pafp out on the main streets || kit adventure

( ) The night-time hangs heavy over WindClan's camp, the dark bringing far less chill with Newleaf creeping its way in. Through the dim moves a small cat, dusty-pale fur doing little to hide them against the night sky, yet paws moving with near-silence nonetheless. The cat turns, looks behind them. They're not far from the nursery, by now, but they want to make sure their companion has tagged along. A smaller cat, tiny even among her fellow kits, her fur a whisper of white like the snows of her birth-season.

Whitekit is a quiet thing, reserved like the apprentice now leading her, yet with a dreamy tiredness all her own. She stays apart from the other kits, avoids the sunlight, keeps to herself in the nursery during the too-bright daytime hours. It seems lonely for Whitekit, her siblings long-gone before she could know them, the other kits all loud and daylight-bound.

Well, Sunflowerpaw has always liked the night-time.

They stand still as stone but for their flicking tailtip as they look towards the nursery, wide golden-sun eyes searching for Whitekit's distinct pelt. How much of the camp has the other kit seen? She's young, barely old enough to be leaving the nursery. Sunflowerpaw remembers their own excitement at venturing out, exploring the camp. They want to show it to Whitekit, show her all the little hiding-spots and fun lookout-points, maybe even some of their own treasure-stashes. That's why they invited her out here: it's no fair that the kit should be left behind simply because she dislikes the day. There's so much still to be seen, under the moonlit sky.

// please wait for @whitekit
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The ghostly femme was always more active in the nocturnal hours. It was becoming routine at this point given that going out during the day made her feel unwell. Though, the invite from Sunflowerpaw was unexpected, but not unwelcome. Slipping out of the nursery on quiet paws, as she didn't wanna disturb her dozing denmates, she approached the older feline. Drowsy rosey hues scanned the camp before spotting the golden-eyed apprentice. "Hi." She whispered her soft greeting, sleepy eyes blinking curiously as she scanned the camp in its later hours. "What are we doing?" Came the murmured inquiry a moment after, the moon-touched kit still staring out into the camp.
  • Love
Bluekit's light sleep is disturbed by the barest rustling of fur against moss. Eyelids peel back to reveal glistening green eyes, moving to catch the ghostly-white body of her denmate leaving the nursery. For a moment, she disregards that anything interesting is happening; her eyelids begin to sink back to their resting position, and her breathing becomes slow again.

A dream follows. Whitekit cowering from the sunlight, eyes pink as her nose, afraid her flesh and fur will ignite under the sun's blaze. Her eyelids flutter back open, and she hears Whitekit's whisper on the warm newleaf wind.

There's another cat with her. Bluekit rises, giving her fluffy blue pelt a shake before she pads to the entrance. Whitekit is there, with Sunflowerpaw. She seems comfortable for once, illuminated with moonlight.

"Are you going somewhere?" Her voice is hushed, too, and she punctuates her question with a yawn. Her emerald gaze drifts to where the warriors and apprentices slumber, nests tugged close to one another, exposed to the stars. That will be me soon, she thinks, trying to conjure up some sort of excitement. She fails. She turns her attention to Sunflowerpaw and Whitekit expectantly.



Sunflowerpaw is pleased when Whitekit emerges from their nest, eyes sleepy yet still managing to look ethereal under the moonlit and star-dappled sky. She seems more at home, now; the sunlight always made her seem washed out, even disregarding the danger it held for her. Here, in the dark, Whitekit herself looks as though at any moment she could leap up into the sky and hide within the glow-bright curve of the moon. Sunflowerpaw was right, then: now truly is the best time to bring the kit from the nursery she so often stays in.

The next guest is more of a surprise: one of Sootstar's litter, Cottonkit's sibling. She speaks in the proper night-hushed tones, though, so she too is welcome. It's a secret excursion they go on now, in the late hours when all should be sleeping. Perhaps Sunflowerpaw could show the kits outside the camp, should they make it so far. The apprentice gathers themself up, lifting their chin. "Exploring," they answer both the kits' questions, before glancing back at the two with a glint in their eye.

They bound ahead then, keeping away from the warriors' nests so as not to wake anyone. "C'mon!" they call in stage-whisper, leading the kits further out into the camp with no real sense of direction. They can pursue whatever catches the kits' eyes -- Whitekit especially, this must all still be very new to her. They'll make some fun for themselves.


  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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She's as light a sleeper as energetic little ones come. The shushed exchange between Sunflowerpaw and Whitekit clears the fog of slumber from between her ears, and her sister's adjacent movements pull her awake. Moorkit blinks blearily, adjusting her groggy mind to the realm of the stirring. Her small noggin would rise from its curled-up orientation, a grin manifesting when she grasps the riveting invitation which hangs in the darkness: "Exploring?" a racuous whisper echoes, before the she-kit propels herself upright and flings herself from the nursery's confines.

Sunflowerpaw's tawny rump is but a vague object in the night's obscurity. Moorkit follows after on electrified limbs, stimulated at this notion of adventure and discovery. A modicum of worry yet remains from the last discovery she'd made, thus she surrenders her inherent superiority and allows the oldest of them to take the lead tonight. Besides, if any grown-ups regain consciousness and throw a hissy fit at them, Moorkit knows who'll take the fall.

Anyways, it's so cool how Whitekit can tag along! Moonlight doesn't seem to cause her discomfort like the sun allegedly did. They should go exploring together more often—maybe to the Thunderpath next time!


She's stirred from her slumber as her new denmates decide to rise from their own, a sleepy amber gaze watching as the trio are coaxed away by an apprentice with the prospect of exploring placed in front of them.

Exploring. A task she'd used often to take part in alongside her own littermate hardly a moon before, between stacks of hay and old rafters. She... Oh, she wants to go too! The camp was even newer to her than it was to the kits born within it, and she still has so much of it to see!

"Can... I go?" she whispers, though doesn't wait for an answer before rising out of her nest to follow behind everyone else - mismatched paws wandering out of the nursery upon the apprentices' lead. This was going to be fun!
There's further ruffling behind the trio as Bluekit and Whitekit begin to trail after Sunflowerpaw. She half-turns to see a shadow taking shape, green eyes flaring like odd-colored lights in the dark. "Exploring?" Moorkit's voice, even in hushed tones, booms and resounds throughout camp. Bluekit purses her lips and gives her sister a look similar to what a mentor might give their apprentice. "Shh! We're supposed to be quiet." She shakes her head, fluff tussled in the cool night wind. She gives Sparrowkit a long-suffering look. "My sister can't even be quiet in her sleep," she murmurs, lifting her nose in the air.

  • Angry