camp OVER MY HEAD [ patrol assignments ]

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

With Howling Wind healing in the Medicine Den, that left her and Flycatcher to assign the patrols for today. With everything that was going on, especially now that she knew she was expecting kits, she had quickly offered to take the task. She needed to think about something other than that right now. The lead warrior would pad to the center of the camp, like she had seen the brown deputy do many times before. She would curl her tail over her paws, and shake out her pelt in an attempt to keep out the cold, crisp air. Her eyes gleamed with more confidence than they had during the past several days...even though she was nervous, she would put on a brave face. "Good morning everyone, I will be assigning the patrols today while Howling Winds rests."

"Flycatcher, I want you to take Leafshade and Finchcatcher to take the dawn patrol along the Skyclan and Riverclan borders."

"Nightbird, I want you to patrol the Windclan, Shadowclan, and Loner Lands border. Please take Barkjaw and Kindleheart with you."

"Emberstar, I heard you wanted to lead a dusk patrol today. If you could take Raccoonstripe and Rabbitnose with you to the Skyclan and Riverclan that would be awesome." it felt strange assigning the leader to a patrol.

"I will be taking Blackmoon and Covecatcher to patrol the Windclan, Shadowclan, and Loner Lands border at dusk."

"Hollow tree, Cobwebtail, and Little Wolf I want you each to take out a hunting patrol today. You may choose who you take."

"Berryheart, Stagstrike is yours for today if you need some help gathering herbs."

"Badgerstrike and Wolfwind, I want you to hold a sparring session. I think it would be a good idea to give everyone a little refresher on their battle training. Thank you."

Dawn Patrol on Skyclan board @Flycatcher @Leafshade @FINCHCATCHER
Dawn Patrol on Windclan board @nightbird @Barkjaw @KINDLEHEART
Dusk Patrol on Riverclan board @emberstar @RACCOONSTRIPE @Rabbitnose
Dusk Patrol on Shadowclan board @BLACKMOON @covecatcher
Hunting Patrols @Hollow Tree , @COBWEBTAIL @LITTLE WOLF
@BERRYHEART and @Tybalt [Stagstrike] herb gathering
@Badgerstrike and @WOLFWIND sparring session

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Pausing to listen to Flamewhisker dole out the day's patrols, Tybalt was surprised to hear himself being assigned to gather herbs with Berryheart. He didn't know the medicine cat very well, or at all, really. And he couldn't tell a herb from a common weed. Still, he supposed it would be at least an interesting change of pace. He looked towards the tortoiseshell and nodded. "Ready whenever you are," he said with a shrug.

Cove appears out of nowhere as Flame begins to list off names, waiting patiently as she listens. And, oh, what do you know! Her name was called, how exciting! She blinks kindly, nodding her head and smiling at the patrol leader. She was glad Flame seemed to have that pep in her step back, it was nice to see. "Okay!" comes her chime, still excited at the prospect of visiting near the marsh border. Part of her wonders if Shadowclan was truly, truly as bad as they say but she decides not to dwell on it and so she'll return to do whatever she was doing to pass the time.
✦ ★ ✦
( ☄. *. ⋆ ) It's strange to hear Flamewhisker issuing the patrols, a task Howling Wind has taken up ever since she was promoted to ThunderClan deputy. The tabby warrior struggles to listen to his lead warrior, brushing thoughts of his mother's recovery from his mind as he often has to do. She's strong. She'll be fine. StarClan wouldn't take two of our kin from us in one moon.

Flamewhisker assigns him to the RiverClan border with Emberstar and Rabbitnose. His own whiskers twitch. He wonders if it means anything that his higher-ups have assigned him on a patrol with the leader herself...

He straightens and shakes his long striped pelt out. "Great. I'll be ready when you are, Emberstar." He realizes then he'll be expected to take Sloepaw with him, and he has to stifle an outward groan. He hadn't signed up to take a little shadow, especially one formerly a house pet, but he won't do anything to make him look bad to Emberstar or Flamewhisker now...

With Howling Wind in the medicine den, it had fallen to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher to pick up some of her duties around camp. Well it seemed like Flycatcher would be handling more of it for most of Howling Wind's recuperation, as Flamewhisker had recently revealed she was expecting kits. For today though Flamewhisker is giving out patrols, and Flycatcher listens intently to where he might potentially be going. A dawn patrol bro SkyClan. Well that ought to be an interesting one after what happened. He could only hope things would remain peaceful despite the tension between the two clans . "Got it," Flycatcher nods, before looking for Leafshade and Finchcatcher in the crowd.

She felt heavy like she was buried in snow. So much had happened and it was a heavy weight. Leaf-bare is not kind. Hollow Tree was worried about the prey, grieving for Morningpaw, and now Howling Wind was in the medicine den till further notice. Starclan, please let us make it through leaf-bare without further loss.

Her mind was clouded, lost in deep thought. Snapping out of it as cats began to leave for their patrols. Hollow Tree swallowed hard, her throat sore from the icy wind. “Understood, Flamewhisker.” she began to ponder on who she should take on patrol. Gathering herself, she began to walk away.
[ well i didn't tell anyone, but a bird flew by . tags ]