outta my mind | fox patrol return

The patrol returns to camp, and though things had not gone entirely as planned, Sheep is practically radiating pride in her clanmates as she walks alongside them. Everyone had fought exceptionally well, Sheep was sure of it, and she cannot wait to inform Blazestar of it. “Oh, cariño, you were so brave,” Sheep talks to her apprentice as she walks alongside him, eyes soft as she peers down. “I’m so proud of you!” she may sound like a broken record with it, but she truly does mean it. Little Greenpaw is growing up to be a very fine warrior.

And then she jerks her head upwards, doing a quick sweep over the patrol. “Hey, I think… everyone should go see Dawnglare, for uhm, good measure.” she slightly winces. She thinks most of them, if not all, had either been thrown to the ground by the fox or scratched, and she isn’t the one to want them to get infected. They’d have my head, she thinks with an amused twitch of her whiskers. “I’m going to go report to Blazestar. You all did very well, as well.” a quick burst of a purr as she nods at them before turning tail to pad to Blazestars den.

// @SLATE @ThistleBack @Bananapaw @Quillpaw @GREENPAW @Sharpeye - @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw It can be assumed that those who were sent to check the border had caught up to the injured & they came back all together :} takes place after this thread


Quill slipped into camp alongside his other clanmates, a little sore but no worse for wear. He'd have some bruising on his chest to watch out for but that was nothing he couldn't handle- and it had been worth it to be able to sink his teeth into the neck of that fox, muzzle still stained faintly red with it's blood. The stupid thing had hurt Twitchpaw when it took his parents from him, and so Quill had made sure to hurt it back for what it'd done to his friend. Granted, he would have preferred to kill the thing, to lay its fur down at Twitches paws so he could promise them it was dead. Then, maybe his friends dreams wouldn't be haunted by the things anymore.

He nodded wordlessly at Sheepcurls words, knowing that Dawnglare would clear him with hardly a glance spared in his direction- if there was one thing Quill could appreciate about the batshit crazy tomcat it was that he didn't waste time with things.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Embarrassment heated his fur as he trailed back to camp. It wasn't like he had been of much help during the mission, not when he had been down from the start thanks to a kick to the face. He wasn't proud of himself, not in the least. The tom's face was a little swollen but he didn't think anything was broken, and frankly his injury felt like a waste of time in terms of treatment. "Bananapaw, Wildpaw, go get yourselves something to eat in reward. No further duties for the rest of the day, enjoy some downtime." The tom instructed as he sat down to rest for a bit, albeit looking somewhat down.
Also trudging along, weighted with embarrassment, is the gruff warrior Slate. He hadn't done as much damage to that damned vulpine as he could have; he knows that there is so much more he could have done. The burly tom was one of the largest cats around and yet a rip to the ear took him out for the rest of the fight? Pft.

Although the pain stung like the ugliest, nastiest wasp, Slate was truly under the impression that the rip in his ear wasn't as bad as it actually was. It wasn't as if he had a mirror to gaze upon. It is only when his littermate trots up to him that he begins to gauge how serious the tear actually was.

"Slate! Oh my, your ear." The tom mewed, concern lacing his voice as he looked his brother over and noticed the crimson wetting his upper cheek and head.

Never one to make a fuss about his injuries, no matter how serious, Slate gave a roll of his muscular shoulders and tried to brush it off. "It's nothin'. Really." He winces slightly, his actions betraying his words.

His littermate, knowing how determined Slate was to save face, did not prod him anymore but instead commented, "You and the rest of the patrol fought bravely. SkyClan's territory is safe again." Genuity glistening in his eyes, he gives a small yet hopeful smile and adds, "You make a great warrior, brother. Even if you don't think so." A soft touch of his nose to the charcoal-colored male's shoulder; nothing too affectionate, nothing too overwhelming.

The sappiness of his brother's words is not lost on Slate, even so much as making his stoic features scrunch up in slight discomfort. Kindness was not something often found on the streets, especially not by a lowly alley cat like him. Not sure of how to take a compliment, Slate simply rumbles in reply, "Thanks. I guess." Part of him was silently appreciative, but another part of him wondered if he really was turning out to be such a great warrior after all. He had just done what was asked of him, just like always.

A few moments go by before the other tom meowed, "Now, go see Dawnglare, please?" Seeming to have something else to attend to at the moment, he gives a quick grin to Slate before turning and padding off.

Slate, at the mention of Dawnglare, frowns and nearly rolls his eyes into the back of his head. Do I really have to? He'd rather lick his own wounds like he always had, not get checked up on by the rambling fool that was SkyClan's medicine cat.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye, a torn left ear, and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— lost tip of his left ear to a fox

Orangeblossom hobbles over as she scents her Clanmates, cat-scent mingled with that of fox blood clueing her in as to which SkyClanners had arrived home. She offers Sheepcurl a nod as the fawn-furred warrior passes, tail flicking over the younger she-cat's flank - silent thanks, cordial appreciation for leading the patrol, and makes a beeline for Sharpeye and his apprentices.

"How did it go?" She meows, paws coming to a halt nearby her sister. A cursory glance skims over Bananapaw- good, nothing visible. Nowhere near as bad as after the skirmish, though she'd been half dead at the time. Her words, however are directed at Sharpeye, and her tail flicks. It had to go well, she reasons with the universe. She'd sent them on this patrol, personally chosen the warriors with apprentices who wouldn't get underpaw and given the mentors free rein on making that decision for themselves anyway.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
The whole seemed to be blurry. The being squished by a fox part though stuck out the most and she was glad she got away with a few minor injuries. Everyone seemed to have faired okay from the long walk back to camp and the sweet release of walking through the bramble tunnel. She could sleep for a moon if one would let her, and she looked up at Quillpaw as she had been following beside him her whole way to camp. Though her brain couldn't quite register that it was Quillpaw beside her as her head felt like it was going to lob right off her shoulders.

A flurry of white and orange fur then came rushing over towards Bananapaw and she took a few uneven steps back with a few blinks. Her vision was improving and she felt very, very tired in that moment and wanted to do nothing but lay down for a while. Orangeblossom gave a fierce stare at her and promptly asked how it went, and Bananapaw gave a slight dazed smile, "Good! We chased it off," She gave a yawn halfway through her sentence and sat down rather heavily.

// just a concussion ;D


———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
Fireflypaw follows closely behind Dawnglare, mouth full of herbs that the tom had shoved towards him. Doing his best as to not drool all over them, he sets them down in front of the high priest before he takes a look around everyone present. "Who goes first, then?" He has no clue what he's doing, but Dawnglare would show him how he works. His magic, as Firefly calls it. Like a practiced observer, Fireflypaw gives his mentor some space before he gives him his full attention.


Mismatched eyes go blank at the sight of Fireflypaw, and Quill purposefully turns his attention to the shecat beside him, unwilling to address the angry embers of fire that catch in his chest at the sight of the medicine cat apprentice. Now wasn't the time or the place, and so he lets his gaze rest on Bananapaw instead. "Make sure you get checked out. That stupid fox was trying to crush half the cats in the patrol." he said, remembering how it had thrown itself back onto his mentor to try and crush the older tom. "I can get checked out later, it's just some bruising." he added, as if reading the others apprentices mind since she'd no doubt been going to tell him it was important he get looked at too.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

With carefully placed pawsteps, Greenpaw stays beside Sheepcurl the whole way back to camp. She spouts her praises, talks about how proud she is, how brave he was. Greenpaw doesn't know if his mentor's words are valid. Quillpaw had gotten more hits in, had fought far harder than him. He thinks the praise should go towards the dark-furred apprentice instead.

Greenpaw merely leaped at the fox a few times, in reality - two clumsy landings causing the irritating pain in his steps. What was there to be proud of?

Sheepcurl tells the patrol to get checked by Dawnglare, only to proceed to say she's off to report to Blazestar.

"Wait - shouldn't you get checked out too..?" he asks after her mentor, though she continues on her way to the leader's den. He'll have to be checked out on his own, now. Have to deal with Dawnglare without Sheepcurl by his side.

Orange ears flatten against his head. Great. Greenpaw isn't sure whether the High Priest will even bother to check his wounds. For all he knows, he'll be stuck with scraped-up paws forever, left for infection to turn in, for him to turn even greener. Dread fills him at the thought.

At least Fireflypaw is here. His friend wouldn't leave his paws to suffer further, right? Maybe Daisyflight has a remedy for this.

"I can wait until later too," he offers, viridescent gaze pointed towards the medicine cat apprentice, "Just some scraped-up paws, nothing too major. I'll live."

The entire time the patrol had been gone, he had been pacing the camp, tail flicking behind him in worry as he waits for his mate, his best friend to return. He knows she can handle herself, she was fierce afterall, it was what he loved about her. How she never gave up on anything, no matter how hard it was. He tries to tell himself that there are capable warriors with her, that everything would be fine, but he cannot quiet the buzzing in his head.

When the patrol finally appears through the camp entrance he darts forward to find Sheepcurl's familiar dusty brown pelt in the crowd. He hears her telling everyone to get checked and he frowns, but before he can say that perhaps she should get herself checked out too, her apprentice beats him to it. He nods his approval at the red and white tom. "He's right, your health is important to, lead warrior or not" he tells her, worry clear in his bright blue eyes.

The tom looked up when he became aware that Orangeblossom was addressing him and he gave a polite dip of his head in greeting before speaking. "The fox has been driven away. With luck it won't return either." Sharpeye explained with a weary expression on his face as he stifled the beginnings of a yawn that had been triggered by Bananapaw's own. "I don't believe the wounds were too severe, so that's something good. I think rest is the main thing many of us need."