OVER AND UP ✧ meeting 9.1.23

Blazestar’s steps feel a little lighter today, for although his Clan has buried six warriors—only three dead from illness—ThunderClan had brought them hope. Lungwort is the cure for those burrowed away in Dawnglare’s den, and the SkyClan leader is determined to ensure they scour every precious mouselength of their territory for the spotted plant. He breezes by the medicine cat’s den, his nostrils prickling with the wretched scent of illness cloistered inside, and ascends the Highbranch. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!

He waits as cats begin to trickle into the clearing. Some of their eyes are dull, clouded with pain or the beginnings of yellowcough… he does not know. “ThunderClan visited us at the border. You may have heard—their medicine cat found a cure for this ‘yellowcough.’” His tail curls about his paws. “Lungwort is the only thing we know of that can make yellowcough leave a cat’s body. It is a priority to assist Dawnglare and Fireflypaw in locating the herb.” StarClan knew, he’d rest easier if every stalk had been picked clean from the pines.

After a heartbeat, he adds, “Those of you at the Gathering already know, but we have a third law in our warrior code. I expect it to be followed and upheld.” Blazestar’s chin lifts. “Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.” His tail tip twitches and he adds, “Until those unable to hunt for themselves have been fed, you will not eat yourselves.

The Ragdoll waits for any murmurs to die down. There’s an unpleasant bit of business to get out of the way before he can begin with his ceremonies. “We have had our fill of SkyClan cats trespassing recently. Only one here remains with us today… Brightpaw, step forward.” His blue eyes are dull as he remembers how the young girl mourns for the cat who’d trained her for so many moons, but his voice is firm. “Brightpaw, you are eleven moons old, and yet you broke the warrior code for a frivolous reason. You are not ready to become a warrior. A warrior understands and honors the code we live by, and you have not done that.” He sighs. “Shadowfire walks with StarClan now, and you will need a mentor to guide you more than ever. Johnnyflame will take over your training. You will spend four moons doing not only your regular duties, but training alongside each new kittypet and loner who presumes to learn our ways. You will learn them too—until they become the air you breathe.” He will wait for the torbie lead warrior and the newly-scarred she-cat to touch noses. “Johnnyflame, I expect by the time four moons have passed that Brightpaw will be a warrior we can all be proud of.

He watches for the apprentice’s reaction, and he will harden his heart against any disappointments she may be feeling. Four extra moons of training, and she will be learning from the ground up just like a kittypet would—but that’s the price she pays for her complete disregard for her safety and her Clan’s.

Blazestar does expect she will become a brave, bright warrior someday… but he knows she will need a firmer paw than Shadowfire’s had been.

Now. We have a cat who has chosen to walk the path of our daylight warriors, and three kits who begin training today.” His tone warms. “Aspenkit, Cinderkit, and Pearlkit, step forward.

Three well-groomed tiny figures would make their way through the clearing. Whether they are excited or nervous, Blazestar will begin: “Aspenkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Aspenpaw. Your mentor will be… Tiggerbounce.” There’s a pause as he waits for the plump ginger tom to amble forward. “I am assigning you this apprentice as a trial. If he has not made progress in his training after a moon, he will be reassigned. I trust you will do everything in your power to ensure he is a credit to his Clan.” Though his words are stern, Blazestar’s tone is blanketed with warmth.

He begins again, “Cinderkit, from this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Cinderpaw. Your mentor will be Momowhisker.” He searches for the tabby, waiting for the daylight warrior and the new apprentice to brush noses. “Momowhisker, you demonstrated great courage on the patrol to the Twolegplace. I trust you to pass on all you know to Cinderpaw.

Finally, he looks to Pearlkit. “From this day forward, you will be known as Pearlpaw. Your mentor will be Coyotecrest.” A unique pairing, he thinks… Pearlpaw is full of energy, and she’s a bit wayward, but Coyotecrest had been too once upon a time. “Coyotecrest, you have had a variety of mentors… but I expect you will pass everything you’ve learned from Thistleback and myself to young Pearlpaw.” Blazestar does not mention the period of time where Sootstar had been his former apprentice’s teacher… likely, Pearlpaw could do without those lessons.

He waits for the last pairing to touch noses before starting up, “Aspenpaw! Cinderpaw! Pearlpaw!” Once the clamor dies down, he will beckon the quirky daylight warrior with the strange crown forward with his tail.

Hazel, you have been with us for one moon, learning the ways of SkyClan. You have chosen to take a warrior name, and so you will experience the same ceremony we give our apprentices. I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” He gazes into her eyes. “Hazel, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?

  • Love
Reactions: Orangestar
Tiggerbounce blinks in surprise as his name is called in conjunction to Aspenkit's. He, of all the available warriors in SkyClan, was worthy of an apprentice? It was a honor, a true honor, blanketed only by the slightest of warnings. The quiet idea of being given an apprentice only to be reassigned was one with a lot of teeth for the tubby tom-cat, but he shoves the feeling down. Blazestar had given him a chance to prove himself to his clanmates, a chance to show that he was of the right stuff to stay a SkyClan warrior, no matter where he laid his head at night.

A warmth fills his chest, creeping up from his heart all the way to his chubby cheeks. Blazestar trusted him enough to be a mentor. He trusted him enough to try. Tiggerbounce had never been a boastful cat, nor a prideful one, but there was something akin to it coloring his expression now. If asked, he would not be able to fully explain the depth of his gratitude, especially in the wake of certain interactions. Instead, he merely bumbles forward to touch noses with his newly-named apprentice. a great big grin evident on his face.

"We'll start right away." He says. He lifts his face from the little one for a moment, casting a happy little glance at Momowhisker. He was pleased to see his friend be honored in the same way, it would make group training much easier to have the handsome tom in the wings. Next he searches for Bobbie's face and he hopes she can read his lips when mouths: Look! I did it!

Even if this apprentice was just a trial run, it still meant that he was a true-blue SkyClan warrior. It meant he was trusted. It meant that he belonged.
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
A meeting- thankfully, this time, with good news. Rules and all that were collected together, as well. Falconpaw stepped into the meeting gathering, and settled down neatly, his long furred tail settling over his paws. His head tilted back gently, vision resting on Blazestar. He listen, and cheered when new apprentices received their names, and settled gently as others were reassigned. His eyes shifted amongst the crowd for his mentor- he thanked whatever was above that he received someone who was learning as much as he was about this whole mentor-apprentice thing.

Grateful, he looked back towards Blazestar.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

She is still thinking of Tallulahwing and she isn't sure why. Friendly and kind as she was, they weren't close by any means as Hazel was new to the clans around the same time the older she-cat had passed away but there was something devastating about her death that the clan cats didn't comprehend the way she did. Hazel thinks of empty food dishes, a two-leg at a backdoor shaking a treat bag in the hopes it might encourage a wandering kittypet to return to its nest only to never do so. She thinks of her own comfortable nest of soft fabric and pillows, her toys scattered around it and how her own owner would be devastated if it remained cold and empty with no knowledge of why. Tallulahwing's two-leg would never know what became of her, would never get that closure and it is a fear that sticks to her like sap from a tree.
Despite that, Hazel had already decided this freedom was worth it. She liked this place and these cats, most of them (ignoring the vocal minority) were welcoming to the daylight warriors and she couldn't help but feel excited each day she awoke and prepared for her trek to SkyClan to see what things she would be assigned to do. Hunting was still a learning curve, but patrols along the border were highlights. When Blazestar asked offhand if she would be present today, she had an inkling what it might be and she had come prepared; neatly groomed with her favorite bow on, her hat hanging from its usual spot on a low branch near the edge of camp so it did not get in her way. Staying with this sickness meant she might one day not go home, but with so many cats getting sick SkyClan needed every paw and she intended to deliver.
Several apprentices were made today, she yowls in delight along with the rest of the clan and tries to spot them in the crowd with wonderment, if Tiggerbounce could get an apprentice then one day she might as well and there is a small thrill at the idea. Upon hearing her name Hazel wanders forward on dainty white paws with a smile, "I do, Blazestar!"
( )
Alice finds herself in the same spot as the last meeting. Watching Blazestar as he jumps into the meetings. She felt slight relief knowing there was some kind of cure out there. It was better than the unknown. The daylight warrior had feared for her clanmates and kits. Some were now with the stars but not all of them. It seemed no matter the dangers, Skyclan always made it out of the other side.

“Congrats!” she shouts to the new apprentices. Knowing they would be excited to start their training. The queen thinks back to when her first litter started their own training. How she had watched over them like a hawk. ""
☆ -- | Brightpaw moved forward, both excitement and nervousness wracking her body as she did so, choosing to sit in the back of those that gathered, trying her best to remain hidden as much as possible. Today was the day that she would be able to go back out in the territory, back to being trained after he stunt, but her mentor was dead - killed - and her punishment had yet to be told to her. It was fear that gripped her now as Blazestar began to speak, talking of a cure for the illness that had been holding the clans the past few weeks, moving quickly into the new law that was set. It was a good law, an honorable one, and the apprentice knew that, but mind flickered elsewhere as she wait with baited breath to hear what else Blazestar would say.

She swallowed a lump in her throat as he began to speak of cats crossing the borders, and ears began to warm in embarrassment as he mentioned there had been three. Three! Only one remains with us today. What? Who were the others who had crossed, the others that had been stubborn enough to do so as she had done? Mind raced for a moment, only to quickly come to a stop when her name was called, and she was asked to step forward. Though not everyone did, the apprentice felt as though she felt the eyes of all her clanmates burn into her as she carefully but quickly made her way forward, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. Shame radiate from her as ears pinned back slightly, looking up to her leader as he spoke, eyes glancing over to Johnnyflame as he was chosen to be her new mentor, but she couldn't help the way her shoulders sag slightly in relief as her punishment was said. The past days leading up to the meeting she had been nervously trying to figure out what it could be, and though she knew Blazestar was not one to do so her mind always land on exile - the worst possibility - so despite slight disappointment that welled deep within her at the thought of being an apprentice for longer than she wanted, it was better than what she had thought it would be.

She wait for Johnnyflame to come forward before quickly going to touch his nose before trying to scurry away as quickly as she could without drawing more attention to herself. She did promise herself as the meeting continued, however, that she would make Blazestar proud, she would learn the code and follow it without incident again. This was a horrible experience she didn't want to go through a second time.​
Both of her mothers have spent time grooming her, making sure that she's looking the best she can for her ceremony. After all, it came only once for every kitten, and she was their only one. Cinderkit let them do so without trouble - after all, it helped her to contain her excitement without bouncing around the camp with glee.

When the call for the meeting finally came, she carefully approached the crowd of gathering cats, careful not to ruin her mothers' hard work. She listened intently, careful not to miss when she was called up herself. When she was, she stood proudly, and tocuhed noses with the daylight warrior Momowhisker, her new mentor.

No longer Cinderkit, but Cinderpaw, she took a deep breath and smiled at her new mentor, whispering with determination amidst all the cheers. "I'm gonna do my best!" Then, she returned to her mothers, and let the excitement - or was it nervousness - die down, content just to watch as the meeting continued on.




The collared bobcat strode forward to take a seat next to Bobbie as the meeting was called, offering the shecat a quick nod of greeting before he let his attention shift to Blazestar.

There'd been a lot going on lately in Skyclan- though, he supposed that'd been true since the day he joined, back when cats were going missing and Kuiper was still a thing. He could probably list a dozen other dramatic things that'd happened since then, and while it certainly had an affect on Johnny, he didn't find himself harboring any sense of frustration or regret. Perhaps it was a selfish thing to admit, even if just to himself, but even with all the trouble and hardship and loss he'd experienced since joining, Skyclan was still giving him something that he couldn't get somewhere else. It's what kept his eyes bright and his attitude determined even in times like these, where they were surrounded by sickness and doubt.

The mention of a cure was nothing completely new to him; Johnny had been there when the Thunderclan patrol had come forward with the information at the border, and one could rest assured that he would be out searching for it whenever he was free from his other duties. What was completely knew to Johnny however, was the news that he was being given another apprentice.

