no angst over & over we go 𓆝 exploring

[ pls wait for @PEBBLEPAW !! this is for a pike :3 ]

Splashpaw enjoys her time with her friends, just as anyone would. Cascadepaw and Turtlepaw are kind to her, Dizzypaw gifts her trinkets, and Pebblepaw talks with her (despite his sister clearly disliking her...) It's obvious how many cats detest her being here, but sometimes its better to dwell on the few who like her, or in the least don't mind it. She's drafted onto a patrol with one of the aforementioned apprentices, Pebblepaw, as they take a slightly closer look at the now abandoned twoleg camp.

She erred closer to Lakemoon on the walk over, however with every new pawstep she makes, she finds herself gaining in Pebblepaw instead. Eventually they're walking stride for stride, and she takes on the idle chatter whilst the patrol remains wary of twolegs and other predators potentially still lurking about.

"Hey," she hums, blue gaze flicking over some of the items left behind. She doesn't investigate any closer, figuring her mentor would let her know when it was safe to. "If somethin' happened, you wouldn't leave me behind, right?" Splashpaw asks her friend. She means it as a jest, but as the words leave her maw she realizes just how serious it sounds. She tries to recover, "I mean - if a whole bunch of fish flopped ashore, you wouldn't leave me out of hunting them down?" Did that save them from any awkwardness? She doesn't think so. ​

() the tabby boy hums softly to himself as he pads along the river's edge, white tufted ears flicking softly as he listens to the idle conversation between his clanmates. foxtail has been assigned to go investigate the abandoned twoleg camp, and as his apprentice, pebblepaw accompanies him, along with those others selected, including lakemoon and her new apprentice. splashpaw's dark fur is almost blue in the sunlight, the white strewn across her face highlighting her river-blue gaze as it shifts every which way. riverclan raised, if not quite born, pebblepaw is well versed in his territory, but it strikes him that the former shadowclanner is new to the tall grasses and willows that line the bank. her pine swamp homeland must be very dissimilar to the territory she now finds herself.

as the patrol nears the area that once housed so much danger, he finds the soft pelt of his friend brushing ever so slightly against his as she matches his pawsteps. he offers a soft smile, flicking his tail. "heya," he'll answer, coppery eyes meeting clear blue. as she continues, the question strikes something odd inside of him, and his ears push back slightly, until she clarifies her meaning. leave her behind? he can't imagine leaving any of his friends behind.

(he resolutely doesn't think about kindling leaving him and his siblings at the border, nor does he think about shellpaw's kidnapping, and the attempts of kindling to steal back himself and riverpaw too. he definitely doesn't picture her white frosted tail vanishing into the night as she abandons him once more.)

"obviously not!" he murmurs instead, bumping splashpaw playfully with his hip. "you'd be one of the first i'd tell!"

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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.