outpace the dawn | patrol assignments

There is a slight chill in the air as Flycatcher makes his way to the centre of camp to make his patrol assignments for the day. It had been weird enough working around the sick and recovering cats, but now, with so many of their clanmates having left on the journey it's even more of a struggle. Still, Flycatcher perseveres and somehow scrapes together the warriors needed to ensure his patrols are fulfilled. "ThunderClan, please gather for the patrol assignments!" Flycatcher calls out. As usual, the deputy waits a moment or two for some warriors to gather before pressing on.

"Howlingstar, I am tasking you with the dawn patrol along our border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Burnstorm, Evergreenbloom, you will accompany her."

"Silverlightning, you will handle the dawn patrol along our border with ShadowClan and RiverClan. Take Freckleflame and Leopardtongue to assist you. Also, Berryheart made a request to join you so that he might look for herbs. Please, help him if he requires it. One final note, but please be civil if you encounter any WindClan cats, after the most recent gathering I worry that tensions may have risen."

"For the dusk patrol along our border with RiverClan and SkyClan I am placing Roeflame in charge. Sandthorn, Sparkwing, I want you both to join that patrol."

"The dusk patrol to our ShadowClan and WindClan border will be headed by Raccoonstripe. Take Pebblestep and Moonwhisper with you. And as I did with the dawn patrol, I ask that you remain civil should you encounter any WindClan cats."

"Shiningsun and myself will be handling the hunting patrols for today. "

"And finally, Cobwebtail, I want you to hold a small training session. I'll leave it up to you as to what you want your lesson to focus on."

// patrols to make:
dawn shadow: @Silverlightning @freckleflame @leopardtongue @BERRYHEART
dusk river: @Roeflame . @sandthorn @Sparkwing
dusk wind: @RACCOONSTRIPE @PEBBLESTEP @Moonwhisper
hunting: @SHININGSUN
training: @COBWEBTAIL
Howlingstar pads forward to hear out her deputy, expecting to be placed on a patrol. Her ears twitch as she hears her assignment, her whiskers quivering with an appreciative nod to Flycatcher before she seeks out her grandson and one of the clan's newest warriors. "We'll eat when we return," She instructs, feeling odd. She'd normally always let her patrol members have a quick meal before they set off for dawn patrol, but she remembers the newest addition to the Warrior Code. Apprentices have not yet hunted to feed the elders and queens. The kits and sick have not eaten yet. The patrol will wait their turn. "Let's head out when you're all ready." She spots @skypaw after a few moments and waves him towards her to stand at the bramble entrance.

another dawn patrol. she would groan, if howlingstar werent closeby, preparing for her own patrol. shadowclan once again, along the corner border where windclan meets — the molly sends flycatcher a droll look, a quirk of a long - whiskered brow. was he doing this on purpose? ” ayup. on it like stink on a shadowclanner. “ and on me. if she thought it'd earn her anything but a cuff over the ears, maybe the would complain louder.. but for now, freckleflame rolls herself from her lounge along a stretched spine, lifting onto her wide - toed paws and giving her pelt a shake. it does not rattle the exhaustion from her brain, but she continues on anyway, aiming to find a familiar mottled face amidst the accumulating crowd.

should she find him, her ears will perk, eyes crinkling at the meadowgrass edges. she pads close, leans her head heavily to the side once near, pressing in on his personal space as she comes to stride along him, ” so, whadda we lookin' for? paint me a picture, medicine cat. make me see it behind closed eyes! “ dramatic, maybe ; but berryheart had it hard enough, and as she approached the tom, she does so with a voice like the sun — something bright, warm in its sing - song trill. maybe, just maybe, he could catch a breath from the constant sick - stink of his den.

  • i. bothering @BERRYHEART
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a lazy, bright - eyed grin.

  • IMG_3106.png


With luck they would bring in a decent haul for the clan, though he was aware that the colder days was starting to send the prey into hiding. Not only that but with the sickness continuing to spread they were down more and more warriors. Still, he would wear a brave face for the sake of morale. "Come Gingerpaw, let's get ready." Shiningsun didn't wish to waste time if it could be helped.



It has become a routine that’s been ingrained in his mind, gathering at Flycatchers summons. His ears flick at the sound of his mentors voice and his shadowed feet quickly bring him to where the rest of the clan waits, golden eyes resting patiently on the blue-gray deputy as he awaits his assignment. It is lucky that he does not have to wait for long. His name is among the first called, assigned to a patrol with his grandmother and by extension his brother along with a new warrior who he was only acquainted with by the fact that up until a couple of moons ago they had shared a den. He nods his head in acknowledgement to Flycatcher before turning to Howlingstar expectantly. Dawn patrols usually meant leaving that second and, as he expected, the black tabby is waving her tail in an indication for the patrol to follow. He does not mind not eating, if skipping breakfast is the price he must pay for his clan to be well fed so be it "Ready when you are, Howlingstar" he says with a small smile on his face, flicking Skypaw playfully on the shoulder with his big fluffy tail as he passed the patchwork apprentice.

