
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
Stars bless her daughter . . . if nothing else ( for, of course, there are many other things about her she prizes ), the effort of carrying Kestrelsong was worth it solely for the fact that she has a nearly guaranteed escort any time she might like to stretch her legs. It's infrequent, lest she earn the ire of one of the more high - and - mighty warriors . . . but nursery - bound by choice as she may be, she has never been totally immune to wanderlust; indeed, her proclivity for it might be increased tenfold by the lack of indulgence.

And so, she embarks from the fern - ringed mouth of camp flanked by her daughter, commencing with idle chatter of some variety or another as they pad past rotten branches and fly - flecked bogs, the buzz of insects an ever - present and unwelcome song. White paws sink into slime - slick mud, ducking under the lowest pinnings of sparse pine and winding around lichen - encrusted rocks and through tattered ferns. They're nearly at the limit of where she might reasonably go, and Mockingbirdcry regretfully prepares to ask Kestrelsong that they turn around, when . . .

. . . What is that? Or, she should say, who is that? Her white jaws snap back shut and she moves forward in a lithe motion of fluffy white tail and splaying hind - limbs to cross the fox - length or two to the figure embedded in the mud. For a moment, she's nearly ready to rue the impending task of cleaning this much mud from yet another corpse . . . but no, the tabby - marbled side is animated with life, rising and falling. @betonyfrost, she registers with a startled smattering of blinks, dark lashes fluttering . . . the blue warrior is well entrenched in the moss - filmed muck, and seemingly unconscious.

What the hell's she doing? Mockingbirdcry wonders with an abrupt rumpling of her golden nose - bridge. Why in the name of the stars might a cat choose to sleep in this unattractive mess when there was a wealth of space in the warriors' den. She's familiar with Betonyfrost from her nursery stay and rumors around camp as a bit of a pain in the tail, and perhaps a touch strange, but not quite this odd . . . perhaps she was suddenly struck by some sort of compulsion to sleep? One she couldn't resist until she'd returned to camp? How long had she been gone, anyway?

" . . . Betonyfrost? " A white paw prods at the swell of a blue - tabby flank, Mockingbirdcry's weighty tail already twitching in anticipation of the gossip this might generate. Heavy head tilts, darkened eyes striving to meet rounded green, as if she might parse Betonyfrost's strange designs from the bleak verdancy of her gaze. " Hello? "

OOC : Set the day after Chilledstar's vigil and burial. Please wait for Betonyfrost to post!
Although she doesn't know exactly when she fell into a restless sleep, Betonyfrost does wake having already remembered what brought her out of camp. There wasn't a world or a lifetime in which Betonyfrost could have stayed for that vigil—that burial. She couldn't live to watch it, her pelt jumping with the horrible sensation that she somehow is unwelcome. That—impossibly—she doesn't belong in such a place.

Despite her prior strict adherence to the rule to not leave camp alone prior to Chilledstar's death, Betonyfrost instead did what her heart sang to her to do. Padding out of camp had been the simplest complication she has ever faced—it wasn't as if Chilledstar was alive to resent Betonyfrost for the rule break. It wasn't as if Chilledstar was alive at all.

"I'm busy," Betonyfrost doesn't raise her head as she speaks and mud finds its way into her mouth. She neither spits nor swallows it—even such a little action to find any amount of comfort feels pointless.

She had padded listlessly for a time, but whatever misfortune that found so many of her peers choking on their own blood hadn't visited Betonyfrost. She doesn't remember when she must have eventually given up on her half-formed quest and laid herself down right where she happened to have stood. Chilledstar had existed in Betonyfrost's life for the whole of it—how could an after exist?

"Very busy," Her reedy voice leaves her unusually lacking in affect, "You can stay if you so wish to but you should clear out when the vultures come for me." ​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 34 moons | tags