OUT ON THE TOWN ☾✩ hunting patrol

nightbird had gathered her hunting party quickly, not wanting to waste time. flycatcher had said hunting was good out near the great sycamore, but she was sure sunnyday had already ventured there with his patrol, clearing out any prey. she had yet to hunt formally at their newly earn sunningrocks anyways. from what she had heard, the rocks as well as the areas around them flourished under newleaf.

she flicked her tail sharply, halting the group at the tree line. "duskpaw, stay with me. everyone else spread out, try not to fall in the river. we'll meet back here at sun-high," she departed not soon after, leading her apprentice to the rocks. they could make use of the crevice's between the rocks thanks to their small sizes. black paw-pads moved across the stones, still rather cool from the night prior. she brought them to a split, just big enough for them to fit side by side. her ear twitched in a silent question to duskpaw, asking if she heard anything moving without alerting prey with her voice. she would allow the kid to take some of the lead here, a good assessment of what they could work on during the next training session.

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