Eye of molten sunshine widened in momentary surprise, but he was quick to school his expression as he stood and strode forward to meet Brightpaw. Typically the patched tabby would have greeted his apprentice with a grin or reassuring nudge, but his lips stayed fried into a stern line as he made his way forward to meet the younger shecat. At eleven moons old and with a mentor like Shadowfire she should know better by now then to break such a basic rule- especially at a time like this when there were already so many cats being reprimanded for doing the same thing.

As Blazestar intended, this extended apprenticeship of hers would not be a vacation. She would have to work hard every day to prove that she actually wanted this, but Johnnyflame was a fair cat, and he'd give her a fair chance at it.

Touching his nose to hers, he watched as she quickly skittered away into the crowd afterwards before his gaze slowly shifted to Blazestar. "Aye sir. Leave it to me." he assured the tom, knowing the ragdoll had enough on his mind. Brightpaw no longer had to be one of them.

It's finally time for her apprentice ceremony- she had been so distraught over not getting one last moon that this one had flown by. She tries her very best to sit still, even if she has to share the spotlight, because its finally her big special day and NO ONE, not even Zappaw, could ruin it. She was well groomed by a queen, not actively having parents in the clan, and she waits patiently. First goes Aspen, then Cinderkit. And now its her time, and shes called forwards, given a new name. Pearlpaw. "Pearlpaw," she quietly echoes after Blazestar, liking the way it rolled off her tongue. Now she has to go to Coyotecrest, her little legs kick in to motion and spur her forth.

She has to strain to touch noises with Coyotecrest, but it happens- and it finally sets in that shes an apprentice now. She doesn't feel like one, though... She shifts in her spot, doing her best to try to sit still as thoughts burst in to her mind like shooting stars. So much to do, so little time, she cannot just sit still but she truly does try to be a good apprentice. Words that she wants to say to her new mentor are caught in her throat. Is Doompaw watching? Is he proud of her? She looks around. So many shifting bodies, moving in the crowd, it's hard to tell but she looks for the familiar sign of orange and gray ears. If she meets his gaze, she waves a paw in greeting, ecstatic at the fact that it finally happened. She'd certainly be meeting up with him after the ceremony if he wasn't busy.

Pearlpaw, Pearlpaw, Pearlpaw! Their cheers were like praises to her ears and she beams, a stupid, goofy smile.

Until her thoughts ping in her skull once more as the crowd dies down for Hazel. I'm big now, pa! Her head swivels back and forth, still surveying the crowd. Papa, papa, look at me! There it is again, a fuzzy memory of something that once happened. She's small again, tinier than she is now, and she remembers that she had smiled so hard that it made her cheeks ache... And, for once, her father looked at her with all of the love and pride in the world. Her father... Her father- sky-colored eyes land upon Duskpool, the scarred smoke the receiver of her childish antics. Was he proud of her? She studies his face for changes, anything. The urge to move towards him grows too strong and she rises to her paws.

"Da- Dusk!" she calls, corrects herself even if her heart did not desire to. He was not her father. He was not- Sure, kid. I'll be your pops. She cannot help as tears brim in her eyes as she jogs forwards, slinking through the crowd to head-bonk his leg. If there was one cat she had certainly wanted to spend a moment with, it was him. "I'm all grown up now! N-Now we can, uh, have muh-more prey parties, uh huh." she beams, and today cannot be any better for her (knowing that at the very least, now she can catch her own prey for her parties). Today she had gotten a mentor, today she would join Doompaw in the apprentice den, today she showed Zappaw that she wasn't a little crybaby.

She was Pearlpaw now, and NOTHING could ever stop her!

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 4 months
    -> kitten at skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like milk & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
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In his experience, not all meetings were particularly eventful, but there were quite a few important announcements to be made this time in particular.

The massive feline seats himself upon large haunches supported by broad shoulders. His head tilts back, watching with a steady amber gaze as Blazestar commences the news — ThunderClan claims to have found the cure for the illness spreading around the clans. Slate had heard the rumors as soon as word got back to camp and, while he couldn't deny that this was good news, he hoped that ThunderClan didn't expect any favors or debt for their discovery. They were so proud and boastful as it was.

He had also heard the news of a new warrior code being implemented at this moon's gathering, though a frown tugged upon his maw once Blazestar announced it officially. Slate had always fed himself first — wasn't filling one's own belly a top priority? He knows from experience how poorly a cat hunts on an empty stomach. This new "rule" concerns him, so much so that the tip of his tail twitches in visible discontent. He was a big tom who needed to get his fill every morning, so was Blazestar saying that he would be breaking a law if he continued to do so? Puh. Whose stupid idea was this, anyway?

His harsh glare now fixes onto Brightpaw, the foolish and cotton-headed apprentice that had pranced off on her own and only added to SkyClan's building reputation of a clan of clueless trespassers. Blazestar is right to deprive her of her warrior name when she hadn't earned it. She would have been demoted to the rank of kit if he were in charge!

Anyway, Brightpaw is served her punishment and the meeting moves onto more run-of-the-mill things like ceremonies. He observes, though only half-listening as his brain festers upon the earlier announcements. Slate was feeling rather hungry at the moment... perhaps he'd go catch himself a meal after they were all dismissed. Or would that be breaking the rules?
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anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The obsidian-furred male stayed further back, away from everyone—at least he tried with Lostmoon plastered to his side like a parasite and Jaggedstorm not too far away. He bit back a sigh, flank rising and falling dramatically, drawing a sad laugh from the queen, but it was something other than the eerie quietness that rubbed his fraying nerves raw.

He blinked, peeling tired molten hues towards Blazestar, torn ear flickering at the mention of a cure, something he’d been present, but his mind remained muddled, blending into the shadows. Something he’d done more than he’d care to admit since Yukio’s death that sent jabs to his heart, drawing a pained grunt from the older warrior.

A torn ear perked, molten copper narrowing at the newly added law. He hummed, tossing a glance towards Lostmoon’s bulging stomach, no doubt he’d be giving birth any week now. The thought alone sent the older male brimming with nervousness, wondering if he’d have to say goodbye to another grandchild.

Shaking his helm, Duskpool watched with a half-lidded optic, dark lips curled in a frown at the mention of Shadowfire, watching Brightpaw with a heavy heart. She shouldn’t have to go through this if he hadn’t—Duskpool shook his helm, tearing his gaze away from them. Shadowfire had been worried for the apprentice, talking about them coming from a stupid trip to the fortress injured.

He let out a subtle sigh, glancing at Lostmoon, who shifted to lean against his mate, watching the meeting with a curious optic. He bit back a wince, knowing the curious feline would talkin’ his ear off once the meeting ended. Not that he minded. It would be a pleasant distraction from the pulling exhaustion that weighed heavily on his frame.

A torn ear flickered, optic crinkling at the newly made apprentices. He wondered how they’d do, watching as they touched noses until Pearlkit was called forward, now Pearlpaw. He couldn’t help the smile that adored darkened lips. He was so so proud, but he couldn’t help the swell of bitterness pooling into his gut as he watched his daughter. He didn’t cheer with the rest, but it was normal for the deadpan tom to remain silent, merely watching from afar as his clanmates rejoiced.

Duskpool watched with a flick of his wooly tail as Hazel stepped forward to claim her warrior name. He shifted, wondering just how ready the other was, but made no move to comment, instead dipping his head in acknowledgment.

He caught sight of Pearlpaw’s gaze, optic crinkling with pride. You’re gonna do just fine, kiddo. He couldn’t help but think. He shifted, smiling softly at the call of his name. “Hey there, kiddo.” He rumbled, soothing yet monotonous. Duskpool reached to ruffle her helm, darkened lips curling into a subtle grin. “Not yet, sweetheart, but you’ll get there.” He grunted, molten copper humorous, but he otherwise hummed, curling a wooly tail around her frame. “Just make sure ya listen to your mentor, ya hear?” He rumbled, turning to stare at Coyotecrest with a crinkled brow before his attention flickered to the newly made apprentice.

“Sure thing, kid.” He began. “We can have all the prey parties ya want.”
thought speech
  • Love
Reactions: pearlpaw

At the familiar sound of Blazestar's call, Howlfire joined her clanmates below the Highbranch. She sits neatly and curls a tail around her paws, listening raptly as her father begins. He makes a few simple announcements first. As expected, the sickness is mentioned first, with Blazestar confirming the news that a cure had been found. It was reassuring to hear, and Howlfire breathed a sigh of relief, feeling glad that hopefully there would be no more losses now that they knew how to properly treat it.

The following announcement made her shift a little bit. Howlfire respected the warrior code, but the mention of it still made her uneasy from time to time, unable to shake the connection its very creation had with her family. As she listened, she nodded her head to the new addition. "Sounds fair," Howlfire muttered quietly. Certainly the weaker members of the clans would be all the better for it.

Next came the announcement of new apprentices and a new warrior, but not before Brightpaw's punishment was mentioned. Howlfire had heard how the younger apprentice had been caught on the ThunderClan border, jeopardising the peace so soon after Yukio's incident. Her punishment did seem a bit harsh but Howlfire supposed it was fair enough in the circumstances. As the new apprentices are named and given mentors, Howlfire brightens when Coyotecrest is assigned Pearlpaw as his apprentice. She looks for him nearby and gives him a smile when he goes to formally greet Pearlpaw. Soon it would be her time to take an apprentice. It's a daunting prospect but she also looks forward to passing on the knowledge from her three mentors to her future charge.
He had intended to arrive punctually for the meeting, but an unforeseen bout of digestive troubles delayed him briefly. The bedraggled feline hurriedly followed the tail end of the crowd, all gathered around their leader, Blazestar. He carefully navigated his way through the assembly as the ragdoll continued speaking.

As the aforementioned tom began introducing a new law, Dog settled down. White haunches stark to the ground as he looked up in contemplation. Oh? Well, that does make sense in times like these. He thought, briefly reflecting before quieting his mind.

Dog absentmindedly nodded along as Brightpaw received their punishment, a small frown forming on his scarred face since this was entirely new to him. He rolled his one good eye at the situation but remained attentive as the leader proceeded with the ceremony, including discussions about changing names.

Their frown deepened when Hazel's name change was mentioned, sparking a flurry of questions in his mind. He had to exert self-control to refrain from voicing them immediately. I can change my name? This concept intrigued the former loner, offering him much to consider.

They lazily waved their tail back and forth, returning his full attention to the ongoing ceremony with eager anticipation.

The red tabby settles in for another meeting beneath the Highbranch, his head craned upwards as he listens to Blazestar's voice boom from above.

Greeneyes sits with little expectation once more, however, this meeting holds more news than the last - almost more than the multitude of apprentice ceremonies last meeting, it feels like.

And while he wasn't there to hear the news as it broke, mention of a cure for the plague - for the... yellowcough, is it? Greeneyes finds himself momentarily relieved the medicine cats haven't declared it greenercough - has been floating from cat to cat in murmured gossip already.

The warrior is glad that confirmation is brought forth by Blazestar's words, an answer in the form of lungwort. Hope rises in him at the idea of the plague ending soon - at a potential end to SkyClan's recent wave of tragedy. Greeneyes makes a note to speak with Fireflypaw after the meeting, to try to get an idea of what this lungwort looks like so he can keep an eye out for it.

Ears twitch at the news of a new code, and its creation seems fair enough. Those weakest among the clan need all the strength they can get right now. Greeneyes can wait a little longer to eat in the day, he thinks.

Brightpaw is given punishment, another event that Greeneyes had only heard word of. Four moons seems like an awful long time, so close to one's warrior ceremony, but the tom supposes it's probably one of the better punishments Brightpaw could have received for crossing into ThunderClan's territory the way she had done.

Soon, the round of news is over, and ceremonies begin. It's a much smaller group than the last, luckily - only three this time. Surprise strikes Greeneyes as Tiggerbounce is named as Aspenpaw's mentor - a trial, Blazestar clarifies - only to be washed with a different form of surprise when Pearlpaw is assigned to Coyotecrest.

Is it really time for Coyotecrest to become a mentor, already? He supposes so - the cream-coated warrior is only a few moons younger than him.

"Cinderpaw! Aspenpaw! Pearlpaw!" Greeneyes chants the new apprentices' names, nearly stumbling over the tongue-twister that is Pearlpaw's name change.
Blazestar waits for Hazel to proclaim, “I do, Blazestar!” With SkyClan’s new laws regarding joiners, there is more weight put into these vows, he feels. Hazel has seen sickness plague the camp, has watched even daylight warriors perish from yellowcough, has seen brutal and bloody deaths that never should have come to pass. Still, her eyes glow as she proclaims she wishes to become a warrior, and the SkyClan leader nods.

Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Hazel, from this moment on, you will be known as Hazelbeam. StarClan honors your enthusiasm and your initiative, and we welcome you as a daylight warrior of SkyClan.” He leaps from the Highbranch, landing softly before the newly-named Hazelbeam. He rests his chin upon her head—or what he can reach of it, strange accessory aside—and steps backward. “Hazelbeam, Hazelbeam!

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

She's quick to join her Clan as they gather under Blazestar's call, unusual pep in her step signifying a rare day of little pain for the deputy's bad leg. Orangeblossom takes her place at the base of Highbranch, plumy tail sweeping around her legs as she turns to face her Clan to listen and to watch.

She hadn't been there when Flamewhisker had arrived to announce the illness' cure, but she had been there when the illness - yellowcough - had been given its name officially at the Gathering. Regardless, she's relieved to hear that it is something can be healed; but brown eyes slide briefly to the place where Tallulahwing should have been and her heart aches. Tallulahwing should have been here with them. Would they have been able to save her if the cure had been found sooner? Orangeblossom catches sight of her mother among the crowd, a small nod passed in Alice's direction if the dappled molly meets her eyes, but all she can wonder is if her kin would all make it through this.

The second announcement, of Cicadastar's new proposal to the code, is one she does not worry over. It had been quickly accepted by the other leaders; and now, with its' addition to SkyClan's laws, Orangeblossom's tension around the topic is mollified by the fact that none of her Clanmates express immediate dissent. Good. They may struggle in the throes of leafbare without ensuring their warriors' strength, but for now when prey is plentiful and SkyClan has the hunters to spare, she wholly agrees. It's almost a shame the nursery will be nigh empty after this meeting.

Speaking of agreeing ... Orangeblossom inclines her head just slightly as Brightpaw's punishment is delivered. She has full belief that Johnnyflame would shape her into a warrior worthy of a name; and, as the grey-furred apprentice scurries out of her sight, Orangeblossom wonders darkly if four moons is all she will need.

But there are kinder ceremonies to be had.

"Aspenpaw! Cinderpaw! Pearlpaw!" The deputy crows, making sure the newest apprentices could hear her pride for them. They aren't her own, but they are SkyClanners all the same. She knows Momowhisker will be a good mentor, and she has faith in Coyotecrest. Tiggerbounce ... not so much, though she decides to choose kindness for once and reserve judgement for this moon. Aspenpaw would be a forgiving apprentice.

Orangeblossom falls silent again, listening intently as Hazel is called forward. Orangeblossom hasn't spoken personally to the chipper young warrior, but the other SkyClanners speak highly of her so far and the deputy is curious to follow her progress. Blazestar must have been doing so, however, for she is named Hazelbeam and welcomed as a fully-named daylight warrior of SkyClan.

"Hazelbeam! Hazelbeam!" Orangeblossom cheers, though it's more authority than friendliness this time which marks her meow.

Blazestar had a lot to say most of the time. Edenpaw didn't really mind because they also had a lot to say! It was only fair that if they got to talk a lot, he should get to talk a lot too. He was the leader after all! Peering up at that silly little perch with a small, well-meaning smile, Edenpaw could make out the pale fur of Orangeblossom and with some small amount of disappointment, realized the berry Apple Stem had smushed into her face had not lingered long enough to stain that pink nose much. Bah! What a boring old molly...

Perhaps it wasn't best practice to zone out for half of a meeting but based on the leering stares at Brightpaw, that apprentice had gotten into big trouble...

But there were ceremonies to be had and that was what the white and black apprentice preferred to be present for anyways. The celebrating and cheering! It had made them feel especially welcome when they had first joined so it felt right to return that enthusiasm! And who better to be celebrating than the cool, mysterious kitty pet- oh, sorry... not a kitty-pet anymore! DAYLIGHT WARRIOR!


"WOOO!!! Hazelbeam! Hazelbeeaaaammmmm!!!"

Having more apprentices in the den would be nice (which made it all the more important that they'd fought for one of the best spots of course...), but they weren't nearly as invested in the clan's kittens as they were in the grown ups... Grown ups were just so much smarter and cooler. Except... Mallowlark. That guy had put some sort of evil hex on them... Was that StarClan approved, really? They were still kept up at night worrying about it sometimes!

"Hooray for SkyClan," they chime, flicking a bobbed-tail in excitement.​

Maybe she is a little nervous on what the name will be. Just a smidge, a tiny bit. It was something she'd be called going forward and so she hoped it would resonate with her and have some kind of meaning that fit. Not that she thought Blazestar would pick a bad one or boring one, it was just an irrational fear of sorts she supposed. Every apprentice probably felt similar when recieving their own name and this was her warrior ceremony in a way. A little different than most, but the same anxiety induced waiting game all the same. Hazel is not aware she is frowning until she finally hears the ragdoll speak and at last it is done...
She is given her new name and she is smiling wider than she thought possible, proving it apt immediately and beaming in approval. Hazelbeam, Hazelbeam, it had such a lovely sound and had such thought put into it - she almost wants to cry with how much joy it brings her to hear it. Blazestar had picked well, she was honored. The newly named daylight warrior glanced about to her fellow SkyClanners at their cheers, testing the sound of her newly bestowed clan name and filling her with delight; she could barely remain still, shifting her paws in a teetering dance back and forth in her excitement.
"I won't let you down, I won't let any of you down."
Kittypet or not, she liked it here, she wanted so desperately to fit in, to help, to do what she could; nothing was going to change that now - the name was her pact with the clan. The ritual was complete. Whether SkyClan knew it or not, Hazelbeam was here to stay.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Green eyes trail skyward until his gaze lands upon the glowing form of Blazestar. Perched there upon high branch skyclan's leader calls for yet another meeting. Gingerly, Coyotecrest stands to his paws, quietly ambling forth until he stands amongst the crowd. Cream ears rotate at the news. Hopefully this lungwort would be plentiful enough to stave off the sickness within the clan and diminish the disease altogether. Especially with how easily it spreads. The last thing he wanted was to catch it, or worse, Howlfire. He wouldn't know how to feel if she became sick. She'd been such a beacon of light in his life recently. Eyes of frosted evergreen find his paws momentarily before glancing back up at the sound of his name.

Mentorship? Blazestar was appointing Pearlpaw to him. A hearty flicker of surprise plasters his features, although he is truly honored by the to be picked. Dipping his head with a formal nod to his leader he turns to seek out his new apprentice. Spotting Howlfire's brightening demeanor within the crowd he returns her smile before walking forward. Nervousness bubbles beneath the surface as he closes the gap, although his expression softens at Pearlpaw's eagerness. He hoped to teach her all that he knew, windclan's brutality excluded. He would never subject her to such hostile tactics. "We will begin your training in the morning." He murmurs, lowering his head to touch noses with the smaller molley. Afterwards he watches her run off to Duskpool.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Jealousy writhes around in Cocoshine's chest like a headless snake at the mention of her brother being given an apprentice. A grimace that could be mistaken for a half-smile tugs at her maw. The cheer she brings forth is for Cinderpaw, not Momowhisker, and if it were possible for her to swamp him with contempt he would have drowned in the feeling already. When Hazelbeam's own turn comes, Cocoshine takes special care to raise her voice loudly with the others "HAZELBEAM! HAZELBEAM!" She hopes he knows she would have never cheered like this for him when he'd gained his own name.

The tortoiseshell point finds her gaze lingering when she spots the freshly named daylight warrior among the crowds. Any among them could be competition, but there is none like the type she feels for the other daylight warriors- especially her own brother. It's funny to think about. Just a moon or two ago she'd thought better of herself for not spending time with all of the dirty and violent forest cats, and now she fights for her place among them. 'It's for my own image' she tells herself in a constant stream of reassurance 'you need not lose yourself like all the others.' She's probably staring, she realizes, and she snaps her gaze back up to Blazestar in an expectant manner of what else there is to come.