no angst OVER THE GARDEN - hunting patrol

Aug 14, 2023
Today had started beautifully with the sun glimmering brightly and the frigid air just a touch more forgiving. She had been tasked with a hunting patrol and had intention to bring them near the outskirts of the Owl Tree. Snow still clung to the ground in winding mounds and chilled her with every heavy pawstep. Keeping to the tree's she brushed past snow-dipped conifers. Pale blue gaze staying alert while her bulbous tail waved in ease. There were many mouths to be fed this moon, plus she needed to show off necessary skills to her student, but with the new law in place the moggy would have to wait.

Peering back to the group of cats behind her she chirrups as her silken paws ease to a halt. "Ready to get started?" It was less of a question and more of an encouragement. There was much to be done and plenty of hungry bellies to be filled. Her bright eyes gleamed over her shoulder and with a friendly nod she urges her fellow hunters to fan out.

Anyone able is welcome to join the hunt!
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Snow crunches under his paws, still left over from the other day when it had rained down from the sky. Leaf-bare was slowly but surely on its way out, for which Burnstorm is thankful for. He enjoys the cold, it is a nice respite from the oppressive heat that comes along with green-leaf, but he does not enjoy the empty bellies, the constant worry that what he brought back wasn't going to be enough. Today he patrols with Honeydapple, his apprentice, and whoever else had decided to accompany them. "Ready when you are" comes his gruff, impatient, reply. Sometimes he preferred hunting alone, or with just Roeflame. It made things way less complicated, not having to wait on others, but he supposes that would get lonely, after a bit. He liked hunting with his friends too, after all.

"Alright Badgerpaw" he says, turning to his apprentice. "You'll be a warrior soon so show me what you've got" a lot of the young cats training had not been done by him, and once again he finds himself in a position where he must guess at what they know and don't know. Still, he is determined to ensure his apprentice ends up as a warrior that would make ThunderClan proud.

// apprentice tag @badgerpaw

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