Instinctively, his gaze searches the camp for a sign of familiar silver fur and once he spots her, if she is looking, he would offer her a huge grin and mouth the words ‘good luck’ to her. Roeflame was leading a patrol today, a part of him feels a slight bit jealous in the same way he had felt when his sister had been asked to lead a training group but he couldn’t help but be excited for her. He’s sure he’ll hear all about it later as well.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Much like Howlingstar, When Flycatcher calls, Roeflame makes her swift arrival. With so many of their warriors either absent or feverishly resting in the medicine den, the extra workload that needed to be picked up was important, and being present in case she was needed was a priority.
Flycatcher wastes no time rattling off the assignments one after another, but when her name is finally called, doe-shaped eyes blink with subtle surprise.
I am placing Roeflame in charge.
She knew the day would come for her to lead her own patrol soon enough, and the tabby warrior cannot suppress her pleased grin, made that much more impossible when her eyes find Burnstorm and he is grinning right back at her.
Despite the flush burning at her cheekbones Roeflame is able to keep her cool as she gives him a small wink, before having to reluctantly turn her attention away, searching for Sandthorn and Sparkwing.
"I’ll find you when it’s time, be ready!" Are her only instructions, her tone bubbly.

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He gathers at Flycatcher’s call, turning his shoulders inward at the chill that permeates the air. He didn’t expect to be lucky enough to tag along with a patrol. When he wasn’t training to hone his battling, he was desperately hunting for the elders, kits, and queens. There were less mouths to feed with so many departed to their destiny in the mountains but also it meant less powerful warriors were present to provide for the remainder of the clan that remained behind. Dreampaw’s positive spark sits at the corner of his eyes but his mouth is silent for longer than normal.

At his side…is no one. Last time he’d listened to patrol assignment’s he had had Asterflame with him ready to take him to Sandy Hollow for more training. A small sigh escapes the Dark Warrior as he straightened his stance and turns with a flick of his tail. He couldn’t waste anymore time around here. He was better off bugging a warrior unassigned to a border patrol to agree to take him out of camp to get a head start with catching the prey necessary for today. Perhaps that meant he’d be sticking close to Shiningsun or Flycatcher himself.

”Good luck!” he would call with some enthusiasm to those preparing to depart now or later as if to pretend things didn’t feel as off as they did with the camp emptier and the ever-intrusive thoughts concerning the cats away from home. His gaze settles over Shiningsun and Gingerpaw without much thought. Ha! At least he could count on Gingerpaw to remain by his side, yeah. He may have lost his mentor but he hadn’t lost everything yet. ”Wait…The Dark Warrior is coming too!” He’d call to the familiar mentor-apprentice pair with a flitter rising in his chest. He’d force his princely presence among them and no one could tell him otherwise.


  • ooc : — ​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’


She waited as the warriors were assigned their tasks. Her ears were perked for her mentor’s name. Finally she heard Leopardtongue called. Dawn Patrol. They would be getting an early start. That wasn’t much of a problem for Spottedpaw. She wouldn’t gripe about the lost moments of slumber. She was ready to partake.

Freckleflame and Silverlightning would be coming along too, as well as Berryheart. She thought it was interesting for the medicine cat to come along but she supposed herbs were greatly needed right now. She would try her best to carry a mouth full back to camp if they found any. She heard Freckleflame wittily accept the patrol and then watched as the she-cat began to approach Berryheart.

Spottedpaw scampered to join the large tortie. ”I want to come too, if Leopardtongue agrees.” She explained with a curt dip of her dappled head. She then prepared to listen to Berryheart’s description of the herbs they would be looking for.

// @leopardtongue, @FRECKLEFLAME, @BERRYHEART

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

Ears pricked as Leopardtongue heard the call for patrols, readying herself to either be on one or not - she didn't mind either way - though her head nod slightly when she was told that she'd be going to the ShadowClan and RiverClan border and her ear twitched for a moment in thought. It had been a while since she had come across the two borders, having tried her best to stay away from the two borders in case something nasty were to happen - one never knew what the other clans would try if tensions were high enough.

Head swiveled as the rosette tabby searched for her apprentice, maw opening to call out for the other before it closed with an amused smile replacing it on her face. "Of course you can come, it's a great learning opportunity." She cast a glance over towards Berryheart and Freckleflame before looking around for Silverlightning. Once they were all gathered they'd be ready to go.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Skypaw hears Flycatcher just as everyone else does, however he does not skitter so close so soon. The patchwork apprentice looks out for his mentor among the crowd of dark mottled coats, and listens for their deputy to call her name primarily. He does - tacking her with his brother and Evergreenbloom, and tasking them with a few borders. The tom tries to obscure his distaste with the one of his own namesake (he did apologize several times over for his behavior last time, after all.) Howlingstar looks for him and beckons him over, but not before his brother flicks him with his tail.

It'll be alright, the younger tom hums to himself, a rare smile appearing on his face. He stands and trots over, deciding to not let the decision of a border sour his day. He pauses in beside his mentor, offering her a nod, "I'm all set to head out." After all, meals can not be had until they return, and all of the kittens and elders are fed.​

Berryheart was desperate for interest. Though his duty was a cherished one, something he did not see himself soon getting bored of, to tide him over he sometimes sought small excitements. He'd put in a request, then, that Blue allow him to travel alongside a warrior patrol- in times where stocks needed to be higher, more pairs of eyes seeking medicine would never do any harm.

As Flecks approached him, gregarious as ever, Berryheart offered her a lopsided, subtle smile. It was difficult to fathom that she was a warrior, now... he still remembered her birth, preceding his own self-education as a medicine cat. Sweeping dull green eyes over those who had approached him, he murmured with an air of graciousness buried in his monotone, "Feverfew. Looks like large daisies." He was not the leader of this patrol, and herbs were not its only purpose; however, as long as they were asking...