OVER MY HEAD [ dizzy spell ]

Jun 11, 2023
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
One of his first patrols outside of the camp. Excitement tingled through his toes up to his shoulders with each step. Greeneyes was on his flank, other cats around them in preparation for the hunting patrol. Hunting patrol- Falconpaw was unsure of his balance, but cats had been giving him reassurances that he looked plenty steady. Maybe that was all in his head, then. A deep inhale followed as they continued to pad out into the cooling pines.

Needles had dropped, ones that weren't healthy, but it wasn't something he would be looking forward to- no, perhaps a keepsake of his first trip out after survival. Eyes swept the ground as thoughts continue to churn. Getting sick- watching Lupinepaw get cured before him, and leaving the den, while he continued to sink into sickness. The trek to and from Shadowclan, which had really done him in. And when the lungwort had actually reached camp- he wasn't sure if he had hallucinated any during the time he was sick- but there were definitely nightmares, wasn't there- by the time the lungwort had reached camp, there was tears in Fireflypaw's eyes.

A brief sigh left him, and he turned, his nose leading him to what smelled like the worn down nest of a mouse, but something was rustling in the burrow. And as he slowly settled into a hunting stance to ghost forward over the ground, something... unnatural occurred.

Taking one, then two steps forward, Falconpaw began to wobble, his eyes squeezing shut. It felt like the whole world was turning upside down and spinning, and before he could right himself, Falconpaw was falling over swiftly, his shoulder glancing off of a particularly abusive root. He grunted in pain, moving to push himself up only to fall back over, floundering in position. Cotton was in his ears, any words directed at him unheard for a few moments.

// @GREENEYES mentor tag

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
❪ TAGS ❫.Cloverjaw padded along dutifully. He his eyes scanning for prey. The tom's whiskers twitched with every rustle of a leaf or fern. He crouched low, belly pressing into the cool dirt around him. His tail strained to stay off the ground, but with paws as large as his he needed to be quite... a flicker of movement. There! A mouse! The tom stilled, watching it with expert eyes. His claws unsheathed. Not daring to blink, he moved as quickly as he could, contoring his body this way and that to prevent his fur from dragging on the ground. His nose twitched. The mouse nibbled on whatever it was eating. It didn't matter, so it would be his clan who was eating.
A heavy stomp made both predator and prey freeze. The next, spurred the mouse into action. It bolted into the under growth, Cloverjaw after it. "Dang it!" He hissed, paws pounding after the mouse sending ripples of movement around him. This is what I get for hunting with apprentices!
The mouse drove into a hole in the middle of a tree's gnarled roots. Cloverjaw stuck a paw in after it, but found no purchase.
"Come on! Really?" He snarled. The normally clam tom's tail flicked. He couldn't help it! He was so close!
Looking around to find the loud-pawed colpret, he spoted the waving form of his clan mate. Eyes narrowed he padded up to the smaller tom. He sighed sharply.
"Close, but you have to make sure your paws a bit more..." He started sternly, but not angerly. His eyes meet Falconpaw's distant ones. He pursed his lips. "Falconpaw?" His voice was full of concern now. "Falconpaw!" Quickly leaning against the apprentice in an attempt to stabalize him, Cloverjaw would attempt to lead the youngster to the ground.
"Hey. Hey. Stay with me." He mewed, looking around for other cats. "Someone get Fireflypaw!"

Greeneyes is excited to have Falconpaw beside him on patrols again, though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about it.

From his understanding, Falconpaw was among SkyClan's sickest, nearing a journey of his own — one the apprentice is far too young to make, one that would leave Greeneyes searching for yet another star in the sky.

The lead warrior knows Falconpaw is regaining more strength with every day that passes, but was it too soon to have him take part in a patrol? Others are more certain in the tom's health than Greeneyes could ever really be, encouraging him to take part in the hunting patrol.

So, Falconpaw must be fine enough. He hopes. He can't hold his apprentice back forever, anyway.

One moment, Falconpaw is by his side. The next, he is not. Greeneyes assumes he's caught a scent trail — a natural assumption for a hunting patrol. The lead warrior let him go up ahead previously in their training, and he supposes now shouldn't be any different. Falconpaw is strong enough to be here. And he's older now, closer to warriorhood than he was two moons ago. He should be able to follow his own scent trails by now without Greeneyes lingering nearby.

Perhaps he's wrong in that assumption — for not listening to his worries — as nearby shouts reach his ears. Falconpaw. He fears the worst as his paws rush toward the sound of Cloverjaw's voice; he fears another avian attack on his apprentice like moons prior, having to bury another to talon-born strikes.

"Falconpaw?" he calls, paws staggering to a stop when he finds him slumped over on the ground, Cloverjaw huddled over him. His heart stutters, eyes wide as he looks to the warrior for explanation, though there isn't time for one.

Get Fireflypaw, he says, and Greeneyes doesn't hesitate, doesn't question whether or not he should stay with his apprentice, to wait while someone else gets the medicine cat. Falconpaw needs help now.

A swift nod is given to the warrior before he's off, racing back towards camp to retrieve Fireflypaw.
  • // @Fireflypaw

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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
Fireflypaw is seated outside of the medicine den when Greeneyes rushes through the entrance to camp and over to him, his breaths coming out in sharp pants- proof that he had been running beforehand. Had something happened? Did someone die again? Was someone sick? He only had one stalk of Lungwort left, he couldn't.. He couldn't risk- but no, Greeneyes informs him that Falconpaw has fallen while on a hunting patrol. Fallen over? Perhaps he was dizzy from lack of food, or perhaps the newfound cold in the air was causing him some sort of new illness. He turns on his heels instantly, rushing into the medicine den to grasp hold of a few herbs before he rushes back out to join his friend.

"Take me to him." Fireflypaw is quick to follow after Greeneyes, milky blues focused intensely on the path in front of him. He swerves around trees expertly, ducking under bushes and stepping over branches he's known to be there for a long while. When the two of them arrive on the scene, Fireflypaw rounds on Falconpaw and sniffs at him urgently, trying to scent for any injuries that could make him fall over. "What's going on? Dizziness? Headache? Tell me." He asks softly, patiently- determination in his eyes. If there was dizziness, he didn't know what to do about that. He'd have to get Dawnglare for that, and even then.. Dawnglare would probably just make Falconpaw rest in the medicine den until he felt better, right?

Turning back to the patrol, Fireflypaw gives them a nod. "Help him back to camp. We're going back to the medicine den."
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Cloverjaw's words were quiet in his ears, and slowly the world came back into focus. He moved to shake his head, but the sudden wobble in his body was definitely not helping with that. His eyes squinted, then scrunched closed. Cloverjaw's body was against him, having helped him safely to the ground. Greeneyes had come, then went- Fireflypaw. I can't burden him anymore. Falcon thought to himself, thoughts reaching the seal point with a heavy amount of doubt.

He inhaled deeply. "I'm okay- I'll be fine." Falconpaw attempted to push himself to his paws, only managing to find himself in a sitting position before it became too much again. The medicine apprentice was there, determination in his eyes- unlike the worry felt in Falconpaw's gaze. His frown twisted gently, before he decided to answer truthfully. There was no point in lying to someone to had been around him for a month, right? "Dizzy." Falconpaw finally answered, vision lifting slowly towards Greeneyes.

And then he felt sick- not actually, but sick to his stomach in the thought that he'd be falling behind even more. If this was going to become normal... Stars, he wasn't sure he could bear it. He inhaled deeply, vision moving back towards the two warriors. "Help me." He finally mumbled. With either Cloverjaw's- or both his and Greeneye's help- he'd push to his paws, heading back for camp.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS