not surprising for him. His prejudice for Windclan ran thick, but not so thick as to be blind in his hatred and assume them all incapable of good deeds. His beloved son, Coyotecrest, his veins run with Windclan blood and their history is painted darkly with it. Dandelionwish was another testament to the fact, blood doesn’t make you what you are. It is your soul, and what you allow to influence it. Right and wrong, and the path you take. Windclanners follow a dark path, misguided and arrogant, at least they had their unity. Well, had indeed, with Sootstar loyalists running like rogues. Wary, he would remain forever. He whips his muzzle away, he would never brush pelts with them. History would not be forgotten, lest it repeat itself.

the announcement of Cherryblossom makes his jaws tighten, he eyes the crowd coat to coat. Wondering who would be chosen in her place, someone with a powerful voice and a level head. A warm heart but who can be cold when the time comes, and commanding to ears who listen without hesitance. He knows Orangestar will choose well, that Starclan will have a paw in her next decision, surely.

The warrior ceremony is a lot kinder to the ears, Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw, cats he considered his own grandkits. Much like his own children, he had been too busy to be prominent in their lives. Another regret digging under his fur, alas- time moves forward not backward. He readies himself to cheer their names loudest of all as he moves along the crowd seeking Howlfire. She stands proud, even if alone. He joins her with a smile and nod.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A brief flutter of surprise danced through molten hues, brows creased with a wrinkled muzzle at Orangestar’s blandness to somethin’ worth talkin’ over. He glanced at Outlaw who remained pressed up against him casually, helm propped up on Duskpool’s shoulder with a muffled grunt, sharing Duskpool’s muddled surprise. Ain’t that an attention grabber? He thought weakly, molten uses flutterin’ across a sea of clanmates, long and short-furred felines with various rays of colors that only an eye can see.

Since Sootstar’s reign, Duskpool has had an awful hard time trustin’ Sunstar, though nothin’ against the tom. One thing is for sure: actions speak louder than words. He breathed harshly, glancin’ sideways at the lead warriors, scarce to the naked eye, Duskpool lapped at sharp canines.

It seemed SkyClan no longer had an active deputy. A molten gaze darkened briefly, tiredness seepin’ through every pore. SkyClan’s future ain’t lookin’ good. He wondered when the last paw would drop, shatterin’ everyone’s beliefs and thoughts. He breathed unevenly, wooly plumage sweepin’ across the ground. What are ya thinkin’ Orangestar? He wondered, starin’ at the ragged leader, bitin’ down the questions that threatened to spew from scarred lips. Ain’t the time nor place for this.

“The hell have ya been eatin’?” He hissed, mangled ear flutterin’ in muffled annoyance, side-eyein’ Outlaw who grinned smugly, pointed canines peekin’ out from beneath obsidian lips. “Heavier than a damn badger.” He muttered, makin’ no move to throw his littermate off, but enjoyin’ the brief solitude the two brothers shared — briefly as it’ll be before Outlaw gained his full name.

The swell of pride was immaculate, poolin’ through icy veins and warmin’ a blackened heart. I never thought I’d be here to witness this. A rueful chuckle escaped a scarred maw. Duskpool had gradually accepted defeat after losing his kits, not just grievin’ his mate and kits, but his littermates. It’d been a hard few moons, he’d admit, times he ain’t too keen on rememberin’ expect once in a blue moon, but even then it’d been difficult bringin’ up bitter some nightmares.

Once Outlaw’s name was called, Duskpool glanced at his brother peelin’ away from his bulky frame with a muffled grunt, grinnin’ cheekily. He huffed, timbre a low, rumbled draw congratulatin’ his brother and nudgin’ the brute toward the other apprentices waitin’ for their warrior names.

Can’t believe two moons have already gone and went.

Despite Tatteredlight’s death ( and everything else he ain’t about to list or else risk a headache he ain’t to keen on nursin’ ), Duskpool was … happy. He chuffed, low and guttural soundin’ at the thought. Happy, huh? Ain’t that a picture.
thought speech
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
The older tom grumbled, ploppin’ down beside Duskpool and leanin’ most his weight against the other, helm floppin’ against his shoulder to stare at Orangestar’s ragged appearance, lookin’ deader than a gazelle at a waterin’ hole he’d reckon. A muffled huff escaped the shadowed apprentice, lettin’ a wooly plumage tap the ground at uneven intervals, only perkin’ up at the mind-shatterin’ announcements drawin’ the male to a screechin’ halt. Say what now? He leaned forward, nearly topplin’ over like a flimsy kit just out of the nest because hearin’ and thinkin’ are two different things, mind ya.

Raisin’ a paw to thump at his ear, figurin’ he might have some ear wax stuck in the canal because ain’t SkyClan supposed to have a deputy? And demotin’ a bunch of lead warriors sounded a lot like Orangestar lost her case and Outlaw ain’t too sure he’d be willin’ to follow a she-cat that lost her marbles while goin’ to speak to a fudgin' stone. A stone of all things and ya come lookin’ like ya ran into a badger.

He concealed a hearty grunt, instead fallin’ limp against Duskpool who grunted, side-eyein’ his littermate who in return offered a cheeky grin, sharp canines peekin’ through obsidian lips. I’ll be pesterin’ ya till the day we die. A morbidly sweet thought, Outlaw reckoned, though he ain’t about to say that out loud and have a few looks tossed his way like he’d lost his marbles.

Hey. Maybe he had, and he was sproutin’ gibberish this entire time, but that ain’t all that practice, though he had considered pokin’ his upwalkers to wrap those bandanas around his neck. To distinguish who is who, of course, not because of anythin’ else. Naturally.

He hummed, peelin’ away from Duskpool at the call of his name, towerin’ over the little ones with Outlaw’s sheer size, nearly identical to Duskpool’s hulkin’ build. Ain’t that cute. He thought, shakin’ his helm fondly, rememberin’ the small fry he’d taken care of while wanderin’ upwalker-less in the city. Nothin’ but wild country there, though that ain’t the actual truth if ya wanna consider livin’ with a bunch of wildcats that ain’t got an upwalker to feed ‘em.

“I do.” He rumbled, tone like honey — confident. This is it. He glanced at Duskpool, grin still plastered across obsidian lips, barely able to conceal the bloomin’ pride of finally joinin’ his brother. I promise ya I ain’t gonna go nowhere. He squared broad shoulders, helm liftin’ to peek at the blossomin’ sky with peculiar hues.
thought speech
While murmurs meet her ears and she spots a couple of quizzical looks in the crowd, Orangestar isn't challenged on her decisions. She doesn't expect to be, not now nor in the future, but it does assure her somewhat to know that SkyClan listens as ever. Obedient, accepting. Her tail twitches, the space beneath her eyes feeling hollow with her exhaustion. Instead, overlapping and eager and honey-smooth in turn, the warriors-to-be answer with their vows, and the leader meets them with a faint twitch of her maw after she has descended from Highbranch.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." One by one, as their new names were announced, she would rest her chin between the ears of each new warrior. She has to crane her neck to meet most of them, but the ceremony of it allows her to ignore the pain in her shoulder.

First, russet-furred and watchful:

"Blazingpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Blazingheart. StarClan honours your determination and your wit." There's little else she could name him, with the way the red tabby had found herself amidst her apprenticeship, and found it pockmarked by hardship after hardship. She almost backtracks upon his virtues, but finds herself content in the end. Coyotecrest had shaped his kit into a worthy warrior. Determination, and by extension, success, had found its home with Blazingheart. Next, Orangestar looks to his littermate.

"Hawkpaw. StarClan honours your resilience and your bravery, and from this moment, you will be known as Hawkspine." It's not just for those two things, Orangestar thinks as her eyes linger on the peaks of the tortoiseshell's meticulously groomed fur. His name would be a nod to his parents as much as it marks his own style, a warrior name that the straightforward warrior would likely appreciate in his closeness to them. Third, Orangestar turns next to an apprentice of mismatched pelt.

"Sillypaw. From this day on, you will be known as Sillybreeze. StarClan honours your ambition and your dedication." A hardworking apprentice, strong but light on mismatched paws, it seemed that Howlfire's tutelage had been the last thing needed to ensure Sillybreeze excelled. In a sense, the tortoiseshell had outgrown both of their mentors in this graduation. Orangestar looks forward to seeing how she would continue to grow as a warrior.

"Outlaw." Finally, the only adult among the four, and the only daylight warrior of the group. He had been sitting by Duskpool at first, the two near indistinguishable from each other at a glance, but with him stood before her now Orangestar regards the black smoke with steely pride. "StarClan honours your perseverance and your courage. From this day on, you will be known as Outlawbite."

Orangestar leans back a little further this time, looking between the quartet.

"It is my honour to welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan. The four of you will sit silent vigil this evening." They would likely spend their day in celebration, moving their nests and spending time with their kin. Orangestar glances once more to Outlawbite; he would no doubt talk to her if his twolegs demanded his return with the dusk patrol this evening. With a slight, satisfied nod, Orangestar calls, inviting her Clan to join in: "Blazingheart! Hawkspine! Sillybreeze! Outlawbite!"

  • // congrats to our new warriors!!! <3
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


One by one, the new warriors-to-be step forward, stating their vows and then receiving their warrior names. First to be named is Blazingpaw, now named Blazingheart, and Howlfire nearly bursts into tears there and then at the suggestion. Howlfire is reminded of a time when, fresh out of the nursery, Blazingpaw snuck into the warrior's den to snuggle up close with her mother after the rogues had assaulted their patrol. I can see that warrior before me, can you? She had whispered, as she tried to reassure her child that she was not a coward, and there was still a time for her to grow into the warrior she was meant to be. Mighty and proud Blazingheart.

I see you, Blazingheart.

Next to come forward, is Hawkpaw, and Howlfire sits up with renewed interest to see what warrior name might be bestowed upon them. She has done her best to shape Hawkpaw - and later, Sillypaw - into a fine warrior, and she hopes that is reflected in the young cat sat before Orangestar today. Hawkspine he is named. For resilience and bravery. Again, Howlfire finds it fitting, a reflection of the hardship they had to face on their journey as an apprentice.

Are you watching up there? Howlfire thinks, trying to conjure the image of her parents and fallen kin. Are you smiling down upon them as I am?

Her pride extends to Sillypaw too, her apprentice for a moon. She hopes her final moon of training has done them well and helped shape them into the warrior they were meant to be. Sillybreeze they become, for their ambition and dedication.

And last is Outlaw, the only adult of the small group assembled before Orangestar. He is named Outlawbite for his perseverance and courage.

With the new warriors named, Orangestar instructs them to sit vigil this evening, before proudly declaring them by all their new names to the clan. Howlfire is quick to join in, her voice loud and proud as she says, "Blazingheart! Hawkspine! Sillybreeze! Outlawbite!"


Seriously? An invisible brow quirked in vague confusion as Orangestar demoted her entire roster of lead warriors, and Quill might have harboured some type of grudge had Twitchbolt and perhaps Figfeather not been spared the cut. What game are you playing at?

The chimera failed to see what was wrong with the existing leads, and his gaze lazily scanned the crowd as if to spot the future successors before they were chosen. Surely the shecat had to have cats in mind if she were so bold as to get rid of everyone like that- but who? A few candidates came to mind, and he might bring them up to his mate later.

Speaking of.

Quillstrike couldn’t help but give the tom a very subtle nudge, bumping their shoulders together with a look that only they would understand. Cherryblossom was back in the ranks of the normal warriors where she belonged. Which meant the position of Deputy was open once more.

When the apprentices were named warriors, Quill cheered for them with the rest of the clan, his voice flat and seemingly unenthused, but most were used to that by now and knew better than to see it as anything personal- when he wanted you to take it personal, you’d know.

skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.



Grandiose hopes and dreams are put on pause for Orangestar's next announcement. The excited thrumming of her heart swells into a horrific mixture of sorrow and anger. Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw are called forward to earn their warrior names, both well deserved, but a third should be with them.

Several moons have passed since Figfeather's last training session with Wolfpaw. Little had they both known that day out in the pine forest would be their last together, by the next twilight Wolfpaw would be gone.

To this day her whereabouts and wellbeing remained unknown. Had the twolegs who captured her taken her in? Did she live as a kittypet now? Or did her captors have more sinister plans for the young feline? The thought of them doing to her what they did Daisyflight makes her sick.

While undoubtedly proud of her kits that became warriors on this day, Figfeather can only imagine the anguish Howlfire must quietly feel. Figfeather discreetly pads over to her and offers the torbie a comforting lick on her shoulder.

Wolfpaw would be missed forever, and great StarClan, Figfeather prayed for her miraculous return one day. But today, they celebrate the present. "Blazingheart! Hawkspine! Sillybreeze! Outlawbite